1. 程式人生 > >Nokia 收購 Trolltech後乾的第一件好事,Qt 專門的 IDE—— Qt Creator 預覽版釋出!

Nokia 收購 Trolltech後乾的第一件好事,Qt 專門的 IDE—— Qt Creator 預覽版釋出!

from: http://trolltech.com/developer/qt-creator/

Qt® Creator™ is a new, lightweight, cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) designed to make development with the Qt application framework even faster and easier.

Tailored specifically to the needs of Qt developers creating cross-platform applications
Focuses on features that boost developer productivity without getting in their way
Open and extendable; integrates familiar tools and file formats

The final release of Qt Creator is planned for early 2009. 



很好很強大, 期待正式版帶來更多驚喜!