1. 程式人生 > >"win10連線和斷開電源的時候螢幕會黑一下"的解決方案


開啟電源選項–更改計劃設定– 更改高階電源設定
Intel(R) Graphics Settings –
Intel(R) Graphics Power Plan –
在 使用電池 和 接通電源 這兩項選擇 Maximum Performance(最佳效能) or Balance – 確定 – 儲存修改 – 大功告成。


  • 節能指降低效能,降低對電源的需求。
  • 高效能則相反,加大對電源的需求,因為高效能就會產生高功耗,高功耗就會加大電量和電源的使用。
  • Intel(R) Graphics Power Plan就是英特爾電力圖形設定計劃,接通電源狀態都是平衡或維持平衡狀態,也就是電力不足時自動充電,保持電腦電力平衡。

Windows 10 provides the following default plans:

  • Balanced - Offers full performance when you need it and saves power when you don’t. This is the best power plan for most people.
  • Power saver - Saves power by reducing PC performance and screen brightness. If you’re using a laptop, this plan can help you get the most from a single battery charge.
  • High performance - Maximizes screen brightness and might increase PC performance. This plan uses a lot more energy, so your laptop battery won’t last as long between charges.
  • Custom power plan - These are only available if either your PC manufacturer (OEM) provided additional power plans, and/or you create a custom power plan. These are available to all users.