1. 程式人生 > >安卓APP無法顯示admob谷歌廣告,顯示Received error HTTP response code: 400

安卓APP無法顯示admob谷歌廣告,顯示Received error HTTP response code: 400


  1. Check for your device's ad space available(also check for padding and margin) then compare the ad size table above and choose the right value that suites. ex., if your device has 300dp width then change adSize value as 300x150 to get ads and also adjust these values for better ad presentation.
  2. If you created the AdUnit id newly in Admob, the admob server is taking bit time to review & approve your native ads template. So wait for some time and try again (approx 1-2 hrs). Meanwhile make sure that your code complies with all the above 4 point
    如果你剛剛在AdMob新建了廣告 ID,AdMob的伺服器是以點時間來審查和批准你的原生廣告模板。所以,等待一段時間再試一次(約1-2小時)。