1. 程式人生 > >navigationbar 的背景顏色和圖片(老外的部落格)

navigationbar 的背景顏色和圖片(老外的部落格)

How about a nice navigation bar without default iPhone gradient or with a beautiful background image? Lets do it! The thing we’re going to do in both sub-solutions is to override UINavigationBar drawRect function with a help of category. As you may or may not know categories helps us to add additional functionality to an existing classes even if we can’t access their source directly. For more information read

Extending Classes in Objective-C With Categories.

UINavigationBar category

First, as I mentioned before, lets override drawRect method with our own. I usually drop this code at the bottom of my application delegate, but you may want to be more organized than that.

1 2 3 4 @implementation UINavigationBar (UINavigationBarCategory) - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { } @end

At this point if you run your application (just don’t forget to actually have UINavigationController with visible navigation bar in it) navigation bar will look like.. em.. black rectangle. It means we successfully taken over the control of it’s drawing method and can move further.

Solid color background

So I’ve heard you hate gradients? Since, we’ve already have UINavigationBar in our hands, we can draw a rectangle over it. A nice gray rectangle! Enough of gray already? Okay, red rectangle it will be..

1 2 3 4 5 6 - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { UIColor *color = [UIColor redColor]; CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); CGContextSetFillColor(context, CGColorGetComponents( [color CGColor])); CGContextFillRect(context, rect); }

And just look at our results! Amazing!

But aren’t we forgetting something? We’re not done here yet. Remember that iPhone uses UINavigationBar property tintColor to style buttons in navigation bar, so unless we want blue buttons in red background (just think about poor eyes of your application users!) we need to alter our code a little bit.



How about a nice navigation bar without default iPhone gradient or with a beautiful background image? Lets do it! The thing we’re going to do in both s

Java 給PDF文件設定背景顏色背景圖片

如題,這篇文章主要介紹如何在Java應用程式中給PDF文件設定背景顏色和背景圖片。 使用元件: Spire.PDF for Java 下載Spire.PDF for JAVA包並解壓縮,然後從lib資料夾下匯入Spire.Pdf.jar包到Java應用程式中。 原PDF文件如下:


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fun function repeat eat lib chan func 1.5 ++ 在項目開發中經常遇到要選擇的按鈕,選擇完之後被選擇的按鈕的背景色會發生變化,表示被選擇 樣式圖如下: 每點擊一個數字,相應的背景色變為藍色,其他的依舊是白色,先用JavaScript


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技術的提高是需要日積月累的努力,除了看書看視訊外,一個很有效的提高方法當然就是閱讀大牛的部落格文章了,所謂聽君一席話,勝讀十年書,雖然讀大牛的文章沒有這麼誇張,但也可以讓你解決技術上的一些難題,可以學習大牛的學習方法和思維方式,受益匪淺! 接下來會介紹一些 AI 和深度學習方面的部落格。 原文:Must-

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要知道對話方塊也算是一種控制元件,所以這個訊息功能很強大. 1.在選項卡1對話方塊中右鍵屬性->訊息->選擇WM_CTLCOLOR 如圖: 其中hbr是預設的畫刷,如果想改變對話方塊的背景顏色可以直接改變hbr即可. HBRU