1. 程式人生 > >Myeclipse匯入專案提示已存在(Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace)

Myeclipse匯入專案提示已存在(Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace)


1、Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace

2、Some projects were hidden because they exist in the workspace directory
1、修改專案名:右擊--- refactor --- rename 或 F2

2、開啟專案中.project檔案 --- 修改<name>projectName</name>

3、工作空間並不存在同名專案,定是還有地方記錄了之前的工程資訊,可能是。。。找到:\xxxxxxxx\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects 資料夾,刪除同名資料夾。