1. 程式人生 > >Race to conquer the red planet could lead to war, killer robots and ruin Earth's ecology

Race to conquer the red planet could lead to war, killer robots and ruin Earth's ecology

Human colonisation of Mars is not the answer in saving our species and ensuring our long term survival, a retired philosopher has claimed. Adam Morton worked for the University of British Columbia and says the migration to other planets could be disastrous for mankind's longevity. In an article for Newsweek he revealed it could bring about biological and nuclear warfare on both Earth and the red planet, the emergence of killer robots and the ecological ruin of our original home. Adam Morton worked for the University of British Columbia and says the migration to other planets could be disastrous for mankind's long-term survival. Professor Morton said that if one nation succeeded in moving to Mars they may trigger a war on Earth as other countries grow suspicious of their motives.