1. 程式人生 > >Selenium Webdriver 3.0 釋出了 (1)

Selenium Webdriver 3.0 釋出了 (1)

準備寫一些關於 webdriver 3.0 相關的文件,這裡是第一篇,也是一篇譯文,是關於selenium官方的一個釋出說明

"We are very pleased to announce the release of Selenium 3.0. If you’ve been waiting for a stable release since 2.53.1, now’s your chance to update. And if you do, here is what you’ll find:"

我們非常高興的宣佈 Selenium 3.0 正式釋出了. 如果你一直在等待2.53.1之後的一個穩定的版本,現在是更新的時候了. 並且如果你更新到了3.0,你會發現:

"As we’ve said before, for users of the WebDriver APIs this is a drop-in replacement. You’ll find that modern browsers, such as Chrome and Edge will continue to work just as before, and we’ve taken the opportunity to fix some bugs and improve stability. Selenium Grid users may require updates to their configuration as the json config file format has been updated, as have some of command line parameter options, but the upgrade should also be smooth. 


正如我們之前說過,對於 Webdriver API 的使用者們來說這是一個不會被察覺的替換,你會發現一些當前的瀏覽器比如Chrome和Edge會繼續正常工作,並且我們修復了一些bug去提高穩定性.而對於Selenium Grid使用者,他們或許需要更新一些設定因為Json配置檔案已經更新了.因為有一些命令列引數選項,但是整個更新流程應該會很順暢

"The major change in Selenium 3.0 is we’re removing the original Selenium Core implementation and replacing it with one backed by WebDriver. This will affect all users of the 

Selenium RC APIs. For more information, please see the previous post."

Selenium 3.0 最主要的變動在於 我們刪除了原來的Selenium Core 實現並用Webdriver替換了它,.這將會影響所有Selenium RC API 的使用者們,更多資訊請訪問這裡

"A lot has changed in the 5 years between versions 2 and 3. When we shipped Selenium 2, the Selenium project was responsible for providing the driver for each browser. Now, we are happy to say that all the major browser vendors ship their own implementations (AppleGoogleMicrosoft, and Mozilla). Because the browser vendors know their browsers better than anyone, their WebDriver implementations can be tightly coupled to the browser, leading to a better testing experience for you."

版本2和3之間的5年很多東西變了,當我們釋出Selenium 2 的時候,Selenium專案的目的是為每一個瀏覽器提供驅動支援.現在我們很高興看到現在所有主流的瀏覽器提供商釋出了他們自己的驅動實現.因為瀏覽器提供商比任何人都更瞭解他們的產品.他們的WebDriver實現可以和他們的瀏覽器更緊密的耦合,這將會給你們帶來更好的測試體驗.

"The other notable change has been that there is now a W3C specification for browser automation, based on the Open Source WebDriver. This has yet to reach “recommendation” status, but the people working on it (including members of the Selenium project!) are now focusing on finishing the text and writing the implementations."

另一個值得宣佈的變動是現在有了基於開源的WebDriver的瀏覽器自動化的W3C標準. 這個標準還沒有達到“推薦”的標準 不過致力於此的人正在專注於完成文件編寫和實現驅動

Mozilla has been a front-runner in implementing the W3C WebDriver protocol. On the plus side, this has exposed problems with the spec as it has evolved, but it also means that Firefox support is hard to track as their engineering efforts have been forward looking, rather than on supporting the current wire protocol used by Selenium WebDriver. For now, the best advice we can offer is for you to try the latest release of geckodriver and Selenium together.

Mozilla公司一直是實現W3C WebDriver協議的先驅,從好的方面說,隨著標準的發展這會暴露標準本身的問題,但這也同樣意味著因其相較於支援當前SeleniumWebDriver所使用的協議的前瞻性,Firefox的支援很難被追蹤. 目前我們真摯的建議你應該一起使用最新版本的 geckodriver和Selenium (此段翻譯不佳,有待商榷)

"These are exciting times for browser automation! Selenium 3.0 is a major release and we’re looking forward to improving things further, as well as tracking the ongoing work of the W3C spec. Our goal is to keep the changes your tests need to deal with to an absolute minimum, to continue preserving the hard work that’s gone into writing your existing tests. "

對於瀏覽器自動化來說這是個令人興奮的時代。Selenium 3.0是一個重大的釋出並且將來我們還會有更多的改進,與此同時我們也會持續進行W3C標準的工作。我們的目標是保持你需要處理的變動的絕對最小化,繼續保留那些你為既有的測試工作所做的艱苦的工作

"As a personal note, I’d like to say thank you to each of the many people that have worked so hard to make Selenium 3 possible. That’s not just the developers and contributors to the Open Source project (past and present), but also the engineers from Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, and Apple, and everyone involved with the W3C spec. I’d also like to say thank you to everyone who’s taken the time to report bugs, our users and our community. The project is great fun to work on and you’re the reason for that. A final thank you is due to the Software Freedom Conservancy, who have provided invaluable help with the logistics of running a large OSS project."

我個人而言,我想感謝那些致力於使Selenium 3.0 變得可能的人們。不僅僅是開源專案的開發者和貢獻者(過去和現在)還有同樣來自Google Microsoft Mozilla 以及Apple的工程師們 以及所有參與W3C標準的人。 我還要感謝那些花時間提出Bug的人,我們的使用者和我們的社群. 這是一個充滿樂趣的專案 而你就是這個專案的原因。

最後我要感謝自由軟體管理機構,它在執行OSS(open source software)專案發麵提供了寶貴的幫助。