1. 程式人生 > >python隨機選取10000張圖片並複製到另一個資料夾中


# author by LYS 2017/5/24
# for Deep Learning course
1. read the whole files under a certain folder
2. chose 10000 files randomly
3. copy them to another folder and save
import os, random, shutil

def copyFile(fileDir):
    # 1
	pathDir = os.listdir(fileDir)

    # 2
	sample = random.sample(pathDir, 10000)
	print sample
	# 3
	for name in sample:
		shutil.copyfile(fileDir+name, tarDir+name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
	fileDir = "/home/lys/img_align_celeba_png/"
	tarDir = '/home/lys/celebA/'
遇到的問題:  shell命令列下for迴圈內部要有四個空格;回車兩次for迴圈執行;copy檔案時,目錄最後要有/,否則直接把檔名字新增在了目錄後面,更改路徑