1. 程式人生 > >Device chain in Chain Description File does not match physical device chain expected 2 device(s) but found 1 device(s)

Device chain in Chain Description File does not match physical device chain expected 2 device(s) but found 1 device(s)

Error:Device chain in Chain Description File does not match physical device chain -- expected 2 device(s) but found 1 device(s)


 ( http://www.altera.com/cgi-bin/ts.pl?fn=jtagprog&hi=6-150) Can't configure device. Expected JTAG ID code for device , but found JTAG ID code Verify the following: 1. If you only have a single device in the JTAG chain, the device in the chain must correspond to the programming file's targeted device. 2. If you have more than one device in the chain, the programming files should target the correct devices. The order of the devices in the Chain Description File (CDF) must match the order of the devices in the physical chain. The first device in the programmer is the first device in the chain. You can click on the Auto Detect button in the Quartus® II Programmer to check the order of the devices in the physical JTAG chain. Even if you want to bypass a device in the physical JTAG chain, you must include the device in the CDF. To bypass an Altera® device: a. Choose Add Device (Edit menu, or from the programmer window toolbar). b. Select the device from the correct family and check the box. c. Click OK. The device will be added to the CDF. To bypass an non-Altera device: d. Choose Add Device (Edit menu, or from the programmer window toolbar). e. Choose New and enter the necessary information for the device. f. Click OK. The device will be added to the CDF. Make the necessary changes and try to program/configure your device(s) again. 看了上面的後我都不自已新增器件了,全用”AUTO Detect” 檢測到器件後不從 “Add File”中新增源程式,單擊後面檢查到的器件中“File”欄下所對應的“none”便可以了。注意在這之間不要刪除自動檢查到的裝置,如果有的器件你不需要寫程式,在“Program configure”欄下中對應的器件不選中即可。如果因不想對某個器件寫程式而刪除它的話就會出現錯誤。