1. 程式人生 > >機器人領域的SCI期刊介紹


        現在很多大學和研究所都開展了機器人研究,對於博士生,有些單位要求發表SCI論文才能畢業。我統計了機器人學科的SCI期刊資訊(排名不分先後)。由於影響因子會變動,我沒有列出,大家如果需要可以到期刊官網或SCI網站查詢。我只列出了最相關的部分,還有一些比如 Journal of Field Robotics 這樣的針對某一具體方向的期刊沒有統計,歡迎大家繼續補充。

1.   Autonomous Robots

     雙月刊,無版面費,但彩色圖片收費。(Online publication of color illustrations is free of charge. For color in the print version, authors will be expected to make a contribution towards the extra costs.)

     接收範圍:報道實際機器人在非結構環境中的表現和效能,包括機動性、自主效能和智慧行為。主要針對自給自足的可移動機器人(尤其是仿生機器人)的控制、學習、感測器融合、自修復和自複製智慧系統。文章最好包含機器人在真實環境中的效能資料,只有模擬資料被接收的概率較低。接收會議論文的擴充。文章長度不能超過75000字元。(Papers which have previously appeared in conference proceedings will also be considered, and this should be so indicated at the time of submission. Papers should be no longer than 75,000 characters, including spaces. Each figure is equivalent to 2000 characters. Papers longer than the limit may be returned without review.)

     期刊簡介:The primary goal of Autonomous Robots is to report on the theory and applicationsof robotic systems capable of some degree of self-sufficiency. Thus, the journal is aimed at the growing trend in robotics toward mobility, intelligenceand autonomy in an unstructured world. This trend has been made possible bysmall, inexpensive, high-performance computers. The term `robot' implies thatthe systems described here are capable of performing purposeful behaviors in the real world. They obtain inputs from the world through sensors and act uponthe world through actuators. The connection between sensing and actuation maybe simple signal processing or it may involve complex decision making, goal interpretation and other aspects of reasoning. Most autonomous systems displaysome form of mobility: on land, under water, in the air or in space. The mobility may make use of wheels, legs, fins, rotors or other actuators. Thefocus is on the ability to move and be self-sufficient, not on whether thesystem is an imitation of biology. Of course, biological models for robotic systems are of major interest to the journal since living systems are prototypes for autonomous behavior.  Autonomous robots must be able to perform in the world. Hence, publication preference will be given to paperswhich include performance data on actual robots in the real world. Papers whichinclude only simulation results will be considered for publication, but with alower priority. Such papers should also include a section entitled `The path to implementation', where the transition from simulation to real world is discussed.

      Papers published in these pages will report on original research in such areas as:

    •        Control of autonomous robots
    •        Real-time vision
    •        Autonomous wheeled and tracked vehicles
    •        Legged vehicles
    •        Computational architectures for autonomous systems
    •        Distributed architectures for learning, control and adaptation
    •        Studies of autonomous robot systems
    •        Sensor fusion
    •        Theory of autonomous systems
    •        Terrain mapping and recognition
    •        Self-calibration and self-repair for robots
    •        Self-reproducing intelligent structures
    •        Genetic algorithms as models for robot development.

     2.   Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics

    季刊,版面費自願繳納(前9頁作者可自願選擇,每頁75美元;超過9頁的部分強制收費,每頁200美元),文章字數不得超過9000字,否則強制收費。(The first 9.33 pages of an article selected for publication are assessed a voluntary page charge of $75per printed journal page. Should an ASME Journal paper exceed the standardlength of 9 printed pages, the lead author will be assessed a mandatoryexcess-page charge of $200 per page for each page over 9 pages.)


     期刊簡介:The ASME Journal of Mechanismsand Robotics publishes research contributions to the fundamental theory, algorithms and applications for robotic and machine systems. Scope: Theoretical and applied kinematics, innovative manipulator design, walking machines, mechanical hands, grasping, fixturing, compliant mechanisms, electro-mechanical systems, andarticulated systems ranging from micro-and nanometer dimensions to large scalespace structures.

     3.   Robotics and Autonomous Systems

     月刊,免費(RAS has no page charges),沒有字數和頁數限制。


     期刊簡介:Robotics and Autonomous Systems will carry articles on the theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of autonomous systems, or modules of such systems. Application environments ofinterest include industrial, outdoor and outer space where advanced robotictechniques are required for autonomous systems to accomplish goals without human intervention; this includes robotics for hazardous and hostileenvironments. Robotics and Autonomous Systemswill carry brief reports on international meetings in the field, as well as anoccasional multi-author debate on current topics of interest. Forthcoming meetings of importance will be listed.

      In more detail, the journal will cover the following topics:

    • symbol mediated robot behavior control;
    • sensory mediated robot behavior control;
    • active sensory processing and control;
    • industrial applications of autonomous systems;
    • sensor modeling and data interpretation, pattern recognition;
    • robust techniques in AI andsensing e.g. uncertainty modeling, graceful degradation of systems;
    • robot programming e.g. on-lineand off-line programming, discrete event dynamical systems, fuzzy logic;
    • CAD-based robotics e.g.CAD-based vision, reverse engineering;
    • robot simulation andvisualization tools;
    • tele-autonomous systems;
    • micro electromechanical robots;
    • robot control architectures;
    • robot planning, adaptation andlearning.

     4.   Robotica

     每年8期(Robotica is published as eight Issues per Volume),免費(No page charge ismade),無頁數限制。


     期刊簡介:Robotica aims to be an outlet for publication of original papers of the highest quality in the field of Robotics and closely related areas. This includes: novel robotic mechanism and actuator design; robot kinematics, dynamics and control; computer vision;sensor fusion; teleoperation and haptic interfaces; robot motion planning; and artificial intelligence. In addition, papers that apply techniques from Robotics to other fields are also welcome. Examples include dynamics and control models applied to biological systems, the description of implementations ofrobots in factories, service and agricultural settings, and general mechatronic design. Works may be theoretical, computational or experimental, or somecombination. Both short papers (rapid communications), and longer archivalpapers are welcome. Proposals for special issues on topics of current interestare welcome, and can be submitted via email to the editor.

     5.    Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems



     期刊簡介:The Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems bridges the gap between theory and practice inall areas of intelligent systems and robotics. It publishes original, peerreviewed contributions from initial concept and theory to prototyping to final product development and commercialization. On the theoretical side, the journal features papers focusing on intelligent systems engineering, distributed intelligence systems, multi-level systems, intelligent control,multi-robot systems, cooperation and coordination of unmanned vehicle systems,etc. On the application side, the journal emphasizes autonomous systems, industrial robotic systems, multi-robotsystems, aerial vehicles, mobile robot platforms, underwater robots, sensors,sensor-fusion, and sensor-based control. Readers will also find papers on realapplications of intelligent and robotic systems (e.g., mechatronics,manufacturing, biomedical, underwater, humanoid, mobile/legged robot and spaceapplications, etc.). To facilitate the selection of referees, and to ensure that the submitted paper is fairly dealt with, authorsare requested to indicate into which of the following categories their papers fall:

    1. Artificial Intelligence/ExpertSystems/Knowledge−Based Systems Applications.
    2. SystemsModelling/Simulation/Control/Computer−Aided Design
    3. Robotic Modelling/RobotControl/Teleoperation/Moving Robots, etc.
    4. Signal Estimation/Signal Processing/Image Processing/Information Processing
    5. Intelligent Systems/Intelligent Control/Fuzzy Control/Prosthetics/Robot Motion Planning
    6. Robotic Sensing/Drives−Actuators/Man−Machine Interaction and relatedtopics
    7. Robot Vision/Computer Vision
    8. AI in Robotics and Manufacturing/FMS−CIM/AutomationApplications
    9. Decision Support Systems andapplications to management and economics
    10. Database Systems/Conceptual Modelling/Intelligent Interfaces/Intelligent Database
    11. Communications and Multidimensional Signals Applications

      6.   International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

       月刊,接收會議論文的增補,但必須擴充50%以上,頁數在6到12頁之間。會員版面費75美元每頁,非會員100美元。(If your article is based on aconference paper which may have been published elsewhere, please make sure tofollow the following recommendations: The article you are submitting is to berevised, re-drafted and expanded so it differs substantially from theconference paper or presentation it is based upon (the revised version must begiven a new title and must include no less than 50% additional, new andunpublished material).)(Manuscript length should be 6 to12 pages. InTech can exceptionally accept shorter or longer manuscripts, providedthat the scientific content is of high value. Additional page charges may belevied if a manuscript is substantially longer than 12 pages.)


     期刊簡介:The journal is addressed to both practicing professionals and researchers in the field ofrobotics and its specialty areas, academia, PhD students looking for the latest and most advanced research efforts in domains pertaining to robotics, and other technology experts interested in accessing the novelties introduced and developed in all robotics sciences. Covering all aspects of and within robotics, the International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems provides its readers with an in-depth source of scientifically validand peer-reviewed references. The journal presents topic-related articles tocover a wide array of research areas within robotics, giving the audience access to complementary research not easily attainable elsewhere.

       7.   International Journal of Robotics and Automation
       接收會議論文的擴充。免費,每年4期,頁數限制:8頁,超出部分每頁收費100美元(If it exceeds 8 printed pages, thereis a charge of $100.00 (US currency) per additional page)
        期刊簡介:Our journals publish the following types of manuscripts:
  •  Original, unpublished papers
  •  Extended and enhanced versions of papers presented at conferences
  •  Surveys
       8.   Advanced Robotics
      無審稿費和版面費,但彩色圖片收費,每年24期。(There are no page charges for Advanced Robotics)
      期刊簡介:Advanced Robotics is the international journal of the Robotics Society of Japan and has a history of more than twenty years. It is an interdisciplinary journal which integrates publication of all aspects of research on robotics science and technology. Advanced Robotics publishes original research papers and survey papers from all over the world. Issues contain papers on analysis, theory, design, development, implementation and use of robots and robot technology. The journal covers both fundamental robotics and robotics related to applied fields such as service robotics, field robotics, medical robotics, rescue robotics, space robotics, underwater robotics, agriculture robotics, industrial robotics, and robots in emerging fields. It also covers aspects of social and managerial analysis and policy regarding robots.


       能在這些期刊上發表論文說明你的工作還是比較出色的。當然也別驕傲,再好的期刊也會有價值低的論文,我就見過一些。機器人領域的頂級期刊有2個:IEEE Transactions on Robotics 和 International Journal of Robotics Research,分別簡稱TRO和IJRR。這兩個期刊審稿很嚴格很難中,錄用率極低,如果你是研究生想快速發論文早點畢業儘量不要投,你可以選擇咱們國家的《機械工程學報》英文版和《中國科學》的英文版,它們都是被SCI檢索的(不過隨著國內灌水的增多,它們有被踢出去的可能)。如果你能在 TRO 或 IJRR 上發表文章,那說明你非常厲害或者做的東西非常有創意。這兩個期刊的論文可以當敲門磚,憑它進入一些知名的單位,比如中科院自動化研究所,清華大學,上海交大。感興趣的話可以看看這些單位的研究員和教授都發表過什麼級別的論文。例如清華大學的劉辛軍,我們看看他在哪些期刊灌過水:6篇Robotica、7篇Mechanism and Machine Theory、1 篇Robotics and Autonomous Systems、1 篇International Journal of Robotics Research、1篇Robotics and Autonomous Systems等等。看完也不要妄自菲薄,追求潮流總是好發文章,比如早期做並聯機器人的。低排名的期刊上的文章未必低水平。
        我還沒有聽說過國內在研究生期間能在TRO 和 IJRR 上發表論文的人,不過香港倒是有這樣的人才,比如香港城市大學的陳劍,這是他的畢業論文:Multi-Robot Formation Control: A Receding-Horizon Leader-Follower Framework.