1. 程式人生 > >Python3爬蟲:爬取大眾點評網北京所有酒店評分資訊




  1. 解析頁面:使用正則表示式和BeautifulSoup兩種方式,一般情況都可以使用正則表示式,除非需要分辨特定使用者的評論。
  2. 儲存內容:酒店資訊(id和名稱)儲存在“hotel_dianping.txt”中,酒店的評分資訊儲存在“id_name+comments.txt”中

Talk is cheap, show me the code.

import re
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

aim_url = "http://www.dianping.com/beijing/hotel"
basic_url = "http://www.dianping.com"
hotel_file = 'hotel_dianping.txt'

def download_page(url):
    # 偽裝請求頭部    
    # 有了Cookie不怕不讓爬
    headers = {
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.101 Safari/537.36'
, 'Cookie':'_lxsdk_cuid=15eea339434c8-0d2cff6b34e61c-c313760-100200-15eea339434c8; _lxsdk=15eea339434c8-0d2cff6b34e61c-c313760-100200-15eea339434c8; _hc.v=cec4c6d7-039d-1717-70c0-4234813c6e90.1507167802;\ s_ViewType=1; __mta=218584358.1507168277959.1507176075960.1507176126471.5; JSESSIONID=48C46DCEFE3A390F647F52FED889020D; aburl=1; cy=2; cye=beijing; _lxsdk_s=15eea9307ab-17c-f87-123%7C%7C48'
, 'Accept':'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', 'Host':'www.dianping.com' } data = requests.get(url, headers=headers).content # 轉換編碼 data = data.decode('utf-8') return data # 獲取並存儲酒店資訊(id, name) def getHotelInfo(hotel_file): # 網站上顯示酒店頁面有50頁,事實上,只能爬取13頁,之後的頁面為空 for i in range(1, 51): page = download_page(aim_url) # 如:"action": "click","content":"/shop/8025450","title":"速8酒店" re_result = re.compile(r'"action": "click","content":"(.*?)","title":"(.*?)"').findall(page) txt = "" for x in re_result: txt += x[0] # /shop/(/d)+格式 txt += ' ' + x[1] # 酒店名稱 txt += "\n" writeToFile(hotel_file, txt) print("第%d頁OK....." % i) i += 1 # 下一頁的網址 aim_url = "http://www.dianping.com/beijing/hotel/p" + str(i) # 往檔案中寫content def writeToFile(file_name, content): with open(file_name, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as fp: fp.write(content) # 獲取每個評論頁的所有評論 def getScore(page): # 對於評分需要使用BeautifulSoup,直接使用正則表示式無法判斷資料是哪個使用者的 score_list = [] soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser') comment_rst_list = soup.find_all('div', attrs = {'class': 'comment-rst'}) # 對於各個使用者的評論 for comment_rst in comment_rst_list: rst_list = comment_rst.find_all('span', attrs={'class': 'rst'}) # 記錄某個使用者的各項評分,預設為零,前五項分別是房間、位置、服務、衛生和設施,最後一項為冗餘項。 single_score_dic = {0:0, 1:0, 2:0, 3:0, 4:0, 5:0} # 對於各個型別的評論 for rst in rst_list: comment = rst.getText() type_ = comment[:2] score = comment[2] if type_ == "房間": single_score_dic[0] = score elif type_ == "位置": single_score_dic[1] = score elif type_ == "服務": single_score_dic[2] = score elif type_ == "衛生": single_score_dic[3] = score elif type_ == "設施": single_score_dic[4] = score else: single_score_dic[5] = score score_list.append(single_score_dic) return score_list # 中文字元和英文、數字佔用的空間不同,為了輸出顯示友好,user_name不能簡單的以%30s格式輸出 def setProperFormat(user_name): re_result = re.compile(r'(\d|[A-Z]|[a-z]|\_)').findall(user_name) len_eng = len(re_result) total_len = len(user_name) len_cha = total_len - len_eng real_len = len_eng + len_cha * 2 blank_len = 30 - real_len txt = "%s" % (" " * blank_len + user_name) return txt # 獲取每一條評論 def getEveryComment(hotel_file): # 開啟hotel_file檔案 with open(hotel_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp: num_hotel = 1 # 對於每家酒店 for line in fp: # 獲取酒店url, id和name hotel_url = line.split(' ')[0] hotel_name = line.split(' ')[1][:-1] # 去掉最後的'\n' hotel_id = hotel_url.split('/')[2] # 設定儲存使用者評論的檔案的檔名 store_file = "%s_%scomments.txt" % (hotel_id, hotel_name) # 存入header txt = "%12s%12s%30s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s\n" % ("hotel_id", "user_id", "user_name", "rate_room", "rate_position", "rate_service", "rate_health", "rate_facility", "rate_others") writeToFile(store_file, txt) # 獲取評論頁url business_url = basic_url + hotel_url + '/review_more' page = download_page(business_url) # 計算出評論頁數 total_comments = re.compile(r'全部</a><em class="col-exp">\((\d+)\)</em>', re.DOTALL).findall(page) print(total_comments) pages = int(int(total_comments[0]) / 20) + 1 # 對於每一頁的評論 for n in range(1, pages+1): comment_url = business_url + '?pageno=%s' % n print(comment_url) page = download_page(comment_url) # 如:<a target="_blank" title="" href="/member/1158824000">HpointK</a> # (id, userName) user_info = re.compile(r'<a target="_blank" title="" href="/member/(\d+)">(.*?)</a>', re.DOTALL).findall(page) score_list = getScore(page) txt = "" try: for i, info in enumerate(user_info): txt += "%12s%12s" % (hotel_id, info[0]) txt += setProperFormat(info[1]) txt += "%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s\n" % (score_list[i][0], score_list[i][1], score_list[i][2], score_list[i][3], score_list[i][4], score_list[i][5]) except Exception as e: print(e) print(len(user_info)) break # 每次往檔案中寫網頁中的評論 writeToFile(store_file, txt) print("第%d頁已儲存,共%d頁" % (n, pages)) break print("第%s家酒店的評論已儲存", num_hotel) num_hotel += 1 break getHotelInfo(hotel_file) getEveryComment(hotel_file)