1. 程式人生 > >ReactNative——問題:Unable to resolve module 'AccessibilityInfo'...doesn't exist in the Haste module map

ReactNative——問題:Unable to resolve module 'AccessibilityInfo'...doesn't exist in the Haste module map


Unable to resolve module 'AccessibilityInfo' from '...\node_modules\react-native\Libraries\react-native\react-native-implementation.js': Module 'AccessibilityInfo' does not exist in the Haste  module map





執行:npm install [email protected]


ReactNative——問題Unable to resolve module 'AccessibilityInfo'...doesn't exist in the Haste module map

RN工程執行報錯: Unable to resolve module 'AccessibilityInfo' from '...\node_modules\react-native\Libraries

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React Native: Unable to resolve module 'accessibilityinfo'

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react-native 500 Unable to resolve module 'AccessibilityInfo', when trying to create release bundle.

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Unable to resolve module 'AccessibilityInfo' 的解決方案

最近在研究React Native APP 開發,但是按照官方給出來的搭建方案建立了一個AwesomeProject後, 執行 react-native run-android 安裝Android APP後卻是一屏大紅幕報 Unable to resolve modul

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with n-n pin sta pack nod pda ping eps Add rn-nodeify to your devDependencies in package.json: "devDependencies": { "rn-nodeify": "^6.

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1.基本原因:因為版本的不同使得EventEmitter層級目錄發生變化,而最終導致無法找到該檔案 2.解決方法步驟如下:       a.首先先安裝EventEmitter   npm install EventEmitter       b.如果還報錯的話,試著

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React-Native Image載入本地圖片報錯error: bundling failed: Error: Unable to resolve module

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