1. 程式人生 > >英文郵件禮儀:向教授請教學術問題



一個好的標題,要能簡潔地概括郵件的目的或內容。如果你對教授的某個研究專案感興趣,就可以用這個研究方向作標題,例如"Deformation and fracture of hexagonal close-packed metals"或者"Fabrication of semiconductor through chemical vapor deposition"等等。然後在郵件的正文裡,可以談談你對這個方向如何感興趣,你有什麼相關的學術背景,還有你對這個研究領域的任何見解。

如果你對教授的某一篇文章很感興趣,並且你的郵件正文裡要談到這篇文章,那麼用這篇文章的標題作為郵件的標題也是個不錯的主意。如果文章的標題過長,可以把它壓縮 一下。

此外,還有人喜歡用一種開門見山式的標題,比如"Inquiry into graduate admission of fall 2011"。這種標題我本人沒有嘗試過,不知道效果如何,有興趣的同學可以自己去嘗試。最後,我想說的是,套磁信的標題並沒有一定之規。大家不要拘泥於我 上面提到的這幾種,一定要勇於創新。

在主題中包含course number ,"Question about 3009 assignment" 或者"question about English 2011 essay."聽起來很真實,而"a question"看起來像垃圾郵件。"Question about English assignment" or "question about assignment," without identifying the class you're in

, may leave your professor with the chore of figuring that out. For someone teaching large lecture classes, that might mean reading through hundreds of names on rosters. But even for a professor with smaller classes, it's a drag to get an e-mail that merely says "I'm in your English class and need the assignment." All your English professor's classes are English classes; she or he still needs to know which one is yours.


Salutations matter. The safest way to start is with "Dear Professor So and So" (using their last name). That way you won't be getting into the issue of whether the prof has a Ph.D. or not, and you won't seem sexist when you address your female-professor as "Ms." or, worse yet, "Mrs. This and That."

Choose an appropriate greeting. "Hi/Hello Professor [Blank]" is always appropriate. Substitute "Dear" and you've ended up writing a letter; leave out "Hi" and your tone is too brusque(無禮).



然後,如果是你主動寫電子郵件給別人的話,那就以你寫此郵件的目的開頭。例如,"I am writing to enquire about …"或是"I am writing in reference to …"在電子郵件開頭澄清你的來意非常重要,這樣才能更好的引出郵件的主要內容。
正文的第一句話必然是介紹自己。這句話必然要遵循這個格式:My name is *** (全名),and I am …例如: My name is Jeremy Bentham, and I am a graduate student at the Queen’s College, Oxford.



清楚簡潔是最好的。你的教授每天會收到 25-30 封郵件,所以如果你的問題很簡潔明瞭那是最好的(一般把問題一條條列出來比較好) 。如果你不能快速直達主題,對方就會在讀你郵件的半途上對它失去興趣。因此,迅速切入主題。

這個部分遵循的法則叫做“消極的禮貌”(negative politeness)。常用的策略有:主動提及對方非常非常忙碌,可能沒有時間滿足自己的請求(也就是給對方一個臺階);多用if句;多用過去時態。


1. 多用I was wondering if(一定要用was,而不是I wonder或I am wondering)。

[打交道多了,可以不必拘泥於此。例如也可以說I wondered... 甚至shall we... 如果是自己的導師,或者工作往來很密切的教授,一天到晚說“I was wondering if”,過分禮貌,其實也挺奇怪的。]

    多用would it be possible,以便從語法上規避直接牽涉到“人”,這樣可以減輕對方的壓力。例如:(隱含的意思在括號裡,但不可明寫出來)

  Would it be possible (for you) to arrange an appointment (for me) some time?

2. 避免使用I want和I would like,實在要用,就用I would love。最壞最壞,也要用I wanted代替。





Ask politely. "Could you e-mail me the page numbers for the next reading? Thanks!" is a lot better than "I need the assignment."

“What great news! I'd be thrilled to meet with you 。。。”
“Would it be convenient to 。。。“
”Yes, it would certainly be fine to 。。。”
“Would you prefer to 。。。”
“I look forward to it with great pleasure and thank you for your efforts and time.”
“Thank you for the very kind XXXX. I was touched by your thoughtfulness, and assure you that it was wholly my pleasure to xxxx. I'm delighted to know that 。。。。
”Thanks for all of your effort and service to xxxx. It's been a pleasure to work with you and I'm looking forward to the results of your xxxx"
" I hope you had a very good Spring break in spite of this much appreciated work that you've done for...."
"I'm looking forward with great pleasure to working with you on xxxx"
“ I hope this email finds you well..."
" We're honored and grateful for your support ..... and eagerly look forward to your thoughts ....."



你可以"Thank you for your patience and cooperation."或"Thank you for your consideration."

開始接著寫,"If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let me know." 及"I look forward to hearing from you."
結尾必然要感謝。最正式的表達是: Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you. 

Thank you for your kind cooperation.如果你需要讀者幫助你做某事,那就先得表示感謝。
Thank you for your attention to this matter.與以上的類似,本句包含了你對對方將來可能的幫助表示感謝。
Thank you for your understanding.如果你寫到任何會對讀者產生負面影響的內容那就使用這句句子吧。 
Thank you for your consideration.如果您是在尋求機會或是福利,例如你在求職的話,就用這封郵件結尾。
Thank you again for everything you've done.這句句子可以用在結尾,和以上有所不同。如果你在郵件開頭已經謝過了讀者,你就可以使用這句話,但是因為他們的幫助,你可以著重再次感謝你們的付出。


Signoffs and signatures count. Always end by thanking the professor for his or her time, and closing with "Best wishes" or "Regards" (or some other relatively formal, but friendly, closing). And always sign with your (entire) real name, not some wacky nickname like Ry-Ry or Biff.
最後的簽名很重要。每封郵件最後都要感謝教授抽出時間來幫助你,並以“Best Wishes、Regards”來結尾。(或者其他相關的正式語,但是要用友好的語氣。)然後簽上你的全名,而不是什麼暱稱,就像Ry-Ry 或者 Biff。

落款之後的正式禮節問候是:Sincerely; Best wishes; Best regards。其他的都不甚正式。

最後是寫上合適的結尾並附上你的名字。"Best regards," "Sincerely,"及"Thank you,"都很規範化。

最好不要用"Best wishes,"或"Cheers,"類的詞因為這些詞都常用在非正式的私人郵件中。

[熟了之後就可以多姿多彩了,例如可以寫:Best, Cheers, Regards, See you soon, Nice weekend, 云云。或者學我們一個心理測量學家,寫:Make sense. 不過,最常用也最百搭的一個或許是:Thanks. 儘管你可能根本沒有提出請求,也可以用這個,謝什麼呢?——謝謝對方花時間讀了你的郵件。]

“Best wishes“
“With very best wishes”
“With all best wishes”
"With warm regards"
“With thanks and best regards“
"with very best wishes and much gratitude" (gratitude....-_,-)
"Best regards for a great weekend"
“With warm regards for a sunny and relaxing break”
“I hope you're all enjoying an excellent break”
"I'm grateful for you all, and wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving."


  Always acknowledge. If your professor deigns to answer—or send you the handout or reference that you asked for—be sure to tell him or her that you got it. That way he or she will think kindly of you next time they see you in class.


  Thank you very much for your explanation. It was great help. 
  Thank you for your prompt reply.當一個客戶或是同事很快就回復了你的郵件,一定記得要感謝他們。如果回覆並不及時,只要將“prompt”除去即可,你還可以說,“Thank you for getting back to me.”
  Thank you for providing the requested information.如果你詢問某人一些資訊,他們花了點時間才傳送給你,那就用這句句子表示你仍然對他們的付出表示感激。

  Thank you for all your assistance.如果有人給了你特別的幫助,那一定要感謝他們!如果你想對他們表示特別的感激,就用這個句子,“I truly appreciate … your help in resolving the problem.”Thank you raising your concerns.

  Thank you for contacting us.如果有人寫信來詢問公司的服務,就可以使用這句句子開頭。向他們對公司的興趣表示感謝。
  就算某個客戶或是經理寫郵件給你對你的工作提出了一定的質疑,你還是要感謝他們。這樣你能表現出你對他們的認真態度表示尊重及感激。同時,你也可以使用,“Thank you for your feedback.”

When you get a reply, say thanks. Just hit Reply and say "Thanks," or a little bit more if that's appropriate. The old subject line (which will now have a "Re:" in front) will make the context clear. I don't think that you need to include a greeting with a short reply, at least not if you refer to your professor in your reply. And you don't need to identify yourself by course number and meeting time again.

When you reply, you should delete almost everything of your professor's reply (quoting everything is rarely appropriate in e-mail). Leave just enough to make the original context clear.[這條大家可以探討一下]

So what would a good e-mail to a professor look like?
Hi Professor Leddy,
I'm working on my essay on William Carlos Williams and I'm not sure what to make of the last stanza of "Spring and All." I'm stuck trying to figure out what "It" is. Do you have a suggestion? Thanks!
Maggie Simpson
Eng 3703, MWF 10:00
And a subsequent note of thanks:
> "It" is most likely spring, or life itself. But have you
> looked up "quicken"? That'll probably make
> "It" much clearer.
It sure did. Thanks for your help, Professor.
Maggie Simpson


本來是覺得你不行,想拒絕你吧, 但那還不能直說。先把該感謝你的地方感謝了;緊接著扯一大堆廉價的讚美,把你誇得喜滋滋樂呵呵;再來個Unfortunately或者However一轉 折,下面就是壞訊息了;說完壞訊息還沒完,還要來個祝你好運之類的。





1. Greeting message 祝福
Hope you have a good trip back. 祝旅途愉快。
How are you? 你好嗎?
How is the project going? 專案進行順利嗎?
2. Initiate a meeting 發起會議
I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown. Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben.
I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A.
We’d like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30. Same time.
Let’s make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM SLC time.
I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the XXX project.
3. Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 諮詢資訊/反饋/建議
Should you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me know.
Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule.
Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon.
What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed?
What do you think about this?
Feel free to give your comments.
Any question, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Any question, please let me know.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Please let me know if you have any question on this.
Your comments and suggestions are welcome!
Please let me know what you think?
Do you have any idea about this?
It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the user’s behavior.
At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/issue.
4. Give feedback 意見反饋
Please see comments below.
My answers are in blue below.
I add some comments to the document for your reference.
5. Attachment 附件
I enclose the evaluation report for your reference.
Attached please find today’s meeting notes.
Attach is the design document, please review it.
For other known issues related to individual features, please see attached release notes.
6. Point listing 列表
Today we would like to finish following tasks by the end of today:1…….2…….
Some known issues in this release:1…….2…….
Our team here reviewed the newest SCM policy and has following concerns:1…….2…….
Here are some more questions/issues for your team:1…….2…….
The current status is as following: 1……2……
目前資料如下: 1……2……
Some items need your attention:1…….2…….
7. Raise question 提出問題
I have some questions about the report XX-XXX
For the assignment ABC, I have the following questions:…
8. Proposal 提議
For the next step of platform implementation, I am proposing…
I suggest we can have a weekly project meeting over the phone call in the near future.
Achievo team suggest to adopt option A to solve outstanding issue……
9. Thanks note 感謝信
Thank you so much for the cooperation

Thanks for the information
I really appreciate the effort you all made for this sudden and tight project.
Thank you for your attention!
Thanks to your attention!
Your kind assistance on this are very much appreciated.
Really appreciate your help!
10. Apology 道歉
I sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding!
I apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure the correctness of our implementation ASAP.


Olinger, A. (with assistance from Avineri, N. & Gray M.). Email Etiquette at the University. October, 2010.

from: http://www.cnblogs.com/wei-li/archive/2012/07/24/2606152.html