1. 程式人生 > >arcgis api for javascript 點聚合

arcgis api for javascript 點聚合



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://js.arcgis.com/3.23/dijit/themes/tundra/tundra.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://js.arcgis.com/3.23/esri/css/esri.css">
        html, body { height: 100%; width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
        #map{ margin: 0; padding: 0; }

        /* center the image in the popup */
        .esriViewPopup .gallery { margin: 0 auto !important; }

        // helpful for understanding dojoConfig.packages vs. dojoConfig.paths:
        // http://www.sitepen.com/blog/2013/06/20/dojo-faq-what-is-the-difference-packages-vs-paths-vs-aliases/
        var dojoConfig = {
            paths: {
                extras: location.pathname.replace(/\/[^/]+$/, "") + "/extras"
    <script src="https://js.arcgis.com/3.23/"></script>
        var map;





        ], function(
                parser, ready, arrayUtils, Color, domStyle, query,
                Map, esriRequest, Graphic, Extent,
                SimpleMarkerSymbol, SimpleFillSymbol, PictureMarkerSymbol, ClassBreaksRenderer,
                GraphicsLayer, SpatialReference, PopupTemplate, Point, webMercatorUtils,
        ) {
            ready(function() {

                var clusterLayer;
                var popupOptions = {
                    "markerSymbol": new SimpleMarkerSymbol("circle", 20, null, new Color([0, 0, 0, 0.25])),
                    "marginLeft": "20",
                    "marginTop": "20"
                map = new Map("map", {
                    basemap: "oceans",
                    center: [-117.789, 33.543],
                    zoom: 13

                map.on("load", function() {
                    // hide the popup's ZoomTo link as it doesn't make sense for cluster features
                    domStyle.set(query("a.action.zoomTo")[0], "display", "none");

                    // get the latest 1000 photos from instagram/laguna beach
                    var photos = esriRequest({
                        url: "data/1000-photos.json",
                        handleAs: "json"
                    photos.then(addClusters, error);

                function addClusters(resp) {
                    var photoInfo = {};
                    var wgs = new SpatialReference({
                        "wkid": 4326
                    photoInfo.data = arrayUtils.map(resp, function(p) {
                        var latlng = new  Point(parseFloat(p.lng), parseFloat(p.lat), wgs);
                        var webMercator = webMercatorUtils.geographicToWebMercator(latlng);
                        var attributes = {
                            "Caption": p.caption,
                            "Name": p.full_name,
                            "Image": p.image,
                            "Link": p.link
                        return {
                            "x": webMercator.x,
                            "y": webMercator.y,
                            "attributes": attributes

                    // popupTemplate to work with attributes specific to this dataset
                    var popupTemplate = new PopupTemplate({
                        "title": "",
                        "fieldInfos": [{
                            "fieldName": "Caption",
                            visible: true
                        }, {
                            "fieldName": "Name",
                            "label": "By",
                            visible: true
                        }, {
                            "fieldName": "Link",
                            "label": "On Instagram",
                            visible: true

                    // cluster layer that uses OpenLayers style clustering
                    clusterLayer = new ClusterLayer({
                        "data": photoInfo.data,
                        "distance": 100,
                        "id": "clusters",
                        "labelColor": "#fff",
                        "labelOffset": 10,
                        "resolution": map.extent.getWidth() / map.width,
                        "singleColor": "#888",
                        "singleTemplate": popupTemplate
                    var defaultSym = new SimpleMarkerSymbol().setSize(4);
                    var renderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(defaultSym, "clusterCount");

                    var picBaseUrl = "https://static.arcgis.com/images/Symbols/Shapes/";
                    var blue = new PictureMarkerSymbol(picBaseUrl + "BluePin1LargeB.png", 32, 32).setOffset(0, 15);
                    var green = new PictureMarkerSymbol(picBaseUrl + "GreenPin1LargeB.png", 64, 64).setOffset(0, 15);
                    var red = new PictureMarkerSymbol(picBaseUrl + "RedPin1LargeB.png", 72, 72).setOffset(0, 15);
                    renderer.addBreak(0, 2, blue);
                    renderer.addBreak(2, 200, green);
                    renderer.addBreak(200, 1001, red);


                    // close the info window when the map is clicked
                    map.on("click", cleanUp);
                    // close the info window when esc is pressed
                    map.on("key-down", function(e) {
                        if (e.keyCode === 27) {

                function cleanUp() {

                function error(err) {
                    console.log("something failed: ", err);

                // show cluster extents...
                // never called directly but useful from the console
                window.showExtents = function() {
                    var extents = map.getLayer("clusterExtents");
                    if ( extents ) {
                    extents = new GraphicsLayer({ id: "clusterExtents" });
                    var sym = new SimpleFillSymbol().setColor(new Color([205, 193, 197, 0.5]));

                    arrayUtils.forEach(clusterLayer._clusters, function(c, idx) {
                        var e = c.attributes.extent;
                        extents.add(new Graphic(new Extent(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], map.spatialReference), sym));
                    }, this);
                    map.addLayer(extents, 0);

<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/BorderContainer"
     style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0;">
    <div id="map"


 * Created by Administrator on 2018/3/23 0023.


], function (
    declare, arrayUtils, Color, connect,
    SpatialReference, Point, Graphic, SimpleMarkerSymbol, TextSymbol,
    PopupTemplate, GraphicsLayer
) {
    return declare([GraphicsLayer], {
        constructor: function(options) {
            // options:
            //   data:  Object[]
            //     Array of objects. Required. Object are required to have properties named x, y and attributes. The x and y coordinates have to be numbers that represent a points coordinates.
            //   distance:  Number?
            //     Optional. The max number of pixels between points to group points in the same cluster. Default value is 50.
            //   labelColor:  String?
            //     Optional. Hex string or array of rgba values used as the color for cluster labels. Default value is #fff (white).
            //   labelOffset:  String?
            //     Optional. Number of pixels to shift a cluster label vertically. Defaults to -5 to align labels with circle symbols. Does not work in IE.
            //   resolution:  Number
            //     Required. Width of a pixel in map coordinates. Example of how to calculate:
            //     map.extent.getWidth() / map.width
            //   showSingles:  Boolean?
            //     Optional. Whether or graphics should be displayed when a cluster graphic is clicked. Default is true.
            //   singleSymbol:  MarkerSymbol?
            //     Marker Symbol (picture or simple). Optional. Symbol to use for graphics that represent single points. Default is a small gray SimpleMarkerSymbol.
            //   singleTemplate:  PopupTemplate?
            //     PopupTemplate</a>. Optional. Popup template used to format attributes for graphics that represent single points. Default shows all attributes as "attribute = value" (not recommended).
            //   maxSingles:  Number?
            //     Optional. Threshold for whether or not to show graphics for points in a cluster. Default is 1000.
            //   webmap:  Boolean?
            //     Optional. Whether or not the map is from an ArcGIS.com webmap. Default is false.
            //   spatialReference:  SpatialReference?
            //     Optional. Spatial reference for all graphics in the layer. This has to match the spatial reference of the map. Default is 102100. Omit this if the map uses basemaps in web mercator.

            this._clusterTolerance = options.distance || 50;
            this._clusterData = options.data || [];
            this._clusters = [];
            this._clusterLabelColor = options.labelColor || "#000";
            // labelOffset can be zero so handle it differently
            this._clusterLabelOffset = (options.hasOwnProperty("labelOffset")) ? options.labelOffset : -5;
            // graphics that represent a single point
            this._singles = []; // populated when a graphic is clicked
            this._showSingles = options.hasOwnProperty("showSingles") ? options.showSingles : true;
            // symbol for single graphics
            var SMS = SimpleMarkerSymbol;
            this._singleSym = options.singleSymbol || new SMS("circle", 6, null, new Color(options.singleColor));
            this._singleTemplate = options.singleTemplate || new PopupTemplate({ "title": "", "description": "{*}" });
            this._maxSingles = options.maxSingles || 1000;

            this._webmap = options.hasOwnProperty("webmap") ? options.webmap : false;

            this._sr = options.spatialReference || new SpatialReference({ "wkid": 102100 });

            this._zoomEnd = null;

        // override esri/layers/GraphicsLayer methods
        _setMap: function(map, surface) {
            // calculate and set the initial resolution
            this._clusterResolution = map.extent.getWidth() / map.width; // probably a bad default...

            // connect to onZoomEnd so data is re-clustered when zoom level changes
            this._zoomEnd = connect.connect(map, "onZoomEnd", this, function() {
                // update resolution
                this._clusterResolution = this._map.extent.getWidth() / this._map.width;

            // GraphicsLayer will add its own listener here
            var div = this.inherited(arguments);
            return div;

        _unsetMap: function() {

        // public ClusterLayer methods
        add: function(p) {
            // Summary:  The argument is a data point to be added to an existing cluster. If the data point falls within an existing cluster, it is added to that cluster and the cluster's label is updated. If the new point does not fall within an existing cluster, a new cluster is created.
            // if passed a graphic, use the GraphicsLayer's add method
            if ( p.declaredClass ) {

            // add the new data to _clusterData so that it's included in clusters
            // when the map level changes
            var clustered = false;
            // look for an existing cluster for the new point
            for ( var i = 0; i < this._clusters.length; i++ ) {
                var c = this._clusters[i];
                if ( this._clusterTest(p, c) ) {
                    // add the point to an existing cluster
                    this._clusterAddPoint(p, c);
                    // update the cluster's geometry
                    // update the label
                    clustered = true;

            if ( ! clustered ) {
                p.attributes.clusterCount = 1;

        clear: function() {
            // Summary:  Remove all clusters and data points.
            this._clusters.length = 0;

        clearSingles: function(singles) {
            // Summary:  Remove graphics that represent individual data points.
            var s = singles || this._singles;
            arrayUtils.forEach(s, function(g) {
            }, this);
            this._singles.length = 0;

        onClick: function(e) {
            // remove any previously showing single features

            // find single graphics that make up the cluster that was clicked
            // would be nice to use filter but performance tanks with large arrays in IE
            var singles = [];
            for ( var i = 0, il = this._clusterData.length; i < il; i++) {
                if ( e.graphic.attributes.clusterId == this._clusterData[i].attributes.clusterId ) {
            if ( singles.length > this._maxSingles ) {
                alert("Sorry, that cluster contains more than " + this._maxSingles + " points. Zoom in for more detail.");
            } else {
                // stop the click from bubbling to the map

        // internal methods
        _clusterGraphics: function() {
            // first time through, loop through the points
            for ( var j = 0, jl = this._clusterData.length; j < jl; j++ ) {
                // see if the current feature should be added to a cluster
                var point = this._clusterData[j];
                var clustered = false;
                var numClusters = this._clusters.length;
                for ( var i = 0; i < this._clusters.length; i++ ) {
                    var c = this._clusters[i];
                    if ( this._clusterTest(point, c) ) {
                        this._clusterAddPoint(point, c);
                        clustered = true;

                if ( ! clustered ) {

        _clusterTest: function(p, cluster) {
            var distance = (
                    Math.pow((cluster.x - p.x), 2) + Math.pow((cluster.y - p.y), 2)
                ) / this._clusterResolution
            return (distance <= this._clusterTolerance);

        // points passed to clusterAddPoint should be included
        // in an existing cluster
        // also give the point an attribute called clusterId
        // that corresponds to its cluster
        _clusterAddPoint: function(p, cluster) {
            // average in the new point to the cluster geometry
            var count, x, y;
            count = cluster.attributes.clusterCount;
            x = (p.x + (cluster.x * count)) / (count + 1);
            y = (p.y + (cluster.y * count)) / (count + 1);
            cluster.x = x;
            cluster.y = y;

            // build an extent that includes all points in a cluster
            // extents are for debug/testing only...not used by the layer
            if ( p.x < cluster.attributes.extent[0] ) {
                cluster.attributes.extent[0] = p.x;
            } else if ( p.x > cluster.attributes.extent[2] ) {
                cluster.attributes.extent[2] = p.x;
            if ( p.y < cluster.attributes.extent[1] ) {
                cluster.attributes.extent[1] = p.y;
            } else if ( p.y > cluster.attributes.extent[3] ) {
                cluster.attributes.extent[3] = p.y;

            // increment the count
            // attributes might not exist
            if ( ! p.hasOwnProperty("attributes") ) {
                p.attributes = {};
            // give the graphic a cluster id
            p.attributes.clusterId = cluster.attributes.clusterId;

        // point passed to clusterCreate isn't within the
        // clustering distance specified for the layer so
        // create a new cluster for it
        _clusterCreate: function(p) {
            var clusterId = this._clusters.length + 1;
            // console.log("cluster create, id is: ", clusterId);
            // p.attributes might be undefined
            if ( ! p.attributes ) {
                p.attributes = {};
            p.attributes.clusterId = clusterId;
            // create the cluster
            var cluster = {
                "x": p.x,
                "y": p.y,
                "attributes" : {
                    "clusterCount": 1,
                    "clusterId": clusterId,
                    "extent": [ p.x, p.y, p.x, p.y ]

        _showAllClusters: function() {
            for ( var i = 0, il = this._clusters.length; i < il; i++ ) {
                var c = this._clusters[i];

        _showCluster: function(c) {
            var point = new Point(c.x, c.y, this._sr);
                new Graphic(
            // code below is used to not label clusters with a single point
            if ( c.attributes.clusterCount == 1 ) {

            // show number of points in the cluster
            var font  = new esri.symbol.Font()
            var label = new TextSymbol(c.attributes.clusterCount)
                .setColor(new Color(this._clusterLabelColor))
                .setOffset(0, this._clusterLabelOffset)
                new Graphic(

        _addSingles: function(singles) {
            // add single graphics to the map
            arrayUtils.forEach(singles, function(p) {
                var g = new Graphic(
                    new Point(p.x, p.y, this._sr),
                if ( this._showSingles ) {
            }, this);

        _updateClusterGeometry: function(c) {
            // find the cluster graphic
            var cg = arrayUtils.filter(this.graphics, function(g) {
                return ! g.symbol &&
                    g.attributes.clusterId == c.attributes.clusterId;
            if ( cg.length == 1 ) {
                cg[0].geometry.update(c.x, c.y);
            } else {
                console.log("didn't find exactly one cluster geometry to update: ", cg);

        _updateLabel: function(c) {
            // find the existing label
            var label = arrayUtils.filter(this.graphics, function(g) {
                return g.symbol &&
                    g.symbol.declaredClass == "esri.symbol.TextSymbol" &&
                    g.attributes.clusterId == c.attributes.clusterId;
            if ( label.length == 1 ) {
                // console.log("update label...found: ", label);
                var newLabel = new TextSymbol(c.attributes.clusterCount)
                    .setColor(new Color(this._clusterLabelColor))
                    .setOffset(0, this._clusterLabelOffset);
                    new Graphic(
                        new Point(c.x, c.y, this._sr),
                // console.log("updated the label");
            } else {
                console.log("didn't find exactly one label: ", label);

        // debug only...never called by the layer
        _clusterMeta: function() {
            // print total number of features
            console.log("Total:  ", this._clusterData.length);

            // add up counts and print it
            var count = 0;
            arrayUtils.forEach(this._clusters, function(c) {
                count += c.attributes.clusterCount;
            console.log("In clusters:  ", count);



注:ClusterLayer.js 有所改動。