1. 程式人生 > >iview實戰 : 樹形組件自定義

iview實戰 : 樹形組件自定義

export pap assign urn false pop content div key

Tree樹形組件是 iview 中相對復雜的一個組件。


使用強大的 Render 函數可以自定義節點顯示內容和交互,比如添加圖標,按鈕等。


但官方的 example 只有增和刪的功能,而我想加置頂和修改名字的功能。



  <div class="hello">
    <div class="core">
        <div class="abs-zone"
v-if="editZoneDisplayBoolean"> <div class="box"> <Input placeholder="Enter something..." style="width:200px" v-model="beforeSubmitNodeTitleString" /> <Button type="success" :style="{marginLeft:‘5px‘}" @click="submitNameEditFunc(1)"> <
Icon type="md-checkmark" /> </Button> <Button type="error" :style="{marginLeft:‘5px‘}" @click="submitNameEditFunc(0)"> <Icon type="md-close" /> </Button> </div> </div> <
Tree :data="data5" :render="renderContent" show-checkbox multiple></Tree> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { data () { return { root:null, editZoneDisplayBoolean:false, beforeSubmitNodeTitleString:‘‘, edit_root:null, edit_node:null, edit_data:null, data5: [ { title: parent 1, expand: true, render: (h, { root, node, data }) => { return h(span, { style: { display: inline-block, width: 100% } }, [ h(span, [ h(Icon, { props: { type: ios-folder-outline }, style: { marginRight: 8px } }), h(span, data.title) ]), h(span, { style: { display: inline-block, float: right, marginRight: 32px } }, [ h(Button, { props: Object.assign({}, this.buttonProps, { icon: ios-add, type: primary }), style: { width: 135px }, on: { click: () => { this.append(data) } } }) ]) ]); }, children: [ { title: child 1-1, expand: true, children: [ { title: leaf 1-1-1, expand: true }, { title: leaf 1-1-2, expand: true } ] }, { title: child 1-2, expand: true, children: [ { title: leaf 1-2-1, expand: true }, { title: leaf 1-2-2, expand: true } ] } ] } ], buttonProps: { type: default, size: small, } } }, methods: { renderContent (h, { root, node, data }) { return h(span, { style: { display: inline-block, width: 100% } }, [ h(span, [ h(Icon, { props: { type: ios-paper-outline }, style: { marginRight: 8px } }), h(span, data.title) ]), h(span, { style: { display: inline-block, float: right, marginRight: 32px } }, [ h(Button, { props: Object.assign({}, this.buttonProps, { icon: ios-add }), style: { marginRight: 8px }, on: { click: () => { this.append(data) } } }), h(Button, { props: Object.assign({}, this.buttonProps, { icon: ios-remove }), style: { marginRight: 8px }, on: { click: () => { this.remove(root, node, data) } } }), h(Button, { props: Object.assign({}, this.buttonProps, { icon: ios-create }), style: { marginRight: 8px }, on: { click: () => { this.openEditName(root, node, data) } } }), h(Button, { props: Object.assign({}, this.buttonProps, { icon: ios-arrow-round-up }), on: { click: () => { this.toUp(root, node, data) } } }) ]) ]); }, append (data) { const children = data.children || []; children.push({ title: appended node, expand: true }); this.$set(data, children, children); }, remove (root, node, data) { const parentKey = root.find(el => el === node).parent; const parent = root.find(el => el.nodeKey === parentKey).node; const index = parent.children.indexOf(data); parent.children.splice(index, 1); }, toUp (root, node, data) { const parentKey = root.find(el => el === node).parent; const parent = root.find(el => el.nodeKey === parentKey).node; const index = parent.children.indexOf(data); const children = parent.children children.unshift({ ...data }); children.pop() this.$set(parent, children, children); }, openEditName (root, node, data) { this.editZoneDisplayBoolean = true this.edit_root = root this.edit_node = node this.edit_data = data this.beforeSubmitNodeTitleString = this.edit_node.node.title }, submitNameEditFunc(x){ if (!x) { this.editZoneDisplayBoolean = false return } else { this.edit_node.node.title = this.beforeSubmitNodeTitleString this.editZoneDisplayBoolean = false return } } } }; </script> <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> <style scoped lang="less"> @edit-zone-height:32px; .core{ width: 500px; height: 400px; border:1px solid #979797; border-radius: 5px; padding: 10px; overflow: hidden; position:relative; .abs-zone{ position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top:0; left: 0; background: rgba(255,255,255,.8); z-index: 1; .box{ position:absolute; width: 100%; top:50%; left: 0; margin-top: -@edit-zone-height; text-align: center; } } } </style>


  <div id="app">

import HelloWorld from ./components/HelloWorld

export default {
  name: App,
  components: {

#app {
  font-family: ‘Avenir‘, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  padding: 20px;




iview實戰 : 樹形組件自定義