1. 程式人生 > >python筆記--多程序與多執行緒


import time
import requests
import current
import concurrent
from concurrent import futures
import pandas as pd
import threading
from multiprocessing import Pool

# 裝飾器,列印函式的執行時間
def gettime(func):
    def warapper(*args, **kwags):
        print(func.__name__, 'Strat...')
        starttime = time.time()
        endtime = time.time()
        spendtime = endtime - starttime
        print(func.__name__, "End..."
) print("Spend", spendtime, "s totally") print("="*50) return warapper # 從檔案去n個測試網站 def get_urls_from_files(n): df = pd.read_csv('TestUrls.csv') urls = list(df['url'])[:n] return urls # 請求並解析網頁獲取資料 def getdata(url, retries=3): headers = {} try: html = requests.get(url, headers=headers) except
requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: print('下載出錯,錯誤原因:', e) html = None # 5XX錯誤為伺服器錯誤,可以重新請求 if(html != None and 500 <= html.status_code <600 and retries): retries -= 1 print("伺服器出錯正在重試...") getdata(url, retries) data = html.text else
: data = None return data # 序列 @gettime def Mynormal(): for url in urls: getdata(url) # 程序池 @gettime def MyprocessPool(num=10): pool = Pool(num) results = pool.map(getdata, urls) pool.close() pool.join() return results # 執行緒池 @gettime def Myfutures(num_of_max_works=10): with concurrent.futures.threadPoolExecutor(max_workers = num_of_max_works) as executor: executor.map(getdata, urls) if __name__ == '__main__': urls = get_urls_from_file(100) # 序列 Mynormal() # 程序池 MyprocessPool(10) # 執行緒池 Myfutures(100)