1. 程式人生 > >iOS AppStore稽核被拒To provide a link to a demo video

iOS AppStore稽核被拒To provide a link to a demo video

發件人 Apple 0. 4.0 BEFORE YOU SUBMIT: INFO NEEDED Information Needed We began the review of your app but are not able to continue because we need access to a video that demonstrates your app's background location feature in use on an iOS device. To provide a link to a demo video: - Log in to iTunes Connect - Click on "My Apps" - Select your app - Click on the app version on the left side of the screen - Scroll down to "App Review Information" - Provide demo video access details in the "Notes" section - Click "Save" - Once you've completed all changes, click the "Submit for Review" button at the top of the App version information page. Once this information is available, we can continue with the review of your app. 回覆 使用下面的欄位向 App 稽核團隊提問或提供額外資訊。瞭解更多 向 App 審查委員會提交上訴。 解決辦法: 因為地圖定位服務限定了中國區域,所以美國稽核的時候用不了這個功能,需要我們這邊上傳一個演示視訊; Demo video 和 preview video是兩回事。 Preview video是app的宣傳片,上傳時在appApp Video Preview and Screenshots 中新增,非強制。 而蘋果和你要的是demo video,是讓你錄一個如何使用app的video,因為稽核人員不會使用你的app。 你錄製的demo video需要上傳至youtube或者youku,然後將視訊連線新增至App Review Information的Note中。 附上拍攝視訊連結: 【連結】[科技]city_golf_video_demo