1. 程式人生 > >ffmpeg3版本的解碼介面做了不少調整,之前的視訊解碼介面avcodec_decode_video2和avcodec_decode_audio4音訊解碼被設定為deprecated,對這兩個介面做了


 * Supply raw packet data as input to a decoder.
 * Internally, this call will copy relevant AVCodecContext fields, which can
 * influence decoding per-packet, and apply them when the packet is actually
 * decoded. (For example AVCodecContext.skip_frame, which might direct the
 * decoder to drop the frame contained by the packet sent with this function.)
 * @warning The input buffer, avpkt->data must be AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE
 *          larger than the actual read bytes because some optimized bitstream
 *          readers read 32 or 64 bits at once and could read over the end.
 * @warning Do not mix this API with the legacy API (like avcodec_decode_video2())
 *          on the same AVCodecContext. It will return unexpected results now
 *          or in future libavcodec versions.
 * @note The AVCodecContext MUST have been opened with @ref avcodec_open2()
 *       before packets may be fed to the decoder.
 * @param avctx codec context
 * @param[in] avpkt The input AVPacket. Usually, this will be a single video
 *                  frame, or several complete audio frames.
 *                  Ownership of the packet remains with the caller, and the
 *                  decoder will not write to the packet. The decoder may create
 *                  a reference to the packet data (or copy it if the packet is
 *                  not reference-counted).
 *                  Unlike with older APIs, the packet is always fully consumed,
 *                  and if it contains multiple frames (e.g. some audio codecs),
 *                  will require you to call avcodec_receive_frame() multiple
 *                  times afterwards before you can send a new packet.
 *                  It can be NULL (or an AVPacket with data set to NULL and
 *                  size set to 0); in this case, it is considered a flush
 *                  packet, which signals the end of the stream. Sending the
 *                  first flush packet will return success. Subsequent ones are
 *                  unnecessary and will return AVERROR_EOF. If the decoder
 *                  still has frames buffered, it will return them after sending
 *                  a flush packet.
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise negative error code:
 *      AVERROR(EAGAIN):   input is not accepted right now - the packet must be
 *                         resent after trying to read output
 *      AVERROR_EOF:       the decoder has been flushed, and no new packets can
 *                         be sent to it (also returned if more than 1 flush
 *                         packet is sent)
 *      AVERROR(EINVAL):   codec not opened, it is an encoder, or requires flush
 *      AVERROR(ENOMEM):   failed to add packet to internal queue, or similar
 *      other errors: legitimate decoding errors