1. 程式人生 > >Python2 Python3 爬取趕集網租房資訊,帶原始碼分析

Python2 Python3 爬取趕集網租房資訊,帶原始碼分析


python2 爬取趕集網租房資訊與網站分析

  1. 分析目標網站url
  2. 尋找目標標籤
  3. 獲取,並寫入csv檔案
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urlparse import urljoin
import requests
import csv

URL = 'http://jn.ganji.com/fang1/o{page}p{price}/'
# 首先最基本的是 jn,ganji.com/fang1 其中jn為濟南,也就是我的城市,預設登入後為此 # 而fang1 位租房資訊 fang5 為二手房資訊,zhaopin 為招聘模組等,我們這次只查詢fang1 # 不過這個連結還可以更復雜 #比如http://jn.ganji.com/fang1/tianqiao/h1o1p1/ 或者 # http://jn.ganji.com/fang1/tianqiao/b1000e1577/ # 其中h:房型,o頁面,p價格區間,其中h,p後的數字與網站相應選單的排列順序相對應 # 而s與e則為對應的自己輸入的價格區間 # h: house o:page p:price
# jn jinan fang1 zufang tiaoqiao:tianqiaoqu b:begin 1000 e:end start 1755 ADDR = 'http://bj.ganji.com/' start_page =1 end_page = 5 price =1 # 注意wb格式開啟寫入可能會導致csv檔案每次寫入前面多一個空格 # 對此你可以參考這篇文章:http://blog.csdn.net/pfm685757/article/details/47806469 with open('info.csv','wb') as f : csv_writer = csv.writer(f,delimiter=','
) print 'starting' while start_page<end_page: start_page+=1 # 通過分析標籤可知我們要獲取的標籤資訊必須要通過多個class確認才能保證唯一性 # 之後是獲取資訊的具體設定 print 'get{0}'.format(URL.format(page = start_page,price=price)) response = requests.get(URL.format(page = start_page,price=price)) html=BeautifulSoup(response.text,'html.parser') house_list = html.select('.f-list > .f-list-item > .f-list-item-wrap') #check house_list if not house_list: print 'No house_list' break for house in house_list: house_title = house.select('.title > a')[0].string.encode('utf-8') house_addr = house.select('.address > .area > a')[-1].string.encode('utf-8') house_price = house.select('.info > .price > .num')[0].string.encode('utf-8') house_url = urljoin(ADDR,house.select('.title > a ')[0]['href']) # 寫入csv檔案 csv_writer.writerow([house_title,house_addr,house_price,house_url]) print 'ending'

Python3 爬取趕集網i租房資訊


  1. urlparse.urljoin 改為urllib.urlparse.urljoin
# python2
from urlparse import urljoin
# Python3
from urllib.parse  import urljoin
  1. Python3中csv對bytes和str兩種型別進行了嚴格區分,open的寫入格式應該進行改變wb->w
  2. 設定utf8編碼格式
with open('info.csv','w',encoding='utf8') as f :
    csv_writer = csv.writer(f,delimiter=',')


#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.parse  import urljoin
import requests
import csv

URL = 'http://jn.ganji.com/fang1/o{page}p{price}/'
#                                h: house o:page p:price
#  http://jn.ganji.com/fang1/tianqiao/b1000e1577/
# jn jinan  fang1 zufang tiaoqiao:tianqiaoqu b:begin 1000  e:end start 1755
# fang5 為二手房 zhipin 為 招聘 趕集網的url劃分的都很簡單,時間充足完全可以獲取非常多的資訊

ADDR = 'http://bj.ganji.com/'
start_page =1
end_page = 5

price =1

URL = 'http://jn.ganji.com/fang1/h{huxing}o{page}b{beginPrice}e{endPrice}/'
# 選擇戶型為h1-h5
# 輸入價位為 begin or end

# 戶型為

# 預設為utf8開啟,否則會以預設編碼GBK寫入
with open('info.csv','w',encoding='utf8') as f :
    csv_writer = csv.writer(f,delimiter=',')

    while start_page<end_page:
        print('get{0}'.format(URL.format(page = start_page,price=price)))
        response = requests.get(URL.format(page = start_page,price=price))
        house_list = html.select('.f-list > .f-list-item > .f-list-item-wrap')
        #check house_list
        if not house_list:
            print('No house_list')
        for house in house_list:
            house_title = house.select('.title > a')[0].string
            house_addr = house.select('.address > .area > a')[-1].string
            house_price = house.select('.info > .price > .num')[0].string
            house_url = urljoin(ADDR, house.select('.title > a ')[0]['href'])

趕集網租房資訊 csv檔案 網路爬蟲