1. 程式人生 > >android emulator虛擬裝置分析第五篇之pipe上的opengles

android emulator虛擬裝置分析第五篇之pipe上的opengles


據說qemu的gpu的實現,執行起來非常慢。所以android emulator提供了一種use host gpu的方式,guest os可以使用host機器的opengl庫去畫圖,速度快很多。

guest os把畫圖的命令通過pipe傳遞給emulator(encode, send via pipe, decode),然後emulator將opengles的畫圖命令轉為opengl的畫圖命令(translate),並執行。

二、opengles —— pipe上的另一個service

老規矩,看文件,opengles是使用tcp實現的,tcp也是pipe service


   Connects to the OpenGL ES emulation process. For now, the implementation
   is equivalent to tcp:22468, but this may change in the future.


static const GoldfishPipeFuncs  openglesPipe_funcs = {
    NULL,  /* we can't save these */
    NULL,  /* we can't load these */

    Looper*  looper = looper_newCore();

    goldfish_pipe_add_type( "tcp", looper, &netPipeTcp_funcs );
#ifndef _WIN32
    goldfish_pipe_add_type( "unix", looper, &netPipeUnix_funcs );
    goldfish_pipe_add_type( "opengles", looper, &openglesPipe_funcs );

    /* TODO: Check that we can load and initialize the host emulation
     *        libraries, and return -1 in case of error.
    _opengles_init = 1;
    return 0;


netPipe_initUnix or netPipe_initTcp建立了opengles pipe service和emulator中畫圖服務端的socket連線

static void*
openglesPipe_init( void* hwpipe, void* _looper, const char* args )
    NetPipe *pipe;

    if (!_opengles_init) {
        /* This should never happen, unless there is a bug in the
         * emulator's initialization, or the system image. */
        D("Trying to open the OpenGLES pipe without GPU emulation!");
        return NULL;

    char server_addr[PATH_MAX];
    android_gles_server_path(server_addr, sizeof(server_addr));
#ifndef _WIN32
    if (android_gles_fast_pipes) {
        pipe = (NetPipe *)netPipe_initUnix(hwpipe, _looper, server_addr);
        D("Creating Unix OpenGLES pipe for GPU emulation: %s", server_addr);
    } else {
#else /* _WIN32 */
        /* Connect through TCP as a fallback */
        pipe = (NetPipe *)netPipe_initTcp(hwpipe, _looper, server_addr);
        D("Creating TCP OpenGLES pipe for GPU emulation!");
    if (pipe != NULL) {
        // Disable TCP nagle algorithm to improve throughput of small packets

    // On Win32, adjust buffer sizes
#ifdef _WIN32
            int sndbuf = 128 * 1024;
            int len = sizeof(sndbuf);
            if (setsockopt(pipe->io->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF,
                        (char*)&sndbuf, len) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
                D("Failed to set SO_SNDBUF to %d error=0x%x\n",
                sndbuf, WSAGetLastError());
#endif /* _WIN32 */

    return pipe;

netPipe_initUnix or netPipe_initTcp都會呼叫到netPipe_initFromAddress函式,裡面的loopIo_init和asyncConnector_init需要注意一下,大概意思是有個公用的迴圈,使用LoopIo把fd包裝起來,迴圈裡面會檢查哪些fd可讀,或者可寫,並且呼叫callback函式netPipe_io_func

netPipe_initFromAddress( void* hwpipe, const SockAddress*  address, Looper* looper )
    NetPipe*     pipe;


    pipe->hwpipe = hwpipe;
    pipe->state  = STATE_INIT;

        AsyncStatus  status;

        int  fd = socket_create( sock_address_get_family(address), SOCKET_STREAM );
        if (fd < 0) {
            D("%s: Could create socket from address family!", __FUNCTION__);
            return NULL;

        loopIo_init(pipe->io, looper, fd, netPipe_io_func, pipe);
        status = asyncConnector_init(pipe->connector, address, pipe->io);
        pipe->state = STATE_CONNECTING;

        if (status == ASYNC_ERROR) {
            D("%s: Could not connect to socket: %s",
              __FUNCTION__, errno_str);
            return NULL;
        if (status == ASYNC_COMPLETE) {
            pipe->state = STATE_CONNECTED;

    return pipe;


/* This is the function that gets called each time there is an asynchronous
 * event on the network pipe.
static void
netPipe_io_func( void* opaque, int fd, unsigned events )
    NetPipe*  pipe = opaque;
    int         wakeFlags = 0;

    /* Run the connector if we are in the CONNECTING state     */
    /* TODO: Add some sort of time-out, to deal with the case */
    /*        when the server is wedged.                      */
    if (pipe->state == STATE_CONNECTING) {
        AsyncStatus  status = asyncConnector_run(pipe->connector);
        if (status == ASYNC_NEED_MORE) {
        else if (status == ASYNC_ERROR) {
            /* Could not connect, tell our client by closing the channel. */

        pipe->state = STATE_CONNECTED;

    /* Otherwise, accept incoming data */
    if ((events & LOOP_IO_READ) != 0) {
        if ((pipe->wakeWanted & PIPE_WAKE_READ) != 0) {
            wakeFlags |= PIPE_WAKE_READ;

    if ((events & LOOP_IO_WRITE) != 0) {
        if ((pipe->wakeWanted & PIPE_WAKE_WRITE) != 0) {
            wakeFlags |= PIPE_WAKE_WRITE;

    /* Send wake signal to the guest if needed */
    if (wakeFlags != 0) {
        goldfish_pipe_wake(pipe->hwpipe, wakeFlags);
        pipe->wakeWanted &= ~wakeFlags;

    /* Reset state */

通過/dev/qemu_pipe寫東西,最終會呼叫到netPipe_sendBuffers函式(evil switch in pipeConnector_sendBuffers),然後通過剛才建立的socket傳送給畫圖服務端

static int
netPipe_sendBuffers( void* opaque, const GoldfishPipeBuffer* buffers, int numBuffers )
    NetPipe*  pipe = opaque;
    int       count = 0;
    int       ret   = 0;
    int       buffStart = 0;
    const GoldfishPipeBuffer* buff = buffers;
    const GoldfishPipeBuffer* buffEnd = buff + numBuffers;

    ret = netPipeReadySend(pipe);
    if (ret != 0)
        return ret;

    for (; buff < buffEnd; buff++)
        count += buff->size;

    buff = buffers;
    while (count > 0) {
        int  avail = buff->size - buffStart;
        int  len = socket_send(pipe->io->fd, buff->data + buffStart, avail);

        /* the write succeeded */
        if (len > 0) {
            buffStart += len;
            if (buffStart >= buff->size) {
                buffStart = 0;
            count -= len;
            ret   += len;

        /* we reached the end of stream? */
        if (len == 0) {
            if (ret == 0)
                ret = PIPE_ERROR_IO;

        /* if we already wrote some stuff, simply return */
        if (ret > 0) {

        /* need to return an appropriate error code */
        if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
            ret = PIPE_ERROR_AGAIN;
        } else {
            ret = PIPE_ERROR_IO;

    return ret;

從/dev/qemu_pipe讀東西,最終會呼叫到netPipe_recvBuffers函式(evil switch in pipeConnector_sendBuffers),然後通過剛才建立的socket從畫圖服務端接收資料

static int
netPipe_recvBuffers( void* opaque, GoldfishPipeBuffer*  buffers, int  numBuffers )
    NetPipe*  pipe = opaque;
    int       count = 0;
    int       ret   = 0;
    int       buffStart = 0;
    GoldfishPipeBuffer* buff = buffers;
    GoldfishPipeBuffer* buffEnd = buff + numBuffers;

    for (; buff < buffEnd; buff++)
        count += buff->size;

    buff = buffers;
    while (count > 0) {
        int  avail = buff->size - buffStart;
        int  len = socket_recv(pipe->io->fd, buff->data + buffStart, avail);

        /* the read succeeded */
        if (len > 0) {
            buffStart += len;
            if (buffStart >= buff->size) {
                buffStart = 0;
            count -= len;
            ret   += len;

        /* we reached the end of stream? */
        if (len == 0) {
            if (ret == 0)
                ret = PIPE_ERROR_IO;

        /* if we already read some stuff, simply return */
        if (ret > 0) {

        /* need to return an appropriate error code */
        if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
            ret = PIPE_ERROR_AGAIN;
        } else {
            ret = PIPE_ERROR_IO;
    return ret;

netPipe_poll呼叫loopIo_poll判斷是否POLLIN, POLLOUT
static unsigned
netPipe_poll( void* opaque )
    NetPipe*  pipe = opaque;
    unsigned  mask = loopIo_poll(pipe->io);
    unsigned  ret  = 0;

    if (mask & LOOP_IO_READ)
        ret |= PIPE_POLL_IN;
    if (mask & LOOP_IO_WRITE)
        ret |= PIPE_POLL_OUT;

    return ret;

static void
netPipe_wakeOn( void* opaque, int flags )
    NetPipe*  pipe = opaque;

    DD("%s: flags=%d", __FUNCTION__, flags);

    pipe->wakeWanted |= flags;

三、使用host gpu





It is important to understand that the emulation-specific EGL/GLES libraries
are not directly linked by applications at runtime. Instead, the system
provides a set of "meta" EGL/GLES libraries that will load the appropriate
hardware-specific libraries on first use.

More specifically, the system libEGL.so contains a "loader" which will try
to load:

  - hardware-specific EGL/GLES libraries
  - the software-based rendering libraries (called "libagl")

The system libEGL.so is also capable of merging the EGL configs of both the
hardware and software libraries transparently to the application. The system
libGLESv1_CM.so and libGLESv2.so, work with it to ensure that the thread's
current context will be linked to either the hardware or software libraries
depending on the config selected.

For the record, the loader's source code in under
frameworks/base/opengl/libs/EGL/Loader.cpp. It depends on a file named
/system/lib/egl/egl.cfg which must contain two lines that look like:

    0 1 <name>
    0 0 android

The first number in each line is a display number, and must be 0 since the
system's EGL/GLES libraries don't support anything else.

The second number must be 1 to indicate hardware libraries, and 0 to indicate
a software one. The line corresponding to the hardware library, if any, must
always appear before the one for the software library.

The third field is a name corresponding to a shared library suffix. It really
means that the corresponding libraries will be named libEGL_<name>.so,
libGLESv1_CM_<name>.so and libGLESv2_<name>.so. Moreover these libraries must
be placed under /system/lib/egl/

The name "android" is reserved for the system software renderer.

The egl.cfg that comes with this project uses the name "emulation" for the
hardware libraries. This means that it provides an egl.cfg file that contains
the following lines:

   0 1 emulation
   0 0 android

libEGL_emulation.so、libGLESv1_CM_emulation.so和libGLESv2_emulation.so對應了GUEST SYSTEM LIBRARIES,它們的函式最終都會通過<function_name>_enc進行encode,然後通過opengles pipe serice給到emulator,emulator再通過tcp socket傳送給畫圖服務端,服務端的libOpenglRender.so使用幾個decode的庫去進行decode,然後分發給libEGL_translator.so、libGLES_CM_translator.so和libGLESv2_translator.so,它們將opengles的呼叫轉為opengl的呼叫,然後使用host系統的opengl庫去執行

         _________            __________          __________
        |         |          |          |        |          |
        |EMULATION|          |EMULATION |        |EMULATION |     GUEST
        |   EGL   |          | GLES 1.1 |        | GLES 2.0 |     SYSTEM
        |_________|          |__________|        |__________|     LIBRARIES
             ^                    ^                    ^
             |                    |                    |
       - - - | - - - - - - - - -  | - - - - - - - - -  | - - - - -
             |                    |                    |
         ____v____________________v____________________v____      GUEST
        |                                                   |     KERNEL
        |                       QEMU PIPE                   |
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                 |    PROTOCOL BYTE STREAM
                           |           |
                           |  EMULATOR |
                                 |   UNMODIFIED PROTOCOL BYTE STREAM
                           |           |
                           |  RENDERER |
                               ^ ^  ^
                               | |  |
             +-----------------+ |  +-----------------+
             |                   |                    |
         ____v____            ___v______          ____v_____
        |         |          |          |        |          |
        |TRANSLATOR          |TRANSLATOR|        |TRANSLATOR|     HOST
        |   EGL   |          | GLES 1.1 |        | GLES 2.0 |     TRANSLATOR
        |_________|          |__________|        |__________|     LIBRARIES
             ^                    ^                    ^
             |                    |                    |
       - - - | - - - - - - - - -  | - - - - - - - - -  | - - - - -
             |                    |                    |
         ____v____            ____v_____          _____v____      HOST 
        |         |          |          |        |          |     SYSTEM
        |   GLX   |          |  GL 2.0  |        |  GL 2.0  |     LIBRARIES
        |_________|          |__________|        |__________|

    (NOTE: 'GLX' is for Linux only, replace 'AGL' on OS X, and 'WGL' on Windows).

qemu和ui是兩個不同的程序,ui裡面的是畫圖的服務端,qemu裡面的是socket client,也就是opengles pipe service中建立的socket連線。


GPU emulation is controlled by the followind AVD hardware properties:

  hw.gpu.enabled    Boolean indicating whether GPU emulation is enabled.
                    If 'false', the builtin guest software renderer will be
                    used instead. Note that the latter is very slow and only
                    supports GLES 1.x, so most applications will not run with
                    it properly.

  hw.gpu.mode       Only used when hw.gpu.enabled is on. This is a string that
                    describes which emulation mode to support.

At this time, the following modes are supported:

  'host'    The default mode, uses specific translator libraries to convert
            guest EGL/GLES commands into host desktop GL ones. This requires
            valid OpenGL drivers installed on the development machine, and
            of course a display connection.

            Note that on some platforms (Windows in particular), OpenGL drivers
            can be buggy, resulting in poor performance, rendering artefacts
            or even crashes. To work-around this, use the 'mesa' mode instead.

  'mesa'    Software-based desktop GL renderer, based on the Mesa3D library.
            This is slower than 'host' mode by a large margin, but works
            equally well on all supported platforms. This is recommended if
            there are issues with 'host' mode.

            Another benefit of 'mesa' mode is that it can be run on headless
            servers which do not have a GPU, or OpenGL libraries installed.

  'auto'    Uses 'host' mode if not remoting (NX or CRD), 'mesa' otherwise.

  'guest'   Use a guest-side OpenGL ES implementation.