1. 程式人生 > >iOS 獲取剩餘電量

iOS 獲取剩餘電量


[UIDevice currentDevice].batteryMonitoringEnabled = YES;  
double deviceLevel = [UIDevice currentDevice].batteryLevel;  

方法一:通過蘋果官方文件裡面UIDevice public API來獲取,程式碼如下:

  [UIDevice currentDevice].batteryMonitoringEnabled = YES;
  [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] usingBlock:^(NSNotification *notification) { // Level has changed NSLog(@"Battery Level Change"); NSLog(@"電池電量:%.2f", [UIDevice currentDevice].batteryLevel); }]; @property(nonatomic,readonly) float batteryLevel NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(3_0); // 0 .. 1.0. -1.0 if UIDeviceBatteryStateUnknown它返回的是0.00-1.00之間的浮點值。

但是經過測試發現,在iOS7 上 它是以0.05為單位的,但是在iOS9下測試,它是以0.01為單位的,雖然也是0.01為單位,但是測試多次也會出現偏差1%左右。也就是說, 這個辦法是存在缺陷的, 最起碼, 它不精確。

方法二:找到Mac下IOKit.framework,將IOKit.framework裡面的IOPowerSources.h和IOPSKeys.h拷貝到你的iOS專案中。另外, 還需要把IOKit也匯入到你的工程中去,此方法也會出現偏差,不精確。DEMO 地址:https://github.com/colin1994/batteryLevelTest.git

*  Calculating the remaining energy 
*  @return
Current batterylevel */
-(double)getCurrentBatteryLevel { //Returns a blob of Power Source information in an opaque CFTypeRef. CFTypeRef blob = IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo(); //Returns a CFArray of Power Source handles, each of type CFTypeRef. CFArrayRef sources = IOPSCopyPowerSourcesList(blob); CFDictionaryRef pSource = NULL; const void *psValue; //Returns the number of values currently in an array. int numOfSources = CFArrayGetCount(sources); //Error in CFArrayGetCount if (numOfSources == 0) { NSLog(@"Error in CFArrayGetCount"); return -1.0f; } //Calculating the remaining energy for (int i = 0 ; i < numOfSources ; i++) { //Returns a CFDictionary with readable information about the specific power source. pSource = IOPSGetPowerSourceDescription(blob, CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(sources, i)); if (!pSource) { NSLog(@"Error in IOPSGetPowerSourceDescription"); return -1.0f; } psValue = (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(pSource, CFSTR(kIOPSNameKey)); int curCapacity = 0; int maxCapacity = 0; double percent; psValue = CFDictionaryGetValue(pSource, CFSTR(kIOPSCurrentCapacityKey)); CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)psValue, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &curCapacity); psValue = CFDictionaryGetValue(pSource, CFSTR(kIOPSMaxCapacityKey)); CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)psValue, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &maxCapacity); percent = ((double)curCapacity/(double)maxCapacity * 100.0f); return percent; } return -1.0f; }

方法三:通過runtime 獲取StatusBar上電池電量控制元件類私有變數的值,此方法可精準獲取iOS6以上電池電量

- (int)getCurrentBatteryLevel
 if ([UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationState == UIApplicationStateActive||[UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationState==UIApplicationStateInactive) {
        void *result = nil;
        object_getInstanceVariable([UIApplication sharedApplication], "_statusBar", &result);
        id status  = result;
        for (id aview in [status subviews]) {
            for (id bview in [aview subviews]) {
                int batteryLevel = 0;
               if ([NSStringFromClass([bview class]) caseInsensitiveCompare:@"UIStatusBarBatteryItemView"] == NSOrderedSame&&[[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 6.0)
                    object_getInstanceVariable(bview, "_capacity", &result);
                    batteryLevel = (int)result;
                    if (batteryLevel > 0 && batteryLevel <= 100) {
                        return batteryLevel;

                    } else {
                        return 0;


    return 0;

- (int)getCurrentBatteryLevel

UIApplication *app = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
if (app.applicationState == UIApplicationStateActive||app.applicationState==UIApplicationStateInactive) {
    Ivar ivar=  class_getInstanceVariable([app class],"_statusBar");
    id status  = object_getIvar(app, ivar);
    for (id aview in [status subviews]) {
        int batteryLevel = 0;
        for (id bview in [aview subviews]) {
            if ([NSStringFromClass([bview class]) caseInsensitiveCompare:@"UIStatusBarBatteryItemView"] == NSOrderedSame&&[[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >=6.0)

                    Ivar ivar=  class_getInstanceVariable([bview class],"_capacity");
                        batteryLevel = ((int (*)(id, Ivar))object_getIvar)(bview, ivar);
                        /*ptrdiff_t offset = ivar_getOffset(ivar);
                         unsigned char *stuffBytes = (unsigned char *)(__bridge void *)bview;
                         batteryLevel = * ((int *)(stuffBytes + offset));*/
                        if (batteryLevel > 0 && batteryLevel <= 100) {
                            return batteryLevel;

                        } else {
                            return 0;



return 0;