1. 程式人生 > >C++中string的用法和例子(1) 插入 擷取子字串 刪除

C++中string的用法和例子(1) 插入 擷取子字串 刪除

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
    string str="to be question";
    string str2="the ";
    string str3="or not to be";
    string::iterator it;

    str.insert(6,str2);                 // to be the question

    str.insert(6,str3,3,4);             // to be not the question

    str.insert(10,"that is cool",8);    // to be not that is the question

    str.insert(10,"to be ");            // to be not to be that is the question

    str.insert(15,1,':');               // to be not to be: that is the question

    it = str.insert(str.begin()+5,','); // to be, not to be: that is the question

    str.insert (str.end(),3,'.');       // to be, not to be: that is the question...

    str.insert (it+2,str3.begin(),str3.begin()+3); // to be, or not to be: that is the question...

    return 0;