1. 程式人生 > >使用requests、re、BeautifulSoup、線程池爬取攜程酒店信息並保存到Excel中


備案 info imp lis sub host write count star

import requests
import json
import re
import csv
import threadpool
import time, random
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from fake_useragent import UserAgent

def hotel(city_letter, city_num, city_name):
    with open(has_address.json, a+, encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ \n) f.close() ss = 0 with open(攜程/%s.csv % city_name, w+, encoding=utf-8-sig) as hotel_xie: k = csv.writer(hotel_xie, dialect=excel) k.writerow([序號, 名稱, 價格, 星級, 地址, 酒店介紹]) for i in range(1, 100): url = "http://hotels.ctrip.com/Domestic/Tool/AjaxHotelList.aspx
" headers = { "Connection": "keep-alive", "origin": "http://hotels.ctrip.com", "Host": "hotels.ctrip.com", "referer": "http://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/%s" % city_letter, "user-agent": UserAgent(verify_ssl=False).random,
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", } data = { "StartTime": "2019-02-25", "DepTime": "2019-02-26", "RoomGuestCount": "1,1,0", "city": city_num, "page": i, } try: time.sleep(random.randint(1, 5)) html = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data) regex = re.compile(r\\(?![/u"])) fixed = regex.sub(r"\\\\", html.text) aa = json.loads(fixed) except Exception: pass for n in range(0, 25): try: hotel_name = aa["hotelPositionJSON"][n]["name"] hotel_id = aa["hotelPositionJSON"][n]["id"] hotel_address = aa["hotelPositionJSON"][n]["address"] price = eval(aa["HotelMaiDianData"]["value"]["htllist"])[n]["amount"] star_class = aa["hotelPositionJSON"][n]["star"][-2:] time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) hotel_intro = requests.get(http://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/%s.html % hotel_id) res_req = BeautifulSoup(hotel_intro.text, "html5lib") iss = re.sub(資質備案, ‘‘, re.sub(聯系方式, ‘‘, res_req.find(div, id=htlDes).findAll(p)[0].get_text())) ins = iss.replace(\n, ‘‘).replace( , ‘‘).replace(&nbsp;, ‘‘) s = res_req.find(span, id=J_realContact)[data-real].replace(\n, ,) tel = s[s.rfind("電話"): s.rfind("<a") - 2] duction = res_req.find(span, id=ctl00_MainContentPlaceHolder_hotelDetailInfo_lbDesc).get_text().replace(\n, ,) introduction = str(ins) + str(tel) + str(duction) ss += 1 k.writerow([ss, hotel_name, price + "元起", star_class, hotel_address, introduction]) except Exception: continue time.sleep(random.randint(1, 4)) hotel_xie.close() if __name__ == __main__: has_num = [] will_req_list = [] for line in open("address.json", encoding=utf-8): single_list = line.replace("\n", "").split(,) for has in open("has_address.json", encoding=utf-8): has_num.append(int(has.replace("\n", ""))) if int(single_list[1]) in has_num: continue single_tuple = (single_list, None) will_req_list.append(single_tuple) pool = threadpool.ThreadPool(8) request_list = threadpool.makeRequests(hotel, will_req_list) [pool.putRequest(req) for req in request_list] pool.wait() # 爬取地址 # h = { # "Connection": "keep-alive", # "origin": "http://hotels.ctrip.com", # "Host": "hotels.ctrip.com", # "referer": "http://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/beijing1", # "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36", # "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", # } # res = requests.get(‘http://hotels.ctrip.com/Domestic/Tool/AjaxGetCitySuggestion.aspx‘, headers=h) # a_list = re.findall(‘data:(.*?),group:‘, res.text) # with open(‘address.json‘, ‘w+‘, encoding="utf-8") as f: # for address in a_list: # i = 0 # al = address.split(‘,‘) # for a in al: # city_letter = ‘‘.join(re.findall(r‘[A-Za-z]‘, a)) # f.write(city_letter + ‘,‘) # city_num = re.sub("\D", "", a) # f.write(str(city_num)) # city_name = re.sub(‘[A-Za-z0-9\"\|]‘, "", a) # f.write(‘,‘ + str(city_name)) # f.write(‘\n‘) # i += 1 # f.close()
