1. 程式人生 > >Linux中目錄proc/net/dev詳解【轉】


版權 min com 訪問 his 緩沖 適配 ack admin


版權聲明:本文為博主原創文章,未經博主允許不得轉載。 https://blog.csdn.net/yzy1103203312/article/details/77848192



bytes: The total number of bytes of data transmitted or received by the interface.(接口發送或接收的數據的總字節數)
packets: The total number of packets of data transmitted or received by the interface.(接口發送或接收的數據包總數)

errs: The total number of transmit or receive errors detected by the device driver.(由設備驅動程序檢測到的發送或接收錯誤的總數)
drop: The total number of packets dropped by the device driver.(設備驅動程序丟棄的數據包總數)
fifo: The number of FIFO buffer errors.(FIFO緩沖區錯誤的數量)
frame: The number of packet framing errors.(分組幀錯誤的數量)
colls: The number of collisions detected on the interface.(接口上檢測到的沖突數)
compressed: The number of compressed packets transmitted or received by the device driver. (This appears to be unused in the 2.2.15 kernel.)(設備驅動程序發送或接收的壓縮數據包數)
carrier: The number of carrier losses detected by the device driver.(由設備驅動程序檢測到的載波損耗的數量)
multicast: The number of multicast frames transmitted or received by the device driver.(設備驅動程序發送或接收的多播幀數)
