1. 程式人生 > >Delphi:校驗手機號及身份證號


理論值 number nth bit 身份證號碼 copy 內部 ons 字符

function IsMobileNumber( num:string ):boolean;
    if length( trim( Num ) ) <> 11 then Exit;
    if ( ( copy( num, 1, 2) <> 13 ) and ( copy( num , 1, 2) <> 15 ) ) then Exit;
      StrToInt( copy( num, 3, 9 ) );
except end; end; //校驗身份證,合法返回字符1,否則返回格式錯誤信息 function ValidatePID(const APID: string): string; {內部函數,取身份證號校驗位,最後一位,對18位有效} function GetVerifyBit(sIdentityNum: string): Char; var nNum: Integer; begin Result := #0; nNum := StrToInt(sIdentityNum[1]) * 7 StrToInt(sIdentityNum[
2]) * 9 StrToInt(sIdentityNum[3]) * 10 StrToInt(sIdentityNum[4]) * 5 StrToInt(sIdentityNum[5]) * 8 StrToInt(sIdentityNum[6]) * 4 StrToInt(sIdentityNum[7]) * 2 StrToInt(sIdentityNum[8]) * 1 StrToInt(sIdentityNum[9]) * 6 StrToInt(sIdentityNum[10]) * 3
StrToInt(sIdentityNum[11]) * 7 StrToInt(sIdentityNum[12]) * 9 StrToInt(sIdentityNum[13]) * 10 StrToInt(sIdentityNum[14]) * 5 StrToInt(sIdentityNum[15]) * 8 StrToInt(sIdentityNum[16]) * 4 StrToInt(sIdentityNum[17]) * 2; nNum := nNum mod 11; case nNum of 0: Result := 1; 1: Result := 0; 2: Result := X; 3: Result := 9; 4: Result := 8; 5: Result := 7; 6: Result := 6; 7: Result := 5; 8: Result := 4; 9: Result := 3; 10: Result := 2; end; end; var L: Integer; sCentury: string; sYear2Bit, sYear4Bit: string; sMonth: string; sDate: string; iCentury: Integer; iMonth: Integer; iDate: Integer; CRCFact: string; //18位證號的實際值 CRCTh: string; //18位證號的理論值 FebDayAmt: Byte; //2月天數 begin L := Length(APID); if (L in [15, 18]) = False then begin Result := Format(身份證號不是15位或18位(%0:s, 實際位數:%1:d), [APID, L]); Exit; end; CRCFact := ‘‘; if L = 18 then begin sCentury := Copy(APID, 7, 2); iCentury := StrToInt(sCentury); if (iCentury in [18..20]) = False then begin Result := Format(身份證號碼無效:18位證號的年份前兩位必須在18-20之間(%0:S), [sCentury]); Exit; end; sYear2Bit := Copy(APID, 9, 2); sYear4Bit := sCentury sYear2Bit; sMonth := Copy(APID, 11, 2); sDate := Copy(APID, 13, 2); CRCFact := Copy(APID, 18, 1); end else begin sCentury := 19; sYear2Bit := Copy(APID, 7, 2); sYear4Bit := sCentury sYear2Bit; sMonth := Copy(APID, 9, 2); sDate := Copy(APID, 11, 2); end; iMonth := StrToInt(sMonth); iDate := StrToInt(sDate); if (iMonth in [01..12]) = False then begin Result := Format(身份證號碼無效:月份必須在01-12之間(%0:s), [sMonth]); Exit; end; if (iMonth in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]) then begin if (iDate in [01..31]) = False then begin Result := Format(身份證號碼無效:日期無效,不能為零或超出當月最大值(%0:s), [sDate]); Exit; end; end; if (iMonth in [4, 6, 9, 11]) then begin if (iDate in [01..30]) = False then begin Result := Format(身份證號碼無效:日期無效,不能為零或超出當月最大值(%0:s), [sDate]); Exit; end; end; if IsLeapYear(StrToInt(sCentury sYear2Bit)) = True then begin FebDayAmt := 29; end else begin FebDayAmt := 28; end; if (iMonth in [2]) then begin if (iDate in [01..FebDayAmt]) = False then begin Result := Format(身份證號碼無效:日期無效,不能為零或超出當月最大值(%0:s), [sDate]); Exit; end; end; if CRCFact <> ‘‘ then begin CRCTh := GetVerifyBit(APID); if CRCFact <> CRCTh then begin Result := Format(身份證號碼無效:校驗位(第18位)錯:(%0:s), [APID]); Exit; end; end; Result := 1; end;
