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Python數據可視化 之 使用API(一)

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 1 import requests
 4 #執行API調用並存儲響應
 5 url = https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=language:python&sort=stars
 6 r = requests.get(url)
 7 print("Statuscode:", r.status_code)
 9 #將API響應存儲在一個變量中
10 response_dict = r.json()
11 print("Repositories returned:
", response_dict[total_count])#包含倉庫總數 12 13 #探索有關倉庫的信息 14 repo_dicts = response_dict[items] 15 print("Repositories returned:", len(repo_dicts)) 16 17 #研究第一個倉庫 18 repo_dict = repo_dicts[0] 19 print("\nKeys:", len(repo_dict)) 20 for key in sorted(repo_dict.keys()): 21 print(key) 22 23
print("\nSelected information about first repository:") 24 print(Name:, repo_dict[name]) 25 print(Owner:, repo_dict[owner][login]) 26 print(Stars:, repo_dict[stargazers_count]) 27 print(Repository:, repo_dict[html_url]) 28 print(Created:,repo_dict[created_at]) 29 print(
Updated:, repo_dict[updated_at]) 30 print(Description:, repo_dict[description])


Selected information about first repository:
Name: awesome-python
Owner: vinta
Stars: 66036
Repository: https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python
Created: 2014-06-27T21:00:06Z
Updated: 2019-04-19T12:49:58Z
Description: A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources

Python數據可視化 之 使用API(一)