1. 程式人生 > >MySQL基礎知識:建立MySQL資料庫和表


虛構一個微型線上書店的資料庫和資料,作為後續MySQL指令碼的執行源,方便後續MySQL和SQL的練習。 在虛構這個庫的過程中,主要涉及的是如何使用命令列管理 ```MySQL```資料庫物件:資料庫、表、索引、外來鍵等;另一個更為重要的是如何Mock對應表的資料。 **虛構書店資料庫的dump指令碼**:[Github](https://github.com/zclmoon/database-note/tree/main/db_scripts/mysql_practice) # 資料庫(Database) 將要建立的虛擬書店的資料庫名為: ```mysql_practice```; 建立資料庫的語法: ```sql CREATE DATABASE [IF NOT EXISTS] database_name [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name] ``` 1. IF NOT EXISTS: 可選項,避免資料庫已經存在時報錯。 2. CHARACTER SET:可選項,不指定的時候會預設給個。 - 檢視當前MySQL Server支援的字符集(character set): ```sql show character set; -- 方法1 show charset; -- 方法2 show char set; -- 方法3 ``` 3. COLLATE:針對特定``character set``比較字串的規則集合;可選項,不指定的時候會預設給個。 - 獲取 ```charater set```的 ```collations``` ```sql show collation like 'utf8%'; ``` - collation名字的規則: ```charater_set_name_ci``` 或者 ```charater_set_name_cs``` 或 ```charater_set_name_bin```;```_ci```表示不區分大小寫,```_cs```表示區分大小寫;```_bin```表示用編碼值比較。 4. 示例: ```sql CREATE DATABASE my_test_tb CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; ``` **TODO:** 關於 character set和collations,內容稍微有點多,後面會單獨記一篇文章。 #### 登入的時候選擇資料庫 ```bash mysql -uroot -D database_name -p ``` #### 登入後選擇資料庫 ```sql use database_name; ``` #### 檢視當前選的資料庫 ```sql select database(); ``` #### 建立新資料庫 ```sql create database if not exists mysql_practice; ``` 通過下面的語句可以檢查建立的資料庫: ```sql show create database mysql_practice; ``` 可以看到,如果建立資料庫時候沒有指定 ```character set``` 和 ```collate``` 的話,會預設指定一套。 #### 顯示所有當前賬戶可見的資料庫 ```sql show databases; ``` #### 刪除資料庫 ```sql drop database if exists mysql_practice; ``` MySQL中 ```schema``` 是 ```database``` 的同義詞,因此也可以使用下面語句刪除資料庫: ```sql drop schema if exists mysql_practice; ``` # 資料表(Table) #### MySQL建立資料表的語法 ```sql CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] table_name( column_1_definition, column_2_definition, ..., table_constraints ) ENGINE=storage_engine; ``` 表列的定義語法: ```sql column_name data_type(length) [NOT NULL] [DEFAULT value] [AUTO_INCREMENT] column_constraint; ``` **表的約束(Table Constraints):** ```UNIQUE```, ```CHECK```, ```PRIMARY KEY``` and ```FOREIGN KEY```. #### 查看錶的定義 ```sql desc table_name; ``` #### 建立mysql_practice資料表 ```sql USE mysql_practice; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customer_order; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS book; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS book_category; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customer_address; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customer; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS region; -- region,資料使用: https://github.com/xiangyuecn/AreaCity-JsSpider-StatsGov CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS region( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, pid INT NOT NULL, deep INT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, pinyin_prefix VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, pinyin VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, ext_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, ext_name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id) ); -- customer CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customer( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, no VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, first_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, status VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, phone_number VARCHAR(20) NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id), unique(no) ) ENGINE=INNODB; -- customer address CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customer_address( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, customer_id INT NOT NULL, area_id INT NULL, address_detail VARCHAR(200) NULL, is_default bit NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id), FOREIGN KEY(customer_id) REFERENCES customer (id) ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE=INNODB; -- book category CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS book_category( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, code VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, parent_id INT NULL, deep INT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id) ); -- book CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS book( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, category_id INT NOT NULL, no VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, status VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, unit_price DOUBLE NOT NULL, author VARCHAR(50) NULL, publish_date DATETIME NULL, publisher VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id), FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES book_category (id) ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE CASCADE ); -- orders CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customer_order( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, no VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, customer_id INT NOT NULL, book_id INT NOT NULL, quantity INT NOT NULL, total_price DOUBLE NOT NULL, discount DOUBLE NULL, order_date DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id), FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customer(id) ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (book_id) references book (id) on update restrict on delete cascade ) ENGINE=INNODB; ``` #### 匯入region資料 下載region csv資料:[【三級】省市區 資料下載](https://gitee.com/xiangyuecn/AreaCity-JsSpider-StatsGov/raw/master/src/%E9%87%87%E9%9B%86%E5%88%B0%E7%9A%84%E6%95%B0%E6%8D%AE/ok_data_level3.csv). 匯入語句: ```sql LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/ok_data_level3.csv' INTO TABLE region FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' IGNORE 1 ROWS; ``` 匯入如果報錯: ```bash ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement ``` - 通過命令 ``` mdfind -name my.cnf``` 找到mysql配置檔案 ```my.cnf```; - [解決辦法](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32737478/how-should-i-tackle-secure-file-priv-in-mysql) (還沒實際測試過,大都使用的是 ```LOATA DATA LOCAL INFILE``` 方式) **或者使用** ```LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE```代替 ```LOAD DATA INFILE``` 即: ```sql LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/tmp/ok_data_level3.csv' INTO TABLE region FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' IGNORE 1 ROWS; ``` 如果報錯: ```bash Error Code: 3948. Loading local data is disabled; this must be enabled on both the client and server sides ``` 或者報錯: ```bash ERROR 1148 (42000): The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version ``` - 檢視配置: ```show variables like "local_infile";``` - 修改配置: ```set global local_infile = 1;``` #### 生成Customer資料 建立一個SP: ```sql USE mysql_practice; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_generate_customers; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_generate_customers() BEGIN -- Generate 10000 customer and customer_address set @fNameIndex = 1; set @lNameIndex = 1; loop_label_f: LOOP IF @fNameIndex > 100 THEN LEAVE loop_label_f; END IF; set @fName = ELT(@fNameIndex, "James","Mary","John","Patricia","Robert","Linda","Michael","Barbara","William","Elizabeth","David","Jennifer","Richard","Maria","Charles","Susan","Joseph","Margaret","Thomas","Dorothy","Christopher","Lisa","Daniel","Nancy","Paul","Karen","Mark","Betty","Donald","Helen","George","Sandra","Kenneth","Donna","Steven","Carol","Edward","Ruth","Brian","Sharon","Ronald","Michelle","Anthony","Laura","Kevin","Sarah","Jason","Kimberly","Matthew","Deborah","Gary","Jessica","Timothy","Shirley","Jose","Cynthia","Larry","Angela","Jeffrey","Melissa","Frank","Brenda","Scott","Amy","Eric","Anna","Stephen","Rebecca","Andrew","Virginia","Raymond","Kathleen","Gregory","Pamela","Joshua","Martha","Jerry","Debra","Dennis","Amanda","Walter","Stephanie","Patrick","Carolyn","Peter","Christine","Harold","Marie","Douglas","Janet","Henry","Catherine","Carl","Frances","Arthur","Ann","Ryan","Joyce","Roger","Diane"); loop_label_last: LOOP IF @lNameIndex > 100 THEN LEAVE loop_label_last; END IF; SET @lName = ELT(@lNameIndex, "Smith","Johnson","Williams","Jones","Brown","Davis","Miller","Wilson","Moore","Taylor","Anderson","Thomas","Jackson","White","Harris","Martin","Thompson","Garcia","Martinez","Robinson","Clark","Rodriguez","Lewis","Lee","Walker","Hall","Allen","Young","Hernandez","King","Wright","Lopez","Hill","Scott","Green","Adams","Baker","Gonzalez","Nelson","Carter","Mitchell","Perez","Roberts","Turner","Phillips","Campbell","Parker","Evans","Edwards","Collins","Stewart","Sanchez","Morris","Rogers","Reed","Cook","Morgan","Bell","Murphy","Bailey","Rivera","Cooper","Richardson","Cox","Howard","Ward","Torres","Peterson","Gray","Ramirez","James","Watson","Brooks","Kelly","Sanders","Price","Bennett","Wood","Barnes","Ross","Henderson","Coleman","Jenkins","Perry","Powell","Long","Patterson","Hughes","Flores","Washington","Butler","Simmons","Foster","Gonzales","Bryant","Alexander","Russell","Griffin","Diaz","Hayes"); -- insert into customer INSERT INTO customer(no, first_name, last_name, status, phone_number, updated_at, created_at) values( REPLACE(LEFT(uuid(), 16), '-', ''), @fName, @lName, 'ACTIVE', null, curdate(), curdate() ); -- insert into customer_address set @randomArea = 0; SELECT id into @randomArea FROM region where deep = 2 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO customer_address(customer_id, area_id, address_detail, is_default, updated_at, created_at) VALUES( @@Identity, @randomArea, '', 1, curdate(), curdate() ); set @lNameIndex = @lNameIndex + 1; END LOOP loop_label_last; SET @lNameIndex = 1; -- Note: assign 1 to last name index, for next loop. SET @fnameIndex = @fnameIndex + 1; END LOOP loop_label_f; -- update address_detail in customer_address UPDATE customer_address ca JOIN region r on ca.area_id = r.id and r.deep = 2 join region r2 on r.pid = r2.id and r2.deep = 1 join region r3 on r2.pid = r3.id and r3.deep = 0 SET ca.address_detail = concat(r3.ext_name, r2.ext_name, r.ext_name); END $$ DELIMITER ; ``` 呼叫SP: ```sql call sp_generate_customers(); ``` #### 生成產品分類和產品資料 **第零步:** 手動插入產品分類到```product_category```表中 ```sql INSERT INTO product_category(code,name, parent_id, deep, updated_at, created_at) VALUES ('BOOK', 'Book', 0, 0, curdate(), curdate()), ('BOOK_CODE', 'Code Book', 1, 1, curdate(), curdate()), ('BOOK_CHIDREN', 'Children Book', 1, 1, curdate(), curdate()), ('BOOK_SCIENCE', 'Science Book', 1, 1, curdate(), curdate()); ``` **第一步:** 用Python寫個爬蟲工具,抓取書店的商品資訊。 下面是抓取噹噹搜尋“科學”關鍵字的書籍列表。 ```python import requests import csv from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def crawl(url): res = requests.get(url) res.encoding = 'gb18030' soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser') n = 0 section = soup.find('ul', id='component_59') allLIs = section.find_all('li') #print(allLIs) with open('output_science.csv', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='#') # 由於內容裡有',',因此這裡指定'#'作為csv分隔符 csv_writer.writerow(['序號', '書名', '價格', '作者', '出版時間', '出版社']) for books in allLIs: title = books.select('.name')[0].text.strip().split(' ', 1)[0].strip() price = books.select('.search_pre_price')[0].text.strip('¥') authorInfo = books.select('.search_book_author')[0].text.strip().split('/') author = authorInfo[0] publishDate = authorInfo[1] publisher = authorInfo[2] n += 1 csv_writer.writerow([n, title, price, author, publishDate, publisher]) url = 'http://search.dangdang.com/?key=%BF%C6%D1%A7&act=input' crawl(url) ``` **第二步:** 匯入csv資料到MySQL資料表mock_science中。 ```sql CREATE TABLE `mock_science` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `price` double DEFAULT NULL, `author` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `publish_date` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `publisher` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; ``` **第三步:** 插入科學類書資訊到product表中 ```sql INSERT book(category_id, no, name, status,unit_price, author,publish_date,publisher, updated_at, created_at) SELECT 4, REPLACE(LEFT(uuid(), 16), '-', ''), name, 'ACTIVE', price, author, publish_date, publisher, curdate(), curdate() FROM mock_science; ``` 迴圈第一到第三步,可以插入更多的產品資訊。練習資料庫最終抓取了```JAVA```,```兒童```,```科學```三個關鍵搜尋出的第一頁書籍。 #### 生成訂單資料 隨機生成訂單資料的SP(注意:這個sp生成的資料,還需要進一步處理): ```sql USE mysql_practice; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_generate_orders; DELIMITER $$ -- Reference: https://www.mysqltutorial.org/select-random-records-database-table.aspx -- Generate orders for last two years. -- each day have orders range: [500, 5000] CREATE PROCEDURE sp_generate_orders() BEGIN SET @startDate = '2020-03-01'; SET @endDate = curdate(); loop_label_p: LOOP IF @startDate > @endDate THEN LEAVE loop_label_p; END IF; SET @randCustomerTotal = FLOOR(RAND()*50) + 100; SET @randBookTotal = FLOOR(RAND()*5) + 1; SET @randQty = FLOOR(RAND()*3) + 1; SET @query1 = CONCAT('INSERT INTO customer_order(no, customer_id, book_id, quantity, total_price,discount, order_date, updated_at, created_at)'); SET @query1 = CONCAT(@query1, ' select ', "'", uuid(), "'",', c.id, p.id,', @randQty, ', 0, 0, ', "'",@startDate,"'", ',', "'",curdate(),"'" ,',', "'",curdate(),"'"); SET @query1 = CONCAT(@query1, ' FROM (select id from customer ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT ', @randCustomerTotal,') c join '); SET @query1 = CONCAT(@query1, ' (select id from book order by rand() limit ', @randBookTotal,') p '); SET @query1 = CONCAT(@query1, 'where c.id is not null'); PREPARE increased FROM @query1; EXECUTE increased; SET @startDate = DATE_ADD(@startDate, INTERVAL 1 DAY); END LOOP loop_label_p; END $$ DELIMITER ; ``` 總共會生成幾十萬或上百萬條order資料;最好先簡單加下index,不然query太慢,可以在建立db table後就加上。 新增index: ```sql ALTER TABLE book ADD INDEX idx_unit_price(unit_price); ALTER TABLE customer_order ADD INDEX idx_order_no(no); ALTER TABLE customer_order ADD INDEX idx_order_date(order_date); ALTER TABLE customer_order ADD INDEX idx_quantity(quantity); ``` **更新order no:** ```sql -- update order total_price -- please note it is better to add index first. otherwise it will be slow. -- update order_no update customer_order set no = concat(REPLACE(LEFT(no, 16), '-', ''), customer_id, book_id) where no is not null; -- update total price ``` **如果不想有重複的order no,可以通過下面的sql更新order no:** ```sql -- 處理重複的 order no update customer_order co join (select no from customer_order co2 group by co2.no having count(*) > 1) as cdo on co.no = cdo.no set co.no = concat(REPLACE(LEFT(uuid(), 16), '-', ''), customer_id, book_id); ``` 如果還有重複的order no,繼續run上面這個sql,直到沒有重複的即可。 **更新order表裡的total_price**: ```sql -- update total price update customer_order co join book b on co.book_id = b.id SET co.total_price = co.quantity * b.unit_price; ``` 至此,我們的資料庫表和對應的mock資料已經基本完成。使用mysqldump備份一下: ```bash mysqldump -u [username] –p[password] [database_name] > [dump_file.sql] ``` # 下一步 - 檢視(View) - 儲存過程(Store Procedure) - 函式(Function) - 觸發器(Trigger) - 定時任務(Job) # 參考資料 1. [MySQL Character Set](https://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-character-set/) 2. [MySQL Collation](https://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-collation/) 3. [Generating random names in MySQL](https://thecodecave.com/generating-random-names-in-mysql/) 4. [MySQL LOOP](https://www.mysqltutorial.org/stored-procedures-loop.aspx) 5. [MySQL Select Random Records](https://www.mysqltutorial.org/select-random-records-database-table.aspx) 原文地址:[MySQL基礎知識:建立MySQL資料庫和表](https://zhuchengliang.com/db/mysql-db-schema-and-table/)