1. 程式人生 > >(CS229) 第二課 梯度下降及標準方程推導筆記

(CS229) 第二課 梯度下降及標準方程推導筆記

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1 Locally weighted linear regression


Here the w are non-nagative valued weights. 是一個contribute, A fairly standard choice for the weights is:

(不要與高斯混為一談,這個函數積分不要求為1,可以是正無窮; 這個函數不是唯一地;最大值1,最小值0)


tau is bandwidth which controls how quickly the weight of a training example falls off with distance of the middle(x^(i))

Locally weighted linear regression is the first example we’re seeing of a non-parametric algorithm

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(CS229) 第二課 梯度下降及標準方程推導筆記