1. 程式人生 > >多級菜單實現


lis ict while log 廣西 自己 天津 please cnblogs

 1 __author__ = ZZG
 2 ‘‘‘
 3 這個程序只用來測試中國,另外實現到省一級別。(國家-地區-省份)
 5  ‘‘‘
 6 p1 = [北京,天津,河北,山西,內蒙古]
 7 p2 = [湖北,湖南,河南,江西]
 8 p3 = [廣東,廣西,海南]
 9 p4 = [山東,江蘇,安徽,浙江,上海,福建]
10 p5 = [遼寧,吉林,黑龍江]
11 p6 = [四川,雲南,貴州,西藏,重慶]
12 p7 = [寧夏,新疆,青海,陜西,
甘肅] 13 p8 = [香港,澳門,臺灣] 14 15 region = [華北, 華中, 華南, 華東, 東北, 西南, 西北, 港澳臺] 16 province = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8] 17 adict = dict(zip(region,province)) 18 #print(adict) 19 country = ("China",America,Kereo,Japen,Europe) 20 print(country) 21 22 while True: 23 w_country = input(
please enter your country from up-list or enter "Back" to return:) 24 25 if w_country == "China": 26 print(region) 27 w_region = input(please enter your region of country or enter "Back" to return:) 28 if w_region == Back: 29 print(country) 30 else
: 31 print(adict[w_region]) 32 33 elif w_country == Back: 34 print("China",America,Kereo,Japen,Europe) 35 else: 36 print(sorry we cannot to go there)

2017-06-19 18:54:57

