1. 程式人生 > >線程進程學習


event sync pycharm conn als _for bre info 開始

# encoding: utf-8
@author: lileilei
@software: PyCharm
@file: login.py
@time: 2017/7/26 10:28
import  requests,time
from  multiprocessing import  Pool
def  baiduGent():
    global total
    global suc
    global  fail
global gt3 global lt3 global ecept try: st=time.time() conn=requests.get(url) res=conn.status_code if res==200: total+=1 suc+=1 else: total+=1 fail+=1 time_span = time.time() - st print
(time_span) if time_span>3: gt3+=1 else: lt3+=1 except Exception as e: print(e) total+=1 ecept+=1 if __name__ ==__main__: print(===========請求開始===========) start_time = time.time() pools = Pool(100) for i in range(10): pools.apply_async(baiduGent,args
=()) pools.close() pools.join() from multiprocessing import Process,Queue import os, time, random def write(q): print(Process to 產生: %s % os.getpid()) for value in [蘋果, 香蕉, 橘子]: print(產生 %s to queue... % value) q.put(value) time.sleep(random.random()) def read(q): print(Process to 消費: %s % os.getpid()) while True: value = q.get() print(消費 %s from queue. % value) if __name__==__main__: q = Queue() pw = Process(target=write, args=(q,)) pr = Process(target=read, args=(q,)) pw.start() pr.start() pw.join() pr.terminate() m=list(map(lambda x: x * x, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])) print(m) f=list(map(lambda x:True if x%3==0 else False,range(100))) print(f) import asyncio @asyncio.coroutine async def hello(): print (hello word) r=await asyncio.sleep(1) print(hello again) loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(hello()) loop.close() import threading import asyncio @asyncio.coroutine def hello(): print(Hello world! (%s) % threading.currentThread()) yield from asyncio.sleep(1) print(Hello again! (%s) % threading.currentThread()) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() tasks = [hello(), hello()] loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) loop.close() import asyncio @asyncio.coroutine def wget(host): print(wegt %s ....%host) connt=asyncio.open_connection(host,80) reder,writer=yield from connt hserd= GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n % host writer.write(hserd.encode(utf-8)) yield from writer.drain() while 1: line=yield from reder.readline() if line ==b\r\n: break print(%s header > %s % (host, line.decode(utf-8).rstrip())) writer.close() loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() tasks=[wget(host) for host in [www.sina.com.cn, www.sohu.com, www.163.com]] loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) loop.close() import asyncio from aiohttp import web async def index(request): await asyncio.sleep(0.5) return web.Response(body=b<h1>Index</h1>,content_type=text/html) async def hello(request): await asyncio.sleep(0.5) text = <h1>hello, %s!</h1> % request.match_info[name] return web.Response(body=text.encode(utf-8),content_type=text/html) async def init(loop): app = web.Application(loop=loop) app.router.add_route(GET, /, index) app.router.add_route(GET, /hello/{name}, hello) srv = await loop.create_server(app.make_handler(),, 8000) print(Server started at return srv loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(init(loop)) loop.run_forever() import asyncio,time @asyncio.coroutine async def hello(): print (hello word) start_time=time.time() loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() tasks=[] for i in range(10000): tasks.append(hello()) loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) loop.close() print(異步處理時間:%s%(time.time()-start_time)) import time,gevent def print_s(num): st=time.time() conn=requests.get(http://www.jd.com) res=conn.status_code if res==200: print(chenggong) else: print(shibai) start_time=time.time() events=[gevent.spawn(print_s,num)for num in range(10000)] gevent.joinall(events) print(協程時間:%s%(time.time()-start_time))
