1. 程式人生 > >Leetcode 680: Valid Palindrome II

Leetcode 680: Valid Palindrome II

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Given a non-empty string s, you may delete at most one character. Judge whether you can make it a palindrome.

Example 1:

Input: "aba"
Output: True

Example 2:

Input: "abca"
Output: True
Explanation: You could delete the character ‘c‘.


  1. The string will only contain lowercase characters a-z. The maximum length of the string is 50000.
 1 public class Solution {
 2     public bool ValidPalindrome(string s) {
 3         return s == null || s.Length < 2 || IsValid(s, 0, s.Length - 1, false);
 4     }
 6     private bool IsValid(string s, int start, int end, bool hasDeleted)
 7     {
 8         if (start >= end) return
true; 9 10 int i = start, j = end; 11 12 while (i < j) 13 { 14 if (s[i] != s[j]) 15 { 16 if (hasDeleted) return false; 17 18 // we can try delete s[i] or s[j] 19 if (IsValid(s, i + 1
, j, true) || IsValid(s, i, j - 1, true)) 20 { 21 return true; 22 } 23 24 return false; 25 } 26 27 i++; 28 j--; 29 } 30 31 return true; 32 } 33 }

Leetcode 680: Valid Palindrome II