1. 程式人生 > >設計模式-行為型模式,命令模式(11)


不存在 delet rbo main sel creating delete == commands

命令模式(Command Pattern)是一種數據驅動的設計模式,它屬於行為型模式。請求以命令的形式包裹在對象中,並傳給調用對象。調用對象尋找可以處理該命令的合適的對象,並把該命令傳給相應的對象,該對象執行命令。


import os

verbose = True

class RenameFile:

    def __init__(self, path_src, path_dest):
        self.src, self.dest = path_src, path_dest

    def execute(self):
        if verbose:
            print("[renaming ‘{}‘ to ‘{}‘]".format(self.src, self.dest))
        os.rename(self.src, self.dest)

def undo(self): if verbose: print("[renaming ‘{}‘ back to ‘{}‘]".format(self.dest, self.src)) os.rename(self.dest, self.src) class CreateFile: def __init__(self, path, txt=hello world\n): self.path, self.txt = path, txt def execute(self):
if verbose: print("[creating file ‘{}‘]".format(self.path)) with open(self.path, mode=w, encoding=utf-8) as out_file: out_file.write(self.txt) def undo(self): delete_file(self.path) class ReadFile: def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def execute(self): if verbose: print("[reading file ‘{}‘]".format(self.path)) with open(self.path, mode=r, encoding=utf-8) as in_file: print(in_file.read(), end=‘‘) def delete_file(path): if verbose: print("deleting file ‘{}‘".format(path)) os.remove(path) def main(): orig_name, new_name = file1, file2 commands = [] for cmd in CreateFile(orig_name), ReadFile(orig_name), RenameFile(orig_name, new_name): commands.append(cmd) [c.execute() for c in commands] answer = input(reverse the executed commands? [y/n] ) if answer not in yY: print("the result is {}".format(new_name)) exit() for c in reversed(commands): try: c.undo() except AttributeError as e: pass if __name__ == __main__: main()
