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MySQL in查詢優化

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MySQL in查詢優化<一>

原創 2015年08月10日 17:57:56
  • 5137


[html] view plain copy
  1. select * from t_channel where id_ in(select distinct cdbh from sjkk_gcjl where jgsj>‘2015-01-02 08:00:00‘ and jgsj<‘2015-01-02 12:00:00‘);
  2. ......
  3. 30min+


[html] view plain copy
  1. mysql> select distinct cdbh from sjkk_gcjl where jgsj>‘2015-01-02 08:00:00‘ and jgsj<‘2015-01-02 12:00:00‘;
  2. .....
  3. 1755 rows in set (3.30 sec)
  4. mysql> select count(*) from t_channel;
  5. ....
  6. 12062 rows in set (0.70 sec)

[html] view plain copy
  1. explain extended select * from t_channel where id_ in(select distinct cdbh from sjkk_gcjl where jgsj>‘2015-01-02 08:00:00‘ and jgsj<‘2015-01-02 12:00:00‘);
  2. +----+--------------------+-----------+-------+---------------+----------+---------+------+--------+----------+------------------------------+
  3. | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
  4. +----+--------------------+-----------+-------+---------------+----------+---------+------+--------+----------+------------------------------+
  5. | 1 | PRIMARY | t_channel | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 12062 | 100.00 | Using where |
  6. | 2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | sjkk_gcjl | range | idx_jgsj | idx_jgsj | 8 | NULL | 731868 | 100.00 | Using where; Using temporary |
  7. +----+--------------------+-----------+-------+---------------+----------+---------+------+--------+----------+------------------------------
[html] view plain copy
  1. mysql> show warnings;
  3. `shanghai_full`.`t_channel`.`ID_` AS `ID_`,
  4. `shanghai_full`.`t_channel`.`Code_` AS `Code_`,
  5. ...... --這裏會列出所有字段
  6. FROM
  7. `shanghai_full`.`t_channel`
  8. WHERE
  9. < in_optimizer > (
  10. `shanghai_full`.`t_channel`.`ID_` ,< EXISTS > (
  12. 1
  13. FROM
  14. `shanghai_full`.`sjkk_gcjl`
  15. WHERE
  16. (
  17. (
  18. `shanghai_full`.`sjkk_gcjl`.`jgsj` > ‘2015-01-02 08:00:00‘
  19. )
  20. AND (
  21. `shanghai_full`.`sjkk_gcjl`.`jgsj` < ‘2015-01-02 12:00:00‘
  22. )
  23. AND (
  24. < CACHE > (
  25. `shanghai_full`.`t_channel`.`ID_`
  26. ) = `shanghai_full`.`sjkk_gcjl`.`cdbh`
  27. )
  28. )
  29. )
  30. );

可見,經過mysql優化器後,in 給轉換成exists的方式(mysql認為換成exists更快,呵呵)。




[html] view plain copy
  1. select t1.* from t_channel t1,(select distinct cdbh from sjkk_gcjl where jgsj>‘2015-01-02 08:00:00‘ and jgsj<‘2015-01-02 12:00:00‘) t2 where t1.id_=t2.cdbh;
  2. ......
  3. 1264 rows in set (3.30 sec)
  4. mysql> explain extended select t1.* from t_channel t1,(select distinct cdbh from sjkk_gcjl where jgsj>‘2015-01-02 08:00:00‘ and jgsj<‘2015-01-02 12:00:00‘) t2 where t1.id_www.255055.cn/ =t2.cdbh;
  5. +----+-------------+------------+--------+---------------+----------+---------+---------+--------+----------+------------------------------+
  6. | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
  7. +----+-------------+------------+--------+---------------+----------+---------+---------+--------+----------+------------------------------+
  8. | 1 | PRIMARY | <derived2> | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1755 | 100.00 | |
  9. | 1 | PRIMARY | t1 www.boshenyl.cn | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ID_ | PRIMARY | 74 | t2.cdbh | 1 | 100.00 | Using where |
  10. | 2 | DERIVED | sjkk_gcjl | range | idx_jgsj | idx_jgsj | 8 | NULL | 731868 | 100.00 | Using where; Using temporary |
  11. +----+-------------+------------+--------+---------------+----------+---------+---------+--------+----------+------------------------------+
  12. mysql> show warnings;
  13. SELECT
  14. `shanghai_full`.`t1`.`ID_` AS `ID_`,
  15. ........ ---這裏會列出所有字段FROM
  16. `shanghai_full`.`t_channel` `t1`
  17. JOIN (
  19. `shanghai_full`.`sjkk_gcjl`.`cdbh` AS `www.cnzhaotai.com cdbh`
  20. FROM
  21. `shanghai_full`.www.fengshen157.com `sjkk_gcjl`
  22. WHERE
  23. (
  24. (
  25. `shanghai_full`.`sjkk_gcjl`.`jgsj` > ‘2015-01-02 08:00:00‘
  26. )
  27. AND (
  28. `shanghai_full`.`sjkk_gcjl`.`jgsj` < ‘2015-01-02 12:00:00‘
  29. )
  30. )
  31. ) `t2`
  32. WHERE
  33. (
  34. `shanghai_full`.`t1`.`ID_` = www.taohuayuan178.com `t2`.`cdbh`
  35. );


[html] view plain copy
  1. mysql> create temporary table tmp_www.yibaoyule1.com channel engine=memory (select distinct cdbh from sjkk_gcjl where jgsj>‘2015-01-02 08:00:00‘ and jgsj<‘2015-01-02 12:00:00‘);
  2. Query OK, 1755 rows affected (9.00 sec)
  3. Records: 1755 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
  4. mysql> select * from t_channel where id_ in(select * from tmp_channel);
  5. .....
  6. 1264 rows in set (0.26 sec)
  7. mysql> explain extended select * from t_channel where id_ in(select * from tmp_channel);
  8. +----+--------------------+-------------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+----------+-------------+
  9. | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
  10. +----+--------------------+-------------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+----------+-------------+
  11. | 1 | PRIMARY | t_channel | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 3224 | 100.00 | Using where |
  12. | 2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | tmp_channel | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 20 | 100.00 | Using where |
  13. +----+--------------------+-------------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+----------+-------------+
  14. mysql> show warnings;
  15. | Note | 1003 | select `vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`ID_` AS `ID_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`Code_` AS `Code_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`HostId_` AS `HostId_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`RoadMonitorStationId_` AS `RoadMonitorStationId_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`ChannelNo_` AS `ChannelNo_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`Name_` AS `Name_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`ChannelType_` AS `ChannelType_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`Ext_` AS `Ext_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`DeviceAddress_` AS `DeviceAddress_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`MinSpeed_`www.mhylpt.comS `MinSpeed_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`MaxSpeed_` AS `MaxSpeed_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`LimitMinRatio_` AS `LimitMinRatio_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`LimitMaxRatio_` AS `LimitMaxRatio_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`Direction_` AS `Direction_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`JcDirection_` AS `JcDirection_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`LaneNum_` AS `LaneNum_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`FrameDropNum_` AS `FrameDropNum_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`RecogizeRectLeft_` AS `RecogizeRectLeft_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`RecogizeRectTop_` AS `RecogizeRectTop_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`RecogizeRectWidth_` AS `RecogizeRectWidth_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`RecogizeRectHeight_` AS `RecogizeRectHeight_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`RmpServerIp_` AS `RmpServerIp_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`RmpServerPort_` AS `RmpServerPort_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`VirtualGateServerId_` AS `VirtualGateServerId_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`LaneType_` AS `LaneType_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`DeviceType_` AS `DeviceType_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`ManufacturerId_` AS `ManufacturerId_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`IsLocalSavePicture_` AS `IsLocalSavePicture_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`OrderNO_` AS `OrderNO_`,`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`channelStatus` AS `channelStatus` from `vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel` where <in_optimizer>(`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`ID_`,<exists>(select 1 from `vmc_jiaqi`.`tmp_channel` where (<cache>(`vmc_jiaqi`.`t_channel`.`ID_`) = `vmc_jiaqi`.`tmp_channel`.`cdbh`)))

MySQL in查詢優化