1. 程式人生 > >Python收集Linux(Ubuntu環境測試過)系統信息——CPU、內存、磁盤、網卡



#!/usr/bin/python # coding:utf-8 import os import json import socket import psutil class Host: _hostname = socket.getfqdn(socket.gethostname()) @classmethod def get_local_addr(cls): addr = socket.gethostbyname(cls._hostname) return addr @classmethod def get_hostname(cls): return cls._hostname @classmethod def ping(cls): result = os.system("ping -c 1 -w 1 %s >/dev/null" % cls.get_local_addr()) if result == 0: return 1 else: return 0 class CPU: @classmethod def _get_cpu_load(cls): # get cpu 5 minutes load loadavg = "/proc/loadavg" with open(loadavg) as f: con = f.read().split() return con[1] @classmethod def _get_cpu_usage(cls): # Return a float representing the current system-wide CPU utilization as a percentage return psutil.cpu_percent(interval=0.1) @classmethod def get_cpu_info(cls): cpu = { "cpuUtil": cls._get_cpu_load(), "cpuUsed": cls._get_cpu_usage() } return cpu class Memory: mem = psutil.virtual_memory() @classmethod def _get_mem_total(cls): return cls.mem.total @classmethod def _get_mem_used(cls): return cls.mem.used @classmethod def get_mem_info(cls): mem = { "memUsed": cls._get_mem_used(), "memTotal": cls._get_mem_total(), } return mem class NetworkCard: @classmethod def get_card_bytes_info(cls): # bytes_sent try: card_ip = [] card_io = [] interface = [] for k, v in psutil.net_if_addrs().items(): if k not in 'lo': card_ip.append({'name': k, 'ip':v[0].address}) for k, v in psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True).items(): if k not in 'lo': card_io.append({'name': k, 'out': v.bytes_sent, 'in': v.bytes_recv}) for i in range(len(card_ip)): card = { 'intName': card_io[i]['name'], 'ip': card_ip[i]['ip'], 'out': card_io[i]['out'], 'in': card_io[i]['in'] } interface.append(card) return interface except AttributeError as e: print("Please use psutil version 3.0 or above") class Disk: @classmethod def get_disk_info(cls): disklt = [] for disk, sdiskio in psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=True, nowrap=False).items(): if disk.startswith(('sd','vd')): device = '/dev/{}'.format(disk) capacity = psutil.disk_usage(device) diskdt = { "diskName": device, "total": capacity.total, "used": capacity.used, "ws": sdiskio.write_merged_count, "rs": sdiskio.read_merged_count, "wiops": sdiskio.write_count, "riops": sdiskio.read_count, "rkb": sdiskio.read_bytes / 1024, "wkb": sdiskio.write_bytes / 1024 } disklt.append(diskdt) return disklt class Summary: def __init__(self): self._hostid = 1 self._groupid = 1 self._hostname = Host.get_hostname() self._ip = Host.get_local_addr() self._ping = Host.ping() self._cpu = CPU.get_cpu_info() self._memory = Memory.get_mem_info() self._network = NetworkCard.get_card_bytes_info() self._disk = Disk.get_disk_info() def start_collecting(self): summary = { 'hostid': self._hostid, 'groupid': self._groupid, 'hostname': self._hostname, 'ip': self._ip, 'ping': self._ping, 'cpu': self._cpu, 'memory': self._memory, 'network': self._network, 'disk': self._disk } return json.dumps(summary) if __name__ == '__main__': c = Summary() print(c.start_collecting())


