1. 程式人生 > >Thrift源碼分析(二)-- 協議和編解碼

Thrift源碼分析(二)-- 協議和編解碼

如果 dst begin TBase this 方法的參數 復雜 params OS




1. 關聯TTransport對象

2.定義一系列讀寫消息的編解碼接口,包括兩類,一類是復雜數據結構比如readMessageBegin, readMessageEnd, writeMessageBegin, writMessageEnd.還有一類是基本數據結構,比如readI32, writeI32, readString, writeString

[java] view plain copy
  1. public abstract class TProtocol {
  2. /**
  3. * Transport
  4. */
  5. protected TTransport trans_;
  6.  public abstract void writeMessageBegin(TMessage message) throws TException;
  7. public abstract void writeMessageEnd() throws TException;
  8. public abstract void writeStructBegin(TStruct struct) throws TException;
  9. public abstract void writeStructEnd() throws TException;
  10. public abstract void writeFieldBegin(TField field) throws TException;
  11. public abstract void writeFieldEnd() throws TException;
  12. public abstract void writeFieldStop() throws TException;
  13. public abstract void writeMapBegin(TMap map) throws TException;
  14. public abstract void writeMapEnd() throws TException;
  15. public abstract void writeListBegin(TList list) throws TException;
  16. public abstract void writeListEnd() throws TException;
  17. public abstract void writeSetBegin(TSet set) throws TException;
  18. public abstract void writeSetEnd() throws TException;
  19. public abstract void writeBool(boolean b) throws TException;
  20. public abstract void writeByte(byte b) throws TException;
  21. public abstract void writeI16(short i16) throws TException;
  22. public abstract void writeI32(int i32) throws TException;
  23. public abstract void writeI64(long i64) throws TException;
  24. public abstract void writeDouble(double dub) throws TException;
  25. public abstract void writeString(String str) throws TException;
  26. public abstract void writeBinary(ByteBuffer buf) throws TException;
  27. /**
  28. * Reading methods.
  29. */
  30. public abstract TMessage readMessageBegin() throws TException;
  31. public abstract void readMessageEnd() throws TException;
  32. public abstract TStruct readStructBegin() throws TException;
  33. public abstract void readStructEnd() throws TException;
  34. public abstract TField readFieldBegin() throws TException;
  35. public abstract void readFieldEnd() throws TException;
  36. public abstract TMap readMapBegin() throws TException;
  37. public abstract void readMapEnd() throws TException;
  38. public abstract TList readListBegin() throws TException;
  39. public abstract void readListEnd() throws TException;
  40. public abstract TSet readSetBegin() throws TException;
  41. public abstract void readSetEnd() throws TException;
  42. public abstract boolean readBool() throws TException;
  43. public abstract byte readByte() throws TException;
  44. public abstract short readI16() throws TException;
  45. public abstract int readI32() throws TException;
  46. public abstract long readI64() throws TException;
  47. public abstract double readDouble() throws TException;
  48. public abstract String readString() throws TException;
  49. public abstract ByteBuffer readBinary() throws TException;
  50. /**
  51. * Reset any internal state back to a blank slate. This method only needs to
  52. * be implemented for stateful protocols.
  53. */
  54. public void reset() {}
  55. /**
  56. * Scheme accessor
  57. */
  58. public Class<? extends IScheme> getScheme() {
  59. return StandardScheme.class;
  60. }
  61. }



1. 方法的名稱,包括類的名稱和方法的名稱

2. 方法的參數,包括類型和參數值



1. 調用的返回碼

2. 返回值



1. 先writeMessageBegin表示開始傳輸消息了,寫消息頭。Message裏面定義了方法名,調用的類型,版本號,消息seqId

2. 接下來是寫方法的參數,實際就是寫消息體。如果參數是一個類,就writeStructBegin

3. 接下來寫字段,writeFieldBegin, 這個方法會寫接下來的字段的數據類型和順序號。這個順序號是Thrfit對要傳輸的字段的一個編碼,從1開始

4. 如果是一個集合就writeListBegin/writeMapBegin,如果是一個基本數據類型,比如int, 就直接writeI32

5. 每個復雜數據類型寫完都調用writeXXXEnd,直到writeMessageEnd結束

6. 讀消息時根據數據類型讀取相應的長度


1. writeMessgeBegin方法寫了消息頭,包括4字節的版本號和類型信息,字符串類型的方法名,4字節的序列號seqId

2. writeFieldBegin,寫了1個字節的字段數據類型,和2個字節字段的順序號

3. writeI32,寫了4個字節的字節數組

4. writeString,先寫4字節消息頭表示字符串長度,再寫字符串字節

5. writeBinary,先寫4字節消息頭表示字節數組長度,再寫字節數組內容



8. readString時,先讀4字節字符串長度,再讀字符串內容。字符串統一采用UTF-8編碼

[java] view plain copy
  1. public void writeMessageBegin(TMessage message) throws TException {
  2. if (strictWrite_) {
  3. int version = VERSION_1 | message.type;
  4. writeI32(version);
  5. writeString(message.name);
  6. writeI32(message.seqid);
  7. } else {
  8. writeString(message.name);
  9. writeByte(message.type);
  10. writeI32(message.seqid);
  11. }
  12. }
  13. public void writeFieldBegin(TField field) throws TException {
  14. writeByte(field.type);
  15. writeI16(field.id);
  16. }
  17. private byte[] i32out = new byte[4];
  18. public void writeI32(int i32) throws TException {
  19. i32out[0] = (byte)(0xff & (i32 >> 24));
  20. i32out[1] = (byte)(0xff & (i32 >> 16));
  21. i32out[2] = (byte)(0xff & (i32 >> 8));
  22. i32out[3] = (byte)(0xff & (i32));
  23. trans_.write(i32out, 0, 4);
  24. }
  25. public void writeString(String str) throws TException {
  26. try {
  27. byte[] dat = str.getBytes("UTF-8");
  28. writeI32(dat.length);
  29. trans_.write(dat, 0, dat.length);
  30. } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uex) {
  31. throw new TException("JVM DOES NOT SUPPORT UTF-8");
  32. }
  33. }
  34. public void writeBinary(ByteBuffer bin) throws TException {
  35. int length = bin.limit() - bin.position();
  36. writeI32(length);
  37. trans_.write(bin.array(), bin.position() + bin.arrayOffset(), length);
  38. }
  39. public TMessage readMessageBegin() throws TException {
  40. int size = readI32();
  41. if (size < 0) {
  42. int version = size & VERSION_MASK;
  43. if (version != VERSION_1) {
  44. throw new TProtocolException(TProtocolException.BAD_VERSION, "Bad version in readMessageBegin");
  45. }
  46. return new TMessage(readString(), (byte)(size & 0x000000ff), readI32());
  47. } else {
  48. if (strictRead_) {
  49. throw new TProtocolException(TProtocolException.BAD_VERSION, "Missing version in readMessageBegin, old client?");
  50. }
  51. return new TMessage(readStringBody(size), readByte(), readI32());
  52. }
  53. }
  54. public TField readFieldBegin() throws TException {
  55. byte type = readByte();
  56. short id = type == TType.STOP ? 0 : readI16();
  57. return new TField("", type, id);
  58. }
  59. public String readString() throws TException {
  60. int size = readI32();
  61. if (trans_.getBytesRemainingInBuffer() >= size) {
  62. try {
  63. String s = new String(trans_.getBuffer(), trans_.getBufferPosition(), size, "UTF-8");
  64. trans_.consumeBuffer(size);
  65. return s;
  66. } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
  67. throw new TException("JVM DOES NOT SUPPORT UTF-8");
  68. }
  69. }
  70. return readStringBody(size);
  71. }





1. 方法的調用從writeMessageBegin開始,發送了消息頭信息

2. 寫方法的參數,也就是寫消息體。方法參數由一個統一的接口TBase描述,提供了read和write的統一接口。自動生成的代碼提供了read, write方法參數的具體實現

3. 寫完結束

[java] view plain copy
  1. public void write_args(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException {
  2. prot.writeMessageBegin(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessage("handle", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.CALL, 0));
  3. handle_args args = new handle_args();
  4. args.setIdentity(identity);
  5. args.setUid(uid);
  6. args.setSid(sid);
  7. args.setType(type);
  8. args.setMessage(message);
  9. args.setParams(params);
  10. args.write(prot);
  11. prot.writeMessageEnd();
  12. }
  13. public interface TBase<T extends TBase<?,?>, F extends TFieldIdEnum> extends Comparable<T>, Serializable {
  14. public void read(TProtocol iprot) throws TException;
  15. public void write(TProtocol oprot) throws TException;
  16. public static class handle_args <strong>implements org.apache.thrift.TBase</strong><handle_args, handle_args._Fields>, java.io.Serializable, Cloneable {
  17. private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct STRUCT_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct("handle_args");
  18. private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField IDENTITY_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("identity", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING, (short)1);
  19. private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField UID_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("uid", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, (short)2);
  20. private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField SID_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("sid", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING, (short)3);
  21. private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField TYPE_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("type", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I32, (short)4);
  22. private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField MESSAGE_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("message", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING, (short)5);
  23. private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField PARAMS_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("params", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP, (short)6);
  24. private static final Map<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory> schemes = new HashMap<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory>();
  25. static {
  26. schemes.put(StandardScheme.class, new handle_argsStandardSchemeFactory());
  27. schemes.put(TupleScheme.class, new handle_argsTupleSchemeFactory());
  28. }
  29. public String identity; // required
  30. public long uid; // required
  31. public String sid; // required
  32. public int type; // required
  33. public String message; // required
  34. public Map<String,String> params; // required
  35. /** The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them. */
  36. public enum _Fields implements org.apache.thrift.TFieldIdEnum {
  37. IDENTITY((short)1, "identity"),
  38. UID((short)2, "uid"),
  39. SID((short)3, "sid"),
  40. TYPE((short)4, "type"),
  41. MESSAGE((short)5, "message"),
  42. PARAMS((short)6, "params");
  43. //  自動生成的寫方法參數的方法,按照字段順序寫,給客戶端代碼使用
  44. public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot, handle_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException {
  45. struct.validate();
  46. oprot.writeStructBegin(STRUCT_DESC);
  47. if (struct.identity != null) {
  48. oprot.writeFieldBegin(IDENTITY_FIELD_DESC);
  49. oprot.writeString(struct.identity);
  50. oprot.writeFieldEnd();
  51. }
  52. oprot.writeFieldBegin(UID_FIELD_DESC);
  53. oprot.writeI64(struct.uid);
  54. oprot.writeFieldEnd();
  55. if (struct.sid != null) {
  56. oprot.writeFieldBegin(SID_FIELD_DESC);
  57. oprot.writeString(struct.sid);
  58. oprot.writeFieldEnd();
  59. }
  60. oprot.writeFieldBegin(TYPE_FIELD_DESC);
  61. oprot.writeI32(struct.type);
  62. oprot.writeFieldEnd();
  63. if (struct.message != null) {
  64. oprot.writeFieldBegin(MESSAGE_FIELD_DESC);
  65. oprot.writeString(struct.message);
  66. oprot.writeFieldEnd();
  67. }
  68. <pre name="code" class="java">//  自動生成的讀方法參數的方法,按照字段順序讀,給服務器端代碼使用

public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot, handle_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException {
org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField schemeField;
while (true)
schemeField = iprot.readFieldBegin();
if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STOP) {
switch (schemeField.id) {
case 1: // IDENTITY
if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING) {
struct.identity = iprot.readString();
} else {
org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type);
case 2: // UID
if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64) {
struct.uid = iprot.readI64();
} else {
org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type);
case 3: // SID
if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING) {
struct.sid = iprot.readString();
} else {
org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type);
case 4: // TYPE
if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I32) {
struct.type = iprot.readI32();
} else {
org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type);

Thrift源碼分析(二)-- 協議和編解碼