1. 程式人生 > >Kafka常用命令彙總



kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --list

[[email protected] ~]$ kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --list

2、 建立一個叫作my-topic的主題,主題包含8分割槽,每個分割槽擁有兩個副本。
kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --create --topic my-topic --replication-factor 3 --partitions 3

[email protected]
~]$ kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --create --topic my-topic --replication-factor 3 --partitions 3 Created topic "my-topic". 3、列出叢集裡所有主題的詳細資訊。 kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --describe [[email protected] ~]$ kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --describe Topic:ClearFdmDirtyDataCheckTopic PartitionCount:1 ReplicationFactor:1 Configs: Topic: ClearFdmDirtyDataCheckTopic Partition: 0 Leader: 163 Replicas: 163 Isr: 163 Topic:ClearFdmDirtyData_CheckTopic PartitionCount:1 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs: Topic: ClearFdmDirtyData_CheckTopic Partition: 0 Leader: 163 Replicas: 163,164,135 Isr: 163,164,135 Topic:ClearFdmDirtyData_Check_Topic PartitionCount:1 ReplicationFactor:1 Configs: Topic: ClearFdmDirtyData_Check_Topic Partition: 0 Leader: 135 Replicas: 135 Isr: 135 Topic:ClearFdmDirtyData_ExeTopic PartitionCount:1 ReplicationFactor:1 Configs: Topic: ClearFdmDirtyData_ExeTopic Partition: 0 Leader: 164 Replicas: 164 Isr: 164 Topic:TaskTag_Check_topic PartitionCount:3 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs: Topic: TaskTag_Check_topic Partition: 0 Leader: 135 Replicas: 135,163,164 Isr: 135,163,164 Topic: TaskTag_Check_topic Partition: 1 Leader: 136 Replicas: 136,164,135 Isr: 136,164,135 Topic: TaskTag_Check_topic Partition: 2 Leader: 162 Replicas: 162,135,136 Isr: 162,135,136 Topic:TaskTag_Exe_topic PartitionCount:3 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs: Topic: TaskTag_Exe_topic Partition: 0 Leader: 164 Replicas: 164,162,163 Isr: 164,162,163 Topic: TaskTag_Exe_topic Partition: 1 Leader: 135 Replicas: 135,163,164 Isr: 135,163,164 Topic: TaskTag_Exe_topic Partition: 2 Leader: 136 Replicas: 136,164,135 Isr: 136,164,135 Topic:__consumer_offsets PartitionCount:50 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:segment.bytes=104857600,cleanup.policy=compact,compression.type=producer Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 0 Leader: 136 Replicas: 136,162,163 Isr: 162,163,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 1 Leader: 162 Replicas: 162,163,164 Isr: 162,163,164 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 2 Leader: 163 Replicas: 163,164,135 Isr: 163,164,135 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 3 Leader: 164 Replicas: 164,135,136 Isr: 164,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 4 Leader: 135 Replicas: 135,136,162 Isr: 162,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 5 Leader: 136 Replicas: 136,163,164 Isr: 163,164,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 6 Leader: 162 Replicas: 162,164,135 Isr: 162,164,135 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 7 Leader: 163 Replicas: 163,135,136 Isr: 163,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 8 Leader: 164 Replicas: 164,136,162 Isr: 162,164,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 9 Leader: 135 Replicas: 135,162,163 Isr: 162,163,135 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 10 Leader: 136 Replicas: 136,164,135 Isr: 164,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 11 Leader: 162 Replicas: 162,135,136 Isr: 162,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 12 Leader: 163 Replicas: 163,136,162 Isr: 162,163,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 13 Leader: 164 Replicas: 164,162,163 Isr: 162,163,164 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 14 Leader: 135 Replicas: 135,163,164 Isr: 163,164,135 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 15 Leader: 136 Replicas: 136,135,162 Isr: 162,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 16 Leader: 162 Replicas: 162,136,163 Isr: 162,163,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 17 Leader: 163 Replicas: 163,162,164 Isr: 162,163,164 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 18 Leader: 164 Replicas: 164,163,135 Isr: 163,164,135 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 19 Leader: 135 Replicas: 135,164,136 Isr: 164,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 20 Leader: 136 Replicas: 136,162,163 Isr: 162,163,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 21 Leader: 162 Replicas: 162,163,164 Isr: 162,163,164 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 22 Leader: 163 Replicas: 163,164,135 Isr: 163,164,135 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 23 Leader: 164 Replicas: 164,135,136 Isr: 164,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 24 Leader: 135 Replicas: 135,136,162 Isr: 162,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 25 Leader: 136 Replicas: 136,163,164 Isr: 163,164,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 26 Leader: 162 Replicas: 162,164,135 Isr: 162,164,135 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 27 Leader: 163 Replicas: 163,135,136 Isr: 163,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 28 Leader: 164 Replicas: 164,136,162 Isr: 162,164,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 29 Leader: 135 Replicas: 135,162,163 Isr: 162,163,135 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 30 Leader: 136 Replicas: 136,164,135 Isr: 164,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 31 Leader: 162 Replicas: 162,135,136 Isr: 162,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 32 Leader: 163 Replicas: 163,136,162 Isr: 162,163,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 33 Leader: 164 Replicas: 164,162,163 Isr: 162,163,164 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 34 Leader: 135 Replicas: 135,163,164 Isr: 163,164,135 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 35 Leader: 136 Replicas: 136,135,162 Isr: 162,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 36 Leader: 162 Replicas: 162,136,163 Isr: 162,163,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 37 Leader: 163 Replicas: 163,162,164 Isr: 162,163,164 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 38 Leader: 164 Replicas: 164,163,135 Isr: 163,164,135 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 39 Leader: 135 Replicas: 135,164,136 Isr: 164,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 40 Leader: 136 Replicas: 136,162,163 Isr: 162,163,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 41 Leader: 162 Replicas: 162,163,164 Isr: 162,163,164 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 42 Leader: 163 Replicas: 163,164,135 Isr: 163,164,135 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 43 Leader: 164 Replicas: 164,135,136 Isr: 164,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 44 Leader: 135 Replicas: 135,136,162 Isr: 162,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 45 Leader: 136 Replicas: 136,163,164 Isr: 163,164,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 46 Leader: 162 Replicas: 162,164,135 Isr: 162,164,135 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 47 Leader: 163 Replicas: 163,135,136 Isr: 163,135,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 48 Leader: 164 Replicas: 164,136,162 Isr: 162,164,136 Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 49 Leader: 135 Replicas: 135,162,163 Isr: 162,163,135 4、列出叢集裡特定主題的詳細資訊。 kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --describe --topic my-topic [
[email protected]
~]$ kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --describe --topic my-topic Topic:my-topic PartitionCount:3 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs: Topic: my-topic Partition: 0 Leader: 135 Replicas: 135,162,163 Isr: 135,162,163 Topic: my-topic Partition: 1 Leader: 136 Replicas: 136,163,164 Isr: 136,163,164 Topic: my-topic Partition: 2 Leader: 162 Replicas: 162,164,135 Isr: 162,164,135 5、刪除一個叫作my-topic的主題。 kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --delete --topic my-topic [
[email protected]
~]$ kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --delete --topic my-topic Topic my-topic is marked for deletion. Note: This will have no impact if delete.topic.enable is not set to true. 6、列出舊版本的所有消費者群組。 kafka-consumer-groups.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --list 7、列出新版本的所有消費者群組。 kafka-consumer-groups.sh --new-consumer --bootstrap-server --list [[email protected] ~]$ kafka-consumer-groups.sh --new-consumer --bootstrap-server --list ClearFDM_Check_ConsumerGroup_1 ClearFDM_Exe_ConsumerGroup_1 consumer_group_TaskTag_Check_topic consumer_group_TaskTag_Exec_topic 8、獲取舊版本消費者群組testgroup的詳細資訊。 kafka-consumer-groups.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --describe --group testgroup 9、獲取新版本消費者群組testgroup的詳細資訊。 kafka-consumer-groups.sh --new-consumer --bootstrap-server --describe --group testgroup [[email protected] ~]$ kafka-consumer-groups.sh --new-consumer --bootstrap-server --describe --group consumer_group_TaskTag_Check_topic GROUP TOPIC PARTITION CURRENT-OFFSET LOG-END-OFFSET LAG OWNER consumer_group_TaskTag_Check_topic TaskTag_Check_topic 2 unknown 0 unknown fda52f5c-3d16-434e-8ba7-d26975dfe2a5_/ consumer_group_TaskTag_Check_topic TaskTag_Check_topic 1 unknown 0 unknown cbd08551-8380-40ff-bcda-da59cfb9480c_/ consumer_group_TaskTag_Check_topic TaskTag_Check_topic 0 unknown 22 unknown 50d7c78c-7528-4aad-ba94-68724628f2cd_/ 10、檢視某一個topic對應的訊息數量。 kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.GetOffsetShell --broker-list --topic my-topic --time -1 [[email protected] ~]$ kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.GetOffsetShell --broker-list --topic consumer_group_TaskTag_Check_topic --time -1 consumer_group_TaskTag_Check_topic:0:0 11、檢視log日誌片段的內容,顯示檢視日誌的內容。 kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.DumpLogSegments --files 00000000000000000000.log --print-data-log [[email protected] t9-1]$ kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.DumpLogSegments --files 00000000000000000000.log Dumping 00000000000000000000.log Starting offset: 0 offset: 0 position: 0 CreateTime: 1537343431271 isvalid: true payloadsize: 19 magic: 1 compresscodec: NoCompressionCodec crc: 2502058395 keysize: 13 offset: 1 position: 66 CreateTime: 1537343431272 isvalid: true payloadsize: 19 magic: 1 compresscodec: NoCompressionCodec crc: 2236582723 keysize: 13 offset: 2 position: 132 CreateTime: 1537343431272 isvalid: true payloadsize: 19 magic: 1 compresscodec: NoCompressionCodec crc: 3270504851 keysize: 13 offset: 3 position: 198 CreateTime: 1537343708182 isvalid: true payloadsize: 19 magic: 1 compresscodec: NoCompressionCodec crc: 450329064 keysize: 13 12、控制檯生產者:向主題 my-topic 生成兩個訊息。 kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic my-topic [[email protected] ~]$ kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic my-topic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13、控制檯消費者:從主題 my-topic 獲取訊息。 kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic my-topic --from-beginning kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --bootstrap-server --topic my-topic --from-beginning