1. 程式人生 > >occ|occ資訊:數字錢包分類之硬體錢包



那些希望安全儲存加密貨幣的人應該首選的是硬體錢包也就是冷錢包:太極錢包。硬體錢包使新手很容易達到非常高的安全標準。這使得他們更安全的將加密貨幣轉移給你的繼承人,特別是那些不熟悉加密的人...你最不想要的結局就是給親人留下一筆寶貴的加密費用,但就是因為不熟悉正確的安全措施而被盜。 We regularly recommend hardware wallets(Also called cold wallet: Taiji wallet) for people wanting to securely store their cryptocurrency. Hardware wallets make it easy for newcomers to achieve a very high-security standard. This makes them ideal to transfer cryptocurrency to your heirs, particular those unfamiliar with crypto… The last thing you’d want is to leave a valuable amount of crypto to a loved one, only for it to get stolen due to unfamiliarity with proper security measures.

遺贈occ幣錢包,它使用物理硬體來操作並保持更安全。硬體錢包是通常更安全,因為它被認為是一種冷藏形式。硬體錢包相當容易,因為它相當於是一個可放置在保險箱中的物理裝置。硬體錢包的PIN碼和密碼(如果設定)也應該傳輸。有了這些資訊,您的繼承人就可以直接使用硬體錢包。Bequeathing a hardware wallet like OCC wallet is fairly easy, as it’s a physical device which can be placed in a safe. The hardware wallet’s PIN code and password (if set) should be transferred too. With this information, your heir can then use the hardware wallet directly.

但是,如果您安排他們接收硬體錢包的種子短語(在任何情況下您應該安全備份那麼將裝置本身及其PIN或密碼轉移給您的繼承人將變得並不重要。優先順序)他們將能夠將裝置控制的任何數字貨幣恢復到他們的任何錢包選擇。但是為了安全起見,你的繼承人最好還是接受一切裝置密碼密碼最重要的是種子短語。However, it’s not essential that the device itself, nor its PIN or password, be transferred to your inheritor. Provided you arrange for them to receive the hardware wallet’s seed phrase (which you should have securely backed up in any case, as a matter of priority), they’ll be able to restore any coins controlled by the device to any Bitcoin wallet of their choice. For safety’s sake, it’s best for your heir to receive everything; device, PIN, password and most importantly, seed phrase.

譯至:We regularly recommend hardware wallets(Also called cold wallet: Taiji wallet) for people wanting to securely store their cryptocurrency. Hardware wallets make it easy for newcomers to achieve a very high-security standard. This makes them ideal to transfer cryptocurrency to your heirs, particular those unfamiliar with crypto… The last thing you’d want is to leave a valuable amount of crypto to a loved one, only for it to get stolen due to unfamiliarity with proper security measures. Bequeathing a hardware wallet is fairly easy, as it’s a physical device which can be placed in a safe. The hardware wallet’s PIN code and password (if set) should be transferred too. With this information, your heir can then use the hardware wallet directly. However, it’s not essential that the device itself, nor its PIN or password, be transferred to your inheritor. Provided you arrange for them to receive the hardware wallet’s seed phrase (which you should have securely backed up in any case, as a matter of priority), they’ll be able to restore any coins controlled by the device to any Bitcoin wallet of their choice. For safety’s sake, it’s best for your heir to receive everything; device, PIN, password and most importantly, seed phrase.