1. 程式人生 > >Ubuntu 安裝php 7.3遇到的錯誤

Ubuntu 安裝php 7.3遇到的錯誤

configure: error: Cannot find OpenSSL's <evp.h>

這個問題是缺少openssl-devel apt-get install libssl-dev 安裝即可

checking for cURL 7.15.5 or greater... configure: error: cURL version 7.15.5 or later is required to compile php with cURL support


configure: error: DBA: Could not find necessary header file(s).

網上找了半天都說是少了這個包 libdb-dev 我的卻不行 安裝 libgdbm-dev 這個包才ok

Configure: error: libpng.(also) not found.

apt-get install libjpeg-dev libpng-dev

configure: error: freetype-config not found.

 apt-get -y install libfreetype6-dev

configure: error: Please reinstall the libzip distribution

apt install libzip-dev


然後就沒錯誤了, make && make install 完事