1. 程式人生 > >DeepLearning.ai作業:(5-1)-- 迴圈神經網路(Recurrent Neural Networks)(3)

DeepLearning.ai作業:(5-1)-- 迴圈神經網路(Recurrent Neural Networks)(3)

title: ‘DeepLearning.ai作業:(5-1)-- 迴圈神經網路(Recurrent Neural Networks)(3)’
id: dl-ai-5-1h3

  • dl.ai
  • homework
  • AI
  • Deep Learning
    date: 2018-10-18 16:20:36


Part3:Improvise a Jazz Solo with an LSTM Network

我們已經對音樂資料做了預處理,以”values”來表示。可以非正式地將每個”value”看作一個音符,它包含音高和持續時間。 例如,如果您按下特定鋼琴鍵0.5秒,那麼您剛剛彈奏了一個音符。 在音樂理論中,”value” 實際上比這更復雜。 特別是,它還捕獲了同時播放多個音符所需的資訊。 例如,在播放音樂作品時,可以同時按下兩個鋼琴鍵(同時播放多個音符生成所謂的“和絃”)。 但是這裡我們不需要關係音樂理論的細節。對於這個作業,你需要知道的是,我們獲得一個”values”的資料集,並將學習一個RNN模型來生成一個序列的”values”。


  • X: 這是一個(m,Tx,78)維陣列。 m 表示樣本數量,Tx 表示時間步(也即序列的長度),在每個時間步,輸入是78個不同的可能值之一,表示為一個one-hot向量。 因此,例如,X [i,t,:]是表示第i個示例在時間t的值的one-hot向量。
  • Y: 與X基本相同,但向左(向前)移動了一步。 與恐龍分配類似,使用先前值預測下一個值,所以我們的序列模型將嘗試預測給定的x⟨t⟩。 但是,Y中的資料被重新排序為維(Ty,m,78),其中Ty = Tx。 這種格式使得稍後進入LSTM更方便。
  • n_value: 資料集中獨立”value”的個數,這裡是78
  • indices_values: python 字典:key 是0-77,value 是特定音符



reshapor = Reshape((1, 78))                        # Used in Step 2.B of djmodel(), below
LSTM_cell = LSTM(n_a, return_state = True)         # Used in Step 2.C
densor = Dense(n_values, activation='softmax')     # Used in Step 2.D

def djmodel(Tx, n_a, n_values):
    Implement the model

    Tx -- length of the sequence in a corpus
    n_a -- the number of activations used in our model
    n_values -- number of unique values in the music data 

    model -- a keras model with the 

    # Define the input of your model with a shape 
    X = Input(shape=(Tx, n_values))

    # Define s0, initial hidden state for the decoder LSTM
    a0 = Input(shape=(n_a,), name='a0')
    c0 = Input(shape=(n_a,), name='c0')
    a = a0
    c = c0

    ### START CODE HERE ### 
    # Step 1: Create empty list to append the outputs while you iterate (≈1 line)
    outputs = []

    # Step 2: Loop
    for t in range(Tx):

        # Step 2.A: select the "t"th time step vector from X. 
        x = Lambda(lambda x: X[:,t,:])(X)
        # Step 2.B: Use reshapor to reshape x to be (1, n_values) (≈1 line)
        x = reshapor(x)
        # Step 2.C: Perform one step of the LSTM_cell
        a, _, c = LSTM_cell(x, initial_state=[a, c])
        # Step 2.D: Apply densor to the hidden state output of LSTM_Cell
        out = densor(a)
        # Step 2.E: add the output to "outputs"

    # Step 3: Create model instance
    model = Model(inputs=[X, a0, c0], outputs=outputs)

    ### END CODE HERE ###

    return model

model = djmodel(Tx = 30 , n_a = 64, n_values = 78)
opt = Adam(lr=0.01, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, decay=0.01)

model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
m = 60
a0 = np.zeros((m, n_a))
c0 = np.zeros((m, n_a))
model.fit([X, a0, c0], list(Y), epochs=100)


# GRADED FUNCTION: music_inference_model

def music_inference_model(LSTM_cell, densor, n_values = 78, n_a = 64, Ty = 100):
    Uses the trained "LSTM_cell" and "densor" from model() to generate a sequence of values.
    LSTM_cell -- the trained "LSTM_cell" from model(), Keras layer object
    densor -- the trained "densor" from model(), Keras layer object
    n_values -- integer, umber of unique values
    n_a -- number of units in the LSTM_cell
    Ty -- integer, number of time steps to generate
    inference_model -- Keras model instance
    # Define the input of your model with a shape 
    x0 = Input(shape=(1, n_values))
    # Define s0, initial hidden state for the decoder LSTM
    a0 = Input(shape=(n_a,), name='a0')
    c0 = Input(shape=(n_a,), name='c0')
    a = a0
    c = c0
    x = x0

    ### START CODE HERE ###
    # Step 1: Create an empty list of "outputs" to later store your predicted values (≈1 line)
    outputs = []
    # Step 2: Loop over Ty and generate a value at every time step
    for t in range(Ty):
        # Step 2.A: Perform one step of LSTM_cell (≈1 line)
        a, _, c = LSTM_cell(x, initial_state=[a, c])
        # Step 2.B: Apply Dense layer to the hidden state output of the LSTM_cell (≈1 line)
        out = densor(a)

        # Step 2.C: Append the prediction "out" to "outputs". out.shape = (None, 78) (≈1 line)
        # Step 2.D: Select the next value according to "out", and set "x" to be the one-hot representation of the
        #           selected value, which will be passed as the input to LSTM_cell on the next step. We have provided 
        #           the line of code you need to do this. 
        x = Lambda(one_hot)(out)
    # Step 3: Create model instance with the correct "inputs" and "outputs" (≈1 line)
    inference_model = Model(inputs=[x0, a0, c0], outputs=outputs)
    ### END CODE HERE ###
    return inference_model
inference_model = music_inference_model(LSTM_cell, densor, n_values = 78, n_a = 64, Ty = 50)
x_initializer = np.zeros((1, 1, 78))
a_initializer = np.zeros((1, n_a))
c_initializer = np.zeros((1, n_a))
# GRADED FUNCTION: predict_and_sample

def predict_and_sample(inference_model, x_initializer = x_initializer, a_initializer = a_initializer, 
                       c_initializer = c_initializer):
    Predicts the next value of values using the inference model.
    inference_model -- Keras model instance for inference time
    x_initializer -- numpy array of shape (1, 1, 78), one-hot vector initializing the values generation
    a_initializer -- numpy array of shape (1, n_a), initializing the hidden state of the LSTM_cell
    c_initializer -- numpy array of shape (1, n_a), initializing the cell state of the LSTM_cel
    results -- numpy-array of shape (Ty, 78), matrix of one-hot vectors representing the values generated
    indices -- numpy-array of shape (Ty, 1), matrix of indices representing the values generated
    ### START CODE HERE ###
    # Step 1: Use your inference model to predict an output sequence given x_initializer, a_initializer and c_initializer.
    pred = inference_model.predict([x_initializer, a_initializer, c_initializer])
    # Step 2: Convert "pred" into an np.array() of indices with the maximum probabilities
    indices = np.argmax(pred, axis=-1)
    # Step 3: Convert indices to one-hot vectors, the shape of the results should be (1, )
    results = to_categorical(indices, num_classes=x_initializer.shape[-1])
    ### END CODE HERE ###
    return results, indices
out_stream = generate_music(inference_model)