1. 程式人生 > >ARM異常 中斷以及他們的向量表分析

ARM異常 中斷以及他們的向量表分析




作者:[email protected]

    以前,我一直很疑惑這個“ARM異常、中斷以及他們的向量表”是怎麼回事,他們到底是怎麼實現的,沒有想到今天偶然看到(ARM System Developer's Guide: Designing and Optimizing System Software的ARM異常、中斷以及他們的向量表的章節,豁然開朗。——ARM嵌入式系統開發:軟體設計與優化的英文原版——我個人感覺這是國內翻譯ARM書籍最好的一本之一,比杜XX的ARM體系結構與程式設計好千倍。 本書雖然說軟體設計與優化,但是講的硬體也很多,比如MMU和cache等,講的精彩紛呈:我剛才想寫關於MMU和cache的部落格,發現太龐大,看來這段時間要重新看看這本書才能寫。



2.4 Exceptions, Interrupts, and the Vector Table

When an exception or interrupt occurs, the processor sets the pc to a specific memory
address. The address is within a special address range called the vector table. The entries
in the vector table are instructions that branch to specific routines designed to handle a
particular exception or interrupt.

——當異常或者中斷髮生的時候,處理器設定PC為一個特殊的記憶體地址。這個地址叫做中斷向量表。中斷向量表入口是中斷、異常的分支入口((*^__^*) 嘻嘻……,這個翻譯的好爛,不過大家知道就可以了)。

The memory map address 0x00000000 is reserved for the vector table, a set of 32-bit
words. On some processors the vector table can be optionally located at a higher address
in memory (starting at the offset 0xffff0000). Operating systems such as Linux and
Microsoft’s embedded products can take advantage of this feature.

——記憶體對映地址0x00000000 是為中斷向量表保留的。在某些處理器中斷向量表地址為0xffff0000。某些作業系統如linux可以利用這個特徵(其實wince就是採用0xffff0000作為中斷向量表的地址,但是令人奇怪的是優龍的ADS bootloader的中斷向量表地址是0x00000000 ,估計這是編譯器決定了)。

When an exception or interrupt occurs, the processor suspends normal execution and
starts loading instructions fromthe exception vector table (see Table 2.6). Each vector table
entry contains a form of branch instruction pointing to the start of a specific routine:

——當異常或者中斷髮生的時候,處理器掛起正常執行的程式並開始載入中斷向量表,每個中斷入口包含一個指向 specific routine(這個不知道怎麼翻譯)的分支指令。

■ Reset vector is the location of the first instruction executed by the processor when power
is applied. This instruction branches to the initialization code.

——復位向量是開啟電源被處理器執行的第一條指令,這條指令branches to初始化程式碼
■ Undefined instruction vector is used when the processor cannot decode an instruction.

■ Software interrupt vector is called when you execute a SWI instruction. The SWI
instruction is frequently used as themechanismto invoke an operating systemroutine.

■ Prefetch abort vector occurs when the processor attempts to fetch an instruction froman
address without the correct access permissions. The actual abort occurs in the decode

■ Data abort vector is similar to a prefetch abort but is raised when an instruction attempts
to access data memory without the correct access permissions.

■ Interrupt request vector is used by external hardware to interrupt the normal execution
flow of the processor. It can only be raised if IRQs are not masked in the cpsr.

——中斷申請向量被用在外部硬體中斷正常執行的程式,它只能在IRQs 沒有被cpsr遮蔽的情況下。




轉載請標明:作者[email protected].桂林電子科技大學一系科協,原文地址:http://blog.csdn.net/gooogleman——如有錯誤,希望能夠留言指出;如果你有更加好的方法,也請在部落格後面留言,我會感激你的批評和分享。


