1. 程式人生 > >Shannon-Fano編碼——原理與實現





演算法(Shannon-Fano coding)原理

和Huffman-Tree一樣,Shannon-Fano coding也是用一棵二叉樹對字元進行編碼。但在實際操作中呢,Shannon-Fano卻沒有大用處,這是由於它與Huffman coding相比,編碼效率較低的結果(或者說夏農-範諾演算法的編碼平均碼字較大)




  1. 對於一個給定的符號列表,制定了概率相應的列表或頻率計數,使每個符號的相對發生頻率是已知。
  2. 排序根據頻率的符號列表,最常出現的符號在左邊,最少出現的符號在右邊。
  3. 清單分為兩部分,使左邊部分的總頻率和儘可能接近右邊部分的總頻率和。
  4. 該列表的左半邊分配二進位制數字0,右半邊是分配的數字1。這意味著,在第一半符號代都是將所有從0開始,第二半的程式碼都從1開始。
  5. 對左、右半部分遞迴應用步驟3和4,細分群體,並新增位的程式碼,直到每個符號已成為一個相應的程式碼樹的葉。




Symbol A B C D E
Count 15 7 6 6 5
Probabilities 0.38461538 0.17948718 0.15384615 0.15384615 0.12820513

從左到右,所有的符號以它們出現的次數劃分。在字母B與C之間劃定分割線,得到了左右兩組,總次數分別為22,17。 這樣就把兩組的差別降到最小。通過這樣的分割, A與B同時擁有了一個以0為開頭的碼字, C,D,E的碼子則為1,如圖b所示。 隨後, 在樹的左半邊,於A,B間建立新的分割線,這樣A就成為了碼字為00的葉子節點,B的碼子01。經過四次分割, 得到了一個樹形編碼。 如下表所示,在最終得到的樹中, 擁有最大頻率的符號被兩位編碼, 其他兩個頻率較低的符號被三位編碼。

符號 A B C D E
編碼 00 01 10 110 111



 1:  begin 2:     count source units 3:     sort source units to non-decreasing order 4:     SF-SplitS 5:     output(count of symbols, encoded tree, symbols) 6:     write output 7:   end 8:   9procedure SF-Split(S)10begin11:     if (|S|>1) then12:      begin13:        divide S to S1 and S2 with about same count of units14:        add 1 to codes in S115:        add 0 to codes in S216:        SF-Split(S1)17:        SF-Split(S2)18:      end19end

夏農-範諾演算法實現(Shannon-Fano coding implementation in C++)

我們由上面的演算法可知,需要迭代地尋找一個最優點,使得樹中每個節點的左右子樹頻率總和儘可能相近。 這裡我尋找最優化點用的是順次查詢法,其實呢,我們還可以用二分法(dichotomy)達到更高的效率~

/************************************************************************//* File Name: Shanno-Fano.cpp*  @Function: Lossless [email protected]: Sophia [email protected] Time: 2012-9-26 20:[email protected] Modify: 2012-9-26 20:57*//************************************************************************/#include"iostream"#include "queue"#include "map"#include "string"#include "iterator"#include "vector"#include "algorithm"#include "math.h"using namespace std;#define NChar 8 //suppose use 8 bits to describe all symbols#define Nsymbols 1<<NChar //can describe 256 symbols totally (include a-z, A-Z)#define INF 1<<31-1typedef vector<bool> SF_Code;//8 bit code of one charmap<char,SF_Code> SF_Dic; //huffman coding dictionaryint Sumvec[Nsymbols]; //record the sum of symbol count after sortingclass HTree{public : HTree* left; HTree* right; char ch; int weight; HTree(){left = right = NULL; weight=0;ch ='\0';} HTree(HTree* l,HTree* r,int w,char c){left = l; right = r; weight=w; ch=c;} ~HTree(){delete left; delete right;} bool Isleaf(){return !left && !right; }};bool comp(const HTree* t1, const HTree* t2)//function for sortingreturn (*t1).weight>(*t2).weight; }typedef vector<HTree*> TreeVector;TreeVector TreeArr;//record the symbol count array after sortingvoid Optimize_Tree(int a,int b,HTree& root)//find optimal separate point and optimize tree recursivelyif(a==b)//build one leaf node {  root = *TreeArr[a-1];  return; } else if(b-a==1)//build 2 leaf node {  root.left = TreeArr[a-1];  root.right=TreeArr[b-1];  return; } //find optimizing point x int x,minn=INF,curdiff; for(int i=a;i<b;i++)//find the point that minimize the difference between left and right; this can also be implemented by dichotomy {  curdiff = Sumvec[i]*2-Sumvec[a-1]-Sumvec[b];  if(abs(curdiff)<minn){   x=i;   minn = abs(curdiff);  }  else break;//because this algorithm has monotonicity } HTree*lc = new HTree; HTree *rc = new HTree; root.left = lc;  root.right = rc; Optimize_Tree(a,x,*lc); Optimize_Tree(x+1,b,*rc);}HTree* BuildTree(int* freqency)//create the tree use Optimize_Treeint i; for(i=0;i<Nsymbols;i++)//statistic {  if(freqency[i])   TreeArr.push_back(new HTree (NULL,NULL,freqency[i], (char)i)); } sort(TreeArr.begin(), TreeArr.end(), comp); memset(Sumvec,0,sizeof(Sumvec)); for(i=1;i<=TreeArr.size();i++)  Sumvec[i] = Sumvec[i-1]+TreeArr[i-1]->weight; HTree* root = new HTree; Optimize_Tree(1,TreeArr.size(),*root); return root;}/************************************************************************//* Give Shanno Coding to the Shanno Tree/*PS: actually, this generative process is same as Huffman coding/************************************************************************/void Generate_Coding(HTree* root, SF_Code& curcode)if(root->Isleaf()) {  SF_Dic[root->ch] = curcode;  return; } SF_Code lcode = curcode; SF_Code rcode = curcode; lcode.push_back(false); rcode.push_back(true); Generate_Coding(root->left,lcode); Generate_Coding(root->right,rcode);}int main()int freq[Nsymbols] = {0}; char *str = "bbbbbbbccccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeedddddd";//15a,7b,6c,6d,5e //statistic character frequency while (*str!='\0')  freq[*str++]++; //build tree HTree* r = BuildTree(freq); SF_Code nullcode; Generate_Coding(r,nullcode); for(map<char,SF_Code>::iterator it = SF_Dic.begin(); it != SF_Dic.end(); it++) {    cout<<(*it).first<<'\t';    std::copy(it->second.begin(),it->second.end(),std::ostream_iterator<bool>(cout));    cout<<endl;   }  }



符號 A B C D E
計數 15 7 6 6 5


  1. Shannon-Fano coding. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. Claude Elwood Shannon. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  3. C. E. Shannon: A Mathematical Theory of Communication. The Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 27, July, October, 1948.
  4. C. E. Shannon: Prediction and Entropy of Printed English. The Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 30, 1951.
  5. C. E. Shannon: Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems. The Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 28, 1949.
  6. http://www.stringology.org/DataCompression/sf/index_en.html

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