1. 程式人生 > >電子規範管理系統standardms在linux系統中部署遇到的坑












package main

import (


type Cata1 struct {
	Id           string
	Number       string
	Title        string
	Category     string
	Leixing      string
	Banbudata    string
	Shishidata   string
	Licinumber   string
	Feizhidata   string
	Tidainumber  string
	Biaozhunfile string

func mainrequest1() {
	c := new(http.Client)
	req := request.NewRequest(c)
	req.Cookies = map[string]string{
		"JSESSIONID": "EF9156C40832CF0ADC83F7A509C90350", 
		"stylePath": "",

	slice1 := make([]Cata1, 0)
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {//分頁
		resp, _ := req.Get("http://xxx/ProjManager/flfgv08070300009.jsp?flf81024flfgl01=%D6%B0%D2%B5%BD%A1%BF%B5%B0%B2%C8%AB%B7%A8%C2%C9%B7%A8%B9%E6&08070300004_page=" + strconv.Itoa(i))
		//		resp, _ := req.Get("http://xxx/ProjManager/flfgv08070300009.jsp?flf81024flfgl01=%BB%B7%BE%B3%B7%A8%C2%C9%B7%A8%B9%E6&08070300004_page=" + strconv.Itoa(i))
		//		resp, _ := req.Get("http://xxx/ProjManager/flfgv08070300009.jsp?flf81024flfgl01=%BC%BC%CA%F5%B1%EA%D7%BC&08070300004_page=" + strconv.Itoa(i))
		//	j, _ := resp.Text()
		//	fmt.Println(j)
		defer resp.Body.Close() // Don't forget close the response body

		dec := mahonia.NewDecoder("GB2312") //定義轉換亂碼
		//	fmt.Println(dec.ConvertString(j))   //轉成utf-8

		rd := dec.NewReader(resp.Body)
		doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(rd)
		if err != nil {
		//	var Cata []*Cata1
		// Find the review items
		doc.Find("tr.trclass").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {
			// For each item found, get the band and title
			//		band := s.Find("td").Text()
			//		fmt.Print(band)
			aa := make([]Cata1, 1)
			s.Find("td.tdclass").Each(func(i1 int, s1 *goquery.Selection) {
				//band := s1.Text()
				if i1 == 0 && s1.Text() != "" {
					aa[0].Number = s1.Text()
					//				fmt.Printf("%d:1 %s\n", i1, s1.Text())
				if i1 == 1 && s1.Text() != "" {
					aa[0].Title = s1.Text()
					//				fmt.Printf("%d:2 %s\n", i1, s1.Text())
				if i1 == 2 && s1.Text() != "" {
					aa[0].Category = s1.Text()
					//				fmt.Printf("%d:3 %s\n", i1, s1.Text())
				if i1 == 3 && s1.Text() != "" {
					aa[0].Leixing = s1.Text()
					//				fmt.Printf("%d:4 %s\n", i1, s1.Text())
				if i1 == 4 && s1.Text() != "" {
					aa[0].Banbudata = s1.Text()
					//				fmt.Printf("%d:5 %s\n", i1, s1.Text())
				if i1 == 5 && s1.Text() != "" {
					aa[0].Shishidata = s1.Text()
					//				fmt.Printf("%d:6 %s\n", i1, s1.Text())
				if i1 == 6 && s1.Text() != "" {
					aa[0].Licinumber = s1.Text()
					//				fmt.Printf("%d:7 %s\n", i1, s1.Text())
				if i1 == 7 && s1.Text() != "" {
					aa[0].Feizhidata = s1.Text()
					//				fmt.Printf("%d:8 %s\n", i1, s1.Text())
				if i1 == 8 && s1.Text() != "" {
					aa[0].Tidainumber = s1.Text()
					//				fmt.Printf("%d:9 %s\n", i1, s1.Text())
				if i1 == 9 && s1.Text() != "" {
					aa[0].Biaozhunfile = s1.Text()
					//				fmt.Printf("%d:10 %s\n", i1, s1.Text())
				//fmt.Printf("%d: 序號、編號、名稱、分類……%s\n", i1, band) //, title
			slice1 = append(slice1, aa...)
	//	fmt.Printf("slice1", slice1)
	var file *xlsx.File
	var sheet *xlsx.Sheet
	var row *xlsx.Row
	var cell *xlsx.Cell

	file = xlsx.NewFile()
	sheet, _ = file.AddSheet("Sheet1")
	row = sheet.AddRow() //增加行

	cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
	cell.Value = "#"

	cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
	cell.Value = "標準編號"

	cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
	cell.Value = "標準名稱"

	cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
	cell.Value = "標準類別"

	cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
	cell.Value = "法律法規型別"
	cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
	cell.Value = "頒佈日期"
	cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
	cell.Value = "實施日期"
	cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
	cell.Value = "歷次被替代標準編號"
	cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
	cell.Value = "廢止日期"
	cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
	cell.Value = "替代標準編號"
	cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
	cell.Value = "標準檔案"
	for w, z := range slice1 { //行
		row = sheet.AddRow() //增加行

		cell = row.AddCell() //增加列

		cell.Value = strconv.Itoa(w + 1)

		cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
		cell.Value = z.Number

		cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
		cell.Value = z.Title

		cell = row.AddCell() //增加列

		cell.Value = z.Category

		cell = row.AddCell() //增加列

		cell.Value = z.Leixing
		cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
		cell.Value = z.Banbudata
		cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
		cell.Value = z.Shishidata
		cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
		cell.Value = z.Licinumber
		cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
		cell.Value = z.Feizhidata
		cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
		cell.Value = z.Tidainumber
		cell = row.AddCell() //增加列
		cell.Value = z.Biaozhunfile


	err := file.Save("MyXLSXFile.xlsx")

	if err != nil {
