1. 程式人生 > >有向圖鄰接矩陣深度優先搜尋





#include "stdafx.h"
#define N 6       //plane to create a 6*6 matrix
int time;    //the whole proccess's time 
int n = 0;

typedef enum Color{ W, G, B }Color;
typedef struct vertex_ *vertex;
typedef struct vertex_
	int key;
	int d;     //start time
f; //final time int position; //store the position of this vertex, position .position is determined by input sentence Color c; vertex parent; }v; typedef struct list_ *list; typedef struct list_ //建立一個單向迴圈連結串列 { vertex v; list next; // int position; //to correspond this position with metrix
}l; void DFS_VISIT(int a[][N], list head, vertex x); void DFS(int a[][N], vertex b[]); vertex INI_VERTEX(int key) { vertex x = (vertex)malloc(sizeof(v)); x->key = key; x->d = 0; x->f = 0; x->position = n; x->parent = NULL; x->c = W; n++; return x; } void INI_METRIX(int a[][N]) { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) a[i][j] = 0; } list INI_LIST(list x) { x = (list)malloc(sizeof(l)); x = NULL; return x; // x->next = NULL; // x->v = NULL; } void CONNECTION(int a[][N],vertex out, vertex in) { a[out->position][in->position] = 1; } list MOVE_HEAD(list head, vertex x) { list p = (list)malloc(sizeof(l)); p = head; if (head->v->position == x->position) { return head; } else { p = p->next; while (p != head) { if (p->v->position == x->position) return p; p = p->next; } } } void DFS(int a[][N],list head) { list p = head; while(p->next!=head) //迴圈一圈 { if (p->v->c == W) DFS_VISIT(a, head, p->v); p=p->next; } if (p->v->c == W) DFS_VISIT(a, head, p->v); } void DFS_VISIT(int a[][N], list head, vertex x) { time = time++; x->d = time; x->c = G; for (int i = 0; i<N; i++) if (a[x->position][i] == 1 ) { list p = head; while (p->next != head) //迴圈一圈 { if (p->v->position == i && p->v->c == W) { p->v->parent = x; DFS_VISIT(a,head, p->v); } p=p->next; } //97行p->next了,在檢查while的時候還要next,就會導致連結串列的最後一個元素無法進行處理,所以最後追加一個對最後一個元素的處理,下面還有兩個類似的處理 //個人感覺比起先判斷p==head的程式碼量要少那麼一點點。 if (p->v->position == i && p->v->c == W) { p->v->parent = x; DFS_VISIT(a, head, p->v); } } x->c = B; time = time + 1; x->f = time; } list INSERT_VERTEX(list head, vertex x) { list new_p = (list)malloc(sizeof(l)); new_p->next = NULL; new_p->v = x; // new_p->position = n; // n++; if (head == NULL) { head = new_p; head->next = head; } else { list p = head; //遍歷傳進來這個連結串列,看他是什麼情況 while (p->next != head) { p = p->next; } //遍歷一遍,找到新節點插入的位置, p->next = new_p; new_p->next = head; } return head; } int main() { int a[N][N]; list b = (list)malloc(sizeof(l)); vertex p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6; INI_METRIX(a); b=INI_LIST(b); p1=INI_VERTEX(8); p2=INI_VERTEX(3); p3=INI_VERTEX(6); p4=INI_VERTEX(7); p5=INI_VERTEX(5); p6=INI_VERTEX(10); b=INSERT_VERTEX(b, p1); b=INSERT_VERTEX(b, p2); b=INSERT_VERTEX(b, p3); b=INSERT_VERTEX(b, p4); b=INSERT_VERTEX(b, p5); b=INSERT_VERTEX(b, p6); CONNECTION(a, p1, p2); CONNECTION(a, p1, p3); CONNECTION(a, p2, p3); CONNECTION(a, p3, p4); CONNECTION(a, p4, p2); CONNECTION(a, p5, p4); CONNECTION(a, p5, p6); CONNECTION(a, p6, p6); printf("當頭指標是p3,(key=6)時\n"); b=MOVE_HEAD(b, p3); DFS(a, b); list p=b; while (p->next != b) { printf("(%d, d=%d,f=%d)\n", p->v->key, p->v->d, p->v->f); p = p->next; } printf("(%d, d=%d,f=%d)\n", p->v->key, p->v->d, p->v->f); return 0; }

