1. 程式人生 > >資料結構實驗6:C++實現二叉樹類



學號:     姓名:      專業:


6.1 實驗目的




6.2 實驗要求





















6.3 實驗資料要求


6.4 執行結果截圖及說明


6.5 附原始碼

 1 // stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,
 2 //  or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
 3 //      are changed infrequently
 4 //
 6 #if !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__02F8C78B_9F6E_45FF_BFCE_7F99B5AC9359__INCLUDED_)
 7 #define AFX_STDAFX_H__02F8C78B_9F6E_45FF_BFCE_7F99B5AC9359__INCLUDED_
 9 #if _MSC_VER > 1000
10 #pragma once
11 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
13 #include <stdc++.h>
14 #include <windows.h>
16 using namespace std;
18 typedef char elementType;
19 typedef int elementType1;
21 typedef struct node
22 {
23     elementType data;//剛開始應該寫成將data寫成string或者直接將整個函式寫成模板的,寫完了最後測試時
24                     //才發現現在的寫法有諸多不便;但修改的話就又要重構一遍,懶得整了。
25     struct node *leftChild, *rightChild;
26 }bitNode, *binTree;
28 typedef struct charNode
29 {
30     //elementType data;
31     bitNode *data;//the type must be bitNode*
32     struct charNode *link;
33 }CLNode, *CPNode;
36 //typedef struct charNode
37 //{
38     //elementType data;
39     //struct charNode *leftChild, *rightChild;
40 //}charBitNode, *charBinTree;
42 // TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here
45 // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
47 #endif // !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__02F8C78B_9F6E_45FF_BFCE_7F99B5AC9359__INCLUDED_)
 1 // charLinkedQueue.h: interface for the charLinkedQueue class.
 2 //
 3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 5 #if !defined(AFX_CHARLINKEDQUEUE_H__13C2F642_81C0_4489_9CF2_3D58D8B48EA9__INCLUDED_)
 6 #define AFX_CHARLINKEDQUEUE_H__13C2F642_81C0_4489_9CF2_3D58D8B48EA9__INCLUDED_
 8 #if _MSC_VER > 1000
 9 #pragma once
10 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
12 //剛開始嘗試寫英文註釋的,後面知難而退了;不過原來的英文註釋我保留了
14 class charLinkedQueue  
15 {
16 public:
17     charLinkedQueue();
18     virtual ~charLinkedQueue();
19     bool emptyCharLinkedQueue();
20     //bool fullSeqCircleQueue();
21     bool enQueue( bitNode *value );//the type must be bitNode*
22     bool deQueue( /*bitNode *value*/ );
23     bool getFront( bitNode *&value );//the type must be bitNode*&
24     int length();
25     friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &os, charLinkedQueue &clq )
26     {
27         /*
28         if( ( scq._front - 1 ) % maxn == scq._rear )
29             return os;
30         int column  = 0;
31         for( int i = scq._front; i % maxn != scq._rear; i = ( i + 1 ) % maxn )
32         {
33             os << setw(3) << setiosflags(ios::left) << scq.data[i] << " ";
34             column ++;
35             if( column % 10 == 0 )
36                 os << endl;
37         }
38         os << endl;
39         */
40         if( clq._front == NULL )
41             return os;
42         CLNode *tmp = clq._front;
43         int column = 0;
44         while( tmp != clq._rear->link )
45         {
46             os << setw(4) << setiosflags(ios::left) << tmp->data << " ";
47             column ++;
48             tmp = tmp->link;
49             if( column % 10 == 0 )
50                 os << endl;
51         }
52         os << endl;
53     }
54     //為了能順利使用原來的這個程式碼塊來進行二叉樹的層次便利,我主要的精力都放在_front、_rear型別、
55     //deQueue()、enQueue()、charNode的型別確定上,經過無數次嘗試,總算結果對了----
56     //如果有Git,看了這個程式碼的每個版本你就會知道我付出了多少心血。。。。
57 private:
58     CLNode *_front;//the type must be CLNode*
59     CLNode *_rear;//the type must be CLNode*
60 };
62 #endif // !defined(AFX_CHARLINKEDQUEUE_H__13C2F642_81C0_4489_9CF2_3D58D8B48EA9__INCLUDED_)
 1 // _Binary_Tree.h: interface for the _Binary_Tree class.
 2 //
 3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 5 #if !defined(AFX__BINARY_TREE_H__9381B15F_E185_4489_9415_360A22C0A4E2__INCLUDED_)
 6 #define AFX__BINARY_TREE_H__9381B15F_E185_4489_9415_360A22C0A4E2__INCLUDED_
 8 #if _MSC_VER > 1000
 9 #pragma once
10 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
12 #include "charLinkedQueue.h"
14 //剛開始嘗試寫英文註釋的,後面知難而退了;不過原來的英文註釋我保留了
16 class _Binary_Tree  
17 {
18 public:
19     _Binary_Tree();//不帶引數的建構函式
20     _Binary_Tree( elementType *Arr );//帶引數的建構函式
21     void build( elementType *Arr );//從陣列建立二叉樹,相當於初始化;不帶引數的建構函式無法適用於這裡
22     void createNode( binTree BT, elementType *Arr, int number );//根據從陣列讀到的資料先序遞迴建樹
23     virtual ~_Binary_Tree();//解構函式
24     bool createBinaryTree( binTree &BT, elementType stringLine[100][3], int length, int &row );//根據文字資料
25                                                             //先序構造二叉樹
26     bool readFileToArray( elementType stringLine[100][3], int &length );//將文字資料讀入二維陣列中
27     bool emptyBinaryTree();//二叉樹判空,僅適用於帶引數建構函式建立的二叉樹
28     bool _exit( binTree BT, elementType value );//判斷節點資料是否在二叉樹中
29     binTree getNodePoint();//返回根節點地址
30     binTree getNodePoint( binTree BT, elementType value );//返回value在二叉樹中的地址
31     binTree getParent( binTree BT, elementType value );//返回value的父母
32     void PreOrderTraverse(binTree BT);//前序遍歷
33     void InOrderTraverse(binTree BT);//中序遍歷
34     void PostOrderTraverse(binTree BT);//後序遍歷
35     void levelOrderTraverse(binTree BT);//層次遍歷
36     void destroy( binTree BT );//銷燬二叉樹
37     void level( binTree BT, int number );//求二叉樹中各個節點的層次
38     int height( binTree BT );//求二叉樹高度
39     int numberOfBTreeNode( binTree BT );//返回二叉樹節點總數
40     int numberOfBTreeLeafNode( binTree BT, int &number );//返回二叉樹葉節點個數
41     void numberOfNodeDegreeTwo( binTree BT, int &number );//求二叉樹中度為2的節點個數
42     //void family( binTree BT, elementType1 number );
43     void getParent( binTree BT, elementType value, bool &flag );//求value的父節點
44     void getSibling( binTree BT, elementType value, bool &flag );//when call the function, the parameter flag
45                                                                 //must be assigned for false
46                                                                 //求value的兄弟節點,法1;有一個bug
47     void getSibling( binTree BT, elementType value );//求value的兄弟節點,法2
48     void getChild( binTree BT, elementType value, bool &flag );//求value孩子節點
49     int levelJudge( binTree BT, elementType value, int &number, int level );//返回value節點的層次
50     void exchangeLeftAndRightSibling( binTree BT );//交換左右子樹
51     void copyBTree( binTree BT1, binTree BT );//複製二叉樹
52     charLinkedQueue clq;//包含
53     void allLeafToRootPath( binTree BT, elementType *path, int &pathLength );//求所有葉節點到根節點路徑
54     void binaryTreeLongestPath( binTree BT, elementType *path, int &pathLength, 
55         elementType *longestPath, int &longestLength );//求葉節點到根節點的最長路徑
56     binTree nearestAncestor( binTree BT, bitNode *BNode1, bitNode *BNode2 );//求兩個節點的最近祖先
57                                                                             //本來打算用elementType資料
58                                                                             //作為引數的,後面發現行不通
59                                                                             //可能是我太菜了吧
60 private:
61     bitNode *BTree;
63 };
65 #endif // !defined(AFX__BINARY_TREE_H__9381B15F_E185_4489_9415_360A22C0A4E2__INCLUDED_)
 1 // charLinkedQueue.cpp: implementation of the charLinkedQueue class.
 2 //
 3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 5 #include "stdafx.h"
 6 #include "charLinkedQueue.h"
 8 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 9 // Construction/Destruction
10 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 charLinkedQueue::charLinkedQueue()
13 {
14     _front = _rear = NULL;
15 }
17 charLinkedQueue::~charLinkedQueue()
18 {
19     CLNode *tmp = NULL;
20     while( _front != _rear )
21     {
22         tmp = _front;
23         _front = _front->link;
24         delete tmp;
25     }
26     cout << "The charLinkedQueue destruction has been called!" << endl;
27 }
29 bool charLinkedQueue::emptyCharLinkedQueue()
30 {
31     return _front == NULL;
32 }
34 bool charLinkedQueue::enQueue( bitNode *value )
35 {
36     CLNode *newNode = new CLNode;
37     if( !newNode )
38     {
39         cerr << "Space allocating falied!Error in charLinkedQueue::enQueue()!" << endl;
40         return false;
41     }
42     newNode->data = value;
43     newNode->link = NULL;
44     if( emptyCharLinkedQueue() )
45     {
46         _front = _rear = newNode;
47     }
48     else
49     {
50         _rear->link = newNode;
51         _rear = newNode;
52     }
53     return true;
54 }
56 bool charLinkedQueue::deQueue( /*elementType &value*/ )
57 {
58     if( emptyCharLinkedQueue() )
59     {
60         cerr << "Node deleting falied!Error in charLinkedQueue::deQueue()!" << endl;
61         return false;
62     }
63     CLNode *tmp = _front;
64     //value = _front->data;
65     _front = _front->link;
66     delete tmp;
67     if( _front == NULL )
68         _rear = NULL;
69     return true;
70 }
72 bool charLinkedQueue::getFront( bitNode *&value )
73 {
74     if( emptyCharLinkedQueue() )
75     {
76         cerr << "Queue is empty!\nNode-data acquiring falied!Error in charLinkedQueue::deQueue()!" << endl;
77         return false;
78     }
79     value = _front->data;//原來我是註釋掉的,導致輸出一直是A;
80     return true;
81 }
83 int charLinkedQueue::length()
84 {
85     if( emptyCharLinkedQueue() )
86     {
87         cerr << "Queue is empty!" << endl;
88         return -1;
89     }
90     CLNode *tmp = _front;
91     int _size = 0;
92     while( tmp != NULL )
93     {
94         tmp = tmp->link;
95         _size ++;
96     }
97     return _size;
98 }
  1 // _Binary_Tree.cpp: implementation of the _Binary_Tree class.
  2 //
  3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  5 #include "stdafx.h"
  6 #include "_Binary_Tree.h"
  7 #include "charLinkedQueue.h"
  9 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 10 // Construction/Destruction
 11 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 14 _Binary_Tree::_Binary_Tree()       //新建一個結點
 15 {
 16     //BTree = NULL;
 17     BTree = new bitNode;
 18     BTree->leftChild = BTree->rightChild = NULL;
 19 }
 21 _Binary_Tree::~_Binary_Tree()
 22 {
 23     destroy(BTree);//解構函式不能帶引數,只能這麼處理了
 24 }
 26 _Binary_Tree::_Binary_Tree( elementType *Arr )
 27 {
 28     BTree = NULL;
 29     build(Arr);
 30 }
 32 void _Binary_Tree::build( elementType *Arr )
 33 {
 34     if(BTree)
 35       destroy(BTree);
 36     if( Arr[0] == '^' )
 37     {
 38         BTree = NULL;
 39         return;
 40     }
 41     BTree = new bitNode;
 42     BTree->leftChild = NULL;
 43     BTree->rightChild = NULL;
 44     BTree->data = Arr[0];
 45     createNode( BTree, Arr, 0 );
 46 }
 48 void _Binary_Tree::createNode( binTree BT, elementType *Arr, int number )
 49 {
 50     bitNode *tmp = new bitNode;
 51     if( Arr[ number * 2 + 1 ] != '^' )
 52     {
 53         BT->leftChild =new bitNode ;
 54         tmp = BT->leftChild;
 55         tmp->data = Arr[ number * 2 + 1 ];
 56         tmp->leftChild = NULL;
 57         tmp->rightChild = NULL;
 58         createNode( tmp, Arr, number * 2 + 1 );
 59     }
 60     if( Arr[ number * 2 + 2 ] != '^' )
 61     {
 62         BT->rightChild =new bitNode ;
 63         tmp = BT->rightChild;
 64         tmp->data = Arr[ number * 2 + 2 ];
 65         tmp->leftChild = NULL;
 66         tmp->rightChild = NULL;
 67         createNode( tmp, Arr, number * 2 + 2 );
 68     }
 69 }
 71 bool _Binary_Tree::createBinaryTree( binTree &BT, elementType stringLine[100][3], int length, int &row )
 72 {     
 73     if (row >= length || length == 0 )      //strlen存資料的二維陣列,nRow結點所在的位數,nlen結點的個數
 74         return false;
 75     if ( row == 0 )
 76         BT = BTree;
 77     else
 78         BT = new bitNode;//new下面是公用的,用if的目的是改變private裡BTree裡的值
 79     BT->data = stringLine[row][0];
 80     BT->leftChild = NULL;
 81     BT->rightChild = NULL;
 83     int nextRow = row;
 84     if ( stringLine[nextRow][1] == '1' )
 85     {
 86         ++ row;
 87         createBinaryTree( BT->leftChild, stringLine, length, row );
 88     }
 89     if ( stringLine[nextRow][2] == '1' )
 90     {
 91         ++row;
 92         createBinaryTree( BT->rightChild, stringLine, length, row );
 93     }
 94     return true;
 95 }
 97 bool _Binary_Tree::readFileToArray( elementType stringLine[100][3], int &length )
 98 {
 99     FILE *fp;
100     char str[100];
102     cout << "Please input the file name(belike includes the file path):" << endl;
103     char name[50];// = "bt10.btr";
104     cin >> name;
105     fp = fopen( name, "r" );
106     if (!fp)
107     {
108         cout << "Error!" << endl;
109         return false;
110     }
111     if (fgets(str, 1000, fp) != NULL)
112     {
113         if (strcmp(str, "BinaryTree\n") != 0)
114         {
115             cout << "Error!" << endl;
116             fclose(fp);
117             return false;
118         }
119     }
120     length = 0;
121     while (fscanf(fp, "%c %c %c\n", &stringLine[length][0], &stringLine[length][1], &stringLine[length][2]) != EOF)
122     {
123         length ++;
124     }
125     fclose(fp);
126     return true;
127 }
130 bool _Binary_Tree::emptyBinaryTree()
131 {
132     //if(BTree)
133         //return BTree->leftChild == NULL && BTree->rightChild == NULL;
134     //else
135     return BTree == NULL;
136 }
138 bool _Binary_Tree::_exit( binTree BT, elementType value )
139 {
140     if(!BT)
141         return false;
142         //return NULL;
143     if( BT->data == value )
144         return true;
145         //return BT;
146     //bitNode *index = _exit( BT->leftChild, value );
147     bool flag = _exit( BT->leftChild, value );
148     //if(!index)
149     if(!flag)
150     //_exit( BT->leftChild, value );
151         _exit( BT->rightChild, value );
152 }
154 binTree _Binary_Tree::getNodePoint()
155 {
156     //if( emptyBinaryTree() )
157     //{
158         //throw "Empty binary tree!Error in binTree _Binary_Tree::getNodePoint()!\n";
159         //return NULL;
160     //}
161     return (*this).BTree;
162 }
164 binTree _Binary_Tree::getNodePoint( binTree BT, elementType value )
165 {
166     /*
167     if(!BT)
168     {
169         return NULL;
170     }
171     else
172     {
173         if( BT->data == value )
174             return BT;
175         else
176         {
177             bitNode *tmp;
178             if( tmp = getNodePoint( BT->leftChild, value ) )
179                 return tmp;
180             if( tmp = getNodePoint( BT->rightChild, value ) )
181                 return tmp;
182             return NULL;
183         }
184     }
185     */
186     if(!BT)
187     {
188         return NULL;
189     }
190     else
191     {
192         if( BT->data == value )
193         {
194             return  BT;
195         }
196         //getNodePoint( BT->leftChild, value );
197         //getNodePoint( BT->rightChild, value );
199         bitNode *tmp = getNodePoint( BT->leftChild, value );
200         if(!tmp)
201         {
202             getNodePoint( BT->rightChild, value );
203         }
204         //follow statement can't be added to the code
205         //return tmp;
206     }
207 }
209 void _Binary_Tree::PreOrderTraverse(binTree BT)   
210 {
211     //if( emptyBinaryTree() )
212 //    {
213         //throw "Empty binary tree!Error in void _Binary_Tree::PreOrderTraverse(binTree BT) !\n";
214         //return;
215     //}
216     if (BT)  
217     {
218              cout << BT->data << " ";
219             PreOrderTraverse(BT->leftChild);
220             PreOrderTraverse(BT->rightChild);
221     }
222 }
224 void _Binary_Tree::InOrderTraverse(binTree BT)   
225 {
226     if (BT)   
227     {
228             InOrderTraverse(BT->leftChild);
229              cout << BT->data << " ";
230             InOrderTraverse(BT->rightChild);
231     }
232     //return 0;
233 }
235 void _Binary_Tree::PostOrderTraverse( binTree BT )
236 {
237     if (BT)  
238     {
239             PostOrderTraverse(BT->leftChild);
240             PostOrderTraverse(BT->rightChild);
241             cout << BT->data << " ";
242     }
243 }
245 void _Binary_Tree::destroy( binTree BT )
246 {
247     if(BT)
248     {
249         destroy( BT->leftChild );
250         destroy( BT->rightChild );
251         delete BT;
252         BT = NULL;
253     }
254 }
256 void _Binary_Tree::level( binTree BT, int number )
257 {
259     if(BT)
260     {
261         level( BT->leftChild, number + 1 );
262         ///number +=3;
263         //cout << number << endl;
264         cout << BT->data << " level: " << number << endl;
266         level( BT->rightChild, number + 1 );
267         //number -=2;
268     }
269     //number --;
270 }
272 int _Binary_Tree::height( binTree BT )
273 {
274     if(!BT)
275     {
276         return 0;
277     }
278     else
279     {
280         int i = height( BT->leftChild );
281         int j = height( BT->rightChild );
282         return i < j ? j + 1 : i + 1;
284     }
285 }
287 int _Binary_Tree::numberOfBTreeNode( binTree BT )
288 {
289     if(!BT)
290         return 0;
291     else
292     {
293         return numberOfBTreeNode( BT->leftChild ) + numberOfBTreeNode( BT->rightChild ) + 1;
294     }
295 }
297 int _Binary_Tree::numberOfBTreeLeafNode( binTree BT, int &number )
298 {
299     if(!BT)
300     {
301         return 0;
302     }
303     else
304     {
305         if( !BT->leftChild && !BT->rightChild )
306             //number += 1;
307             number ++;
308             //return 1;
309         else
310         {
311             numberOfBTreeLeafNode( BT->leftChild, number );
312             numberOfBTreeLeafNode( BT->rightChild, number );
313         }
314         return number;    
315     }
316 }
318 void _Binary_Tree::numberOfNodeDegreeTwo( binTree BT, int &number )
319 {
320     if(!BT)
321     {
322         return;
323     }
324     else
325     {
326         if( BT->leftChild && BT->rightChild )
327             //number += 1;
328             number += 1;
329             //return 1;
330         //else
331         //{
332             numberOfNodeDegreeTwo( BT->leftChild, number );
333             numberOfNodeDegreeTwo( BT->rightChild, number );
334             //return numberOfNodeDegreeTwo( BT->leftChild, number ) + numberOfNodeDegreeTwo( BT->rightChild, number );
335         //}
336         //return number;    
337     }
338 }
340 /*
341 void _Binary_Tree::family( binTree BT, elementType1 number )
342 {
343     if(!BT)
344     {
345         return;
346     }
347     if( BT->leftChild->data == number || BT->rightChild->data == number )
348     {
349         cout << "parent ---- " << BT->data << endl;
350         if( BT->leftChild->data == number && BT->rightChild )
351         {
352             cout << "rights sibling ---- " << BT->rightChild->data << endl;
353         }
354         if( BT->leftChild && BT->rightChild->data == number )
355         {
356             cout << "left sibling ---- " << BT->leftChild->data << endl;
357         }
358     }
359     if( BT->data == number && ( BT->leftChild || BT->rightChild ) )
360     {
361         cout << ( BT->leftChild ? "left child ---- " : true ) << endl;
362         cout << ( BT->rightChild ? "right child ---- " : true ) << endl;
363     }
364     family( BT->leftChild, number );
365     family( BT->rightChild, number );
366     //if( BT->data == number && BT-)
367     //if( BT->leftChild->data == number &&)
368 }
369 */
371 //bool _Binary_Tree::getParent( binTree BT, elementType number, bool flag )
372 void _Binary_Tree::getParent( binTree BT, elementType value, bool &flag )
373 {
374     if(!BT)
375     {
376         //return false;
377         return;
378     }
379     if( ( BT->leftChild && BT->leftChild->data == value ) || ( BT->rightChild ) && ( BT->rightChild->data == value ) )
380     {
381         flag = true;
382         cout << value << " Parent ---- " << BT->data << endl;
383         return;
384         //return true;
385     }
386     /*
387     if( BT && BT->rightChild->data == number )
388     {
389         cout << "parent ---- " << BT->data << endl;
390         return true;
391     }
392     */
393     getParent( BT->leftChild, value, flag );
394     getParent( BT->rightChild, value, flag );
395 }    
397 binTree _Binary_Tree::getParent( binTree BT, elementType value )
398 {
400     if( !_exit( BT, value ) )
401     {
402         cerr << value << " is not in the binary tree!" << endl;
403         cerr << "Error in binTree _Binary_Tree::getParent( binTree BT, elementType value )!" << endl;
404         return NULL;
405     }
407     if(!BT)
408     {
409         return NULL;
410     }
411     if( BT->data == value )
412     {
413         return BT;
414     }
415     if( ( BT->leftChild && BT->leftChild->data == value ) || ( BT->rightChild && BT->rightChild->data == value ) )//|| BT->rightChild->data == value )
416     {
417         return BT;
418     }
419     bitNode *tmp = getParent( BT->leftChild, value );
420     if(!tmp)
421     {
422         getParent( BT->rightChild, value );
423     }
424 }
426 void _Binary_Tree::getSibling( binTree BT, elementType value, bool &flag )
427 {
428     if(!BT)
429     {
430         cout << value << " No LeftSibling!" << endl << value << " No RightSibling!" << endl;
431         return;
432     }
433     if( !flag &&  !BT->leftChild )//|| !BT->rightChild )//write as "if(!BT)" would result error
434     {
436         if( BT->rightChild )
437         {
438             getSibling( BT->rightChild, value, flag );
439             //return;
440         }
441         else
442         {
443             //cout << value << " No LeftSibling!" << endl;
444             return;
445         }
446         return;//why would deleting the statement cause error!
447     }
449     if( !flag && !BT->rightChild )
450     {
452         if( BT->leftChild )
453         {
454             getSibling( BT->leftChild, value, flag );
456         }
457         else
458         {
459             //cout << value << "No LeftSibling!" << endl;
460             //cout << value << " No RightSibling!" << endl;
461             return;
463         }    
464         return;//why would deleting the statement cause error!
465     }
466     if( BT->rightChild->data == value )
467     {
468         if( BT->leftChild )
469         {
470             flag = true;
471             cout << value << " LeftSibling ---- " << BT->leftChild->data << endl;
472             return;
473         }
474         else if( !BT->leftChild )
475         {
476             cout << value << " No LeftSibling!" << endl;
477             return;
478         }
480     }
481     if( BT->leftChild->data == value )
482     {
483         if( BT->rightChild )
484         {
485             flag = true;
486             cout << value << " RightSibling ---- " << BT->rightChild->data << endl;
487             return;
488         }
489         else if( !BT->rightChild )
490         {
491             cout << value << " No RightSibling!" << endl;
492             return;
493         }
494     }
495     getSibling( BT->leftChild, value, flag );
496     if( !flag && BT->rightChild )
497         getSibling( BT->rightChild, value, flag );
498 }
500 void _Binary_Tree::getSibling( binTree BT, elementType value )
501 {
502     bitNode *parent = getParent( BT, value );
504     if( BT->data == value )
505     {
506         cout << value << " is the root node,neither left sibling also useless right sibling!" << endl;
507         return;
508     }
509     if( !_exit( BT, value ) )
510     {
511         cout << value << " is not in the binary-tree!" << endl;
512         cerr << "Error in void _Binary_Tree::getSibling( binTree BT, elementType value )!" << endl;
513         return;
514     }
515     if( parent->leftChild && parent->leftChild->data == value )
516     {
517         if( parent->rightChild )
518         {
519             cout << value << " RightSibling ---- " << parent->rightChild->data << endl;
520             return;
521         }
522         else
523         {
524             cout << value << " No RightSibling!" << endl;
525             return;
526         }
527     }
528     if( parent->rightChild && parent->rightChild->data == value )
529     {
530         if( parent->leftChild )
531         {
532             cout << value << " LeftSibling ---- " << parent->leftChild->data << endl;
533             return;
534         }
535         else
536         {
537             cout << value << " No LeftSibling!" << endl;
538             return;
539         }
540     }
541 }
543 void _Binary_Tree::getChild( binTree BT, elementType value, bool &flag )//It costed me several minutes to   
544 {                                                                        //write and almost one hour to 
545     /*                                                                    //perfect the function
546     if( BT->leftChild )
547     {
548         getChild( BT->leftChild, value, flag );
549     }
550     if( BT->rightChild )
551     {
552         getChild( BT->rightChild, value, flag );
553     }
554     */
556     /*
557     if( !BT->leftChild )//|| !BT->rightChild )
558     {
559         if(flag)
560         {    
561             cout << "No LeftChild! " << endl;
562             flag = true;
563             return;
564         }
565         else
566         {
567             cout << "No LeftChild! " << endl;
568             flag = false;
569         }
570         //return;
571     }
572     if( !BT->rightChild )
573     {
574         if(flag)
575         {
576             cout << "No RightChild! " << endl;
577             flag = true;
578             return;
579         }
580         else
581         {
582             cout << "No RightChild! " << endl;
583             flag = false;
584         }
585     }
586     */
587     //if(!BT)
588 //    {
589     //    return;
590 //    }
591     if( !_exit( BT, value ) )
592     {
593         cerr << value << " is not in the binary tree!\nError in void _Binary_Tree::getChild( binTree BT, elementType value, bool &flag )" << endl;
594         return;
595     }
596     if( BT->data == value )//at first I neglected this detail that resulted wrong judgement at root-node 
597     {
598         if( BT->leftChild )
599         {
600             flag = true;
601             cout << value << " LeftChild ---- " << BT->leftChild->data << endl;
603         }
604         else
605         {
606             cout << "No LeftChild!" << endl;
608         }
609         if( BT->rightChild )
610         {
611             flag = true;
612             cout << value << " RightChild ---- " << BT->rightChild->data << endl;
613             return;
614         }
615         else
616         {
617             cout << "No RightChild! " << endl;
618             return;
619         }
620     }
621     if( !BT->leftChild )
622     {
623         if( BT->rightChild )
624         {
625             getChild( BT->rightChild, value, flag );
626         }
627         return;
628         /*
629         if(flag)
630         {
631             return;
632         }
633         else
634         {
635             flag = false;
636             return;
637         }*/
638     }
639     if( !BT->rightChild )
640     {
641         if( BT->leftChild )
642         {
643             getChild( BT->leftChild, value, flag );