1. 程式人生 > >Mysql連表查詢習題




mysql> create database linux50 charset utf8;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| linux50            |
| ming               |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| test               |
| world              |
| xudao              |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> \u linux50
Database changed
mysql> create table student(sno bigint(20) not null primary key auto_increment comment '學號',
    -> sname varchar(300) not null comment '學生姓名',
    -> sage tinyint unsigned not null comment '學生年齡',
    -> ssex enum('1','0') not null  default '1' comment '學生性別',
    -> sbirthday datetime  default null comment '學生生日',
    -> class int not null comment '學生班級') ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select *from student;
| sno | sname     | sage | ssex | sbirthday           | class |
|   1 | 王麗英    |   18 | 1    | 2018-11-28 17:45:58 |     7 |
|   2 | 王亞嬌    |   19 | 0    | 2018-11-28 17:50:07 |     7 |
|   3 | 程康華    |   22 | 1    | 2018-11-28 17:50:40 |     7 |
|   4 | 郭亞望    |   20 | 1    | 2018-11-28 17:51:19 |     7 |
|   5 | 文長清    |   21 | 1    | 2018-11-28 17:51:42 |     7 |
|   6 | 馬慧芬    |   20 | 1    | 2018-11-28 20:54:04 |     5 |
|   7 | 王晶      |   20 | 0    | 2018-11-28 20:55:00 |     3 |



mysql> create table source(cno bigint(20) not null primary key auto_increment comment '課程號',  cname varchar(50) not null comment '課程名稱',  tno int(3) zerofill not null  comment '教師編號'  );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> select *from source;
| cno | cname  | tno |
|   1 | 語文   | 001 |
|   2 | 數學   | 002 |
|   3 | 英語   | 003 |



mysql> create table score(sno bigint(20) not null comment '學號',
    -> cno bigint(20) not null  comment '課程號',
    -> mark double(4,1) not null comment '成績',
    -> primary key(sno,cno)
    -> );
   mysql> select *from score;
| sno | cno | mark  |
|   1 |   1 |  90.0 |
|   2 |   1 |  90.0 |
|   2 |   2 |  70.0 |
|   2 |   3 |  70.0 |
|   3 |   1 |  95.0 |
|   3 |   2 | 100.0 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)



create table teacher(cno int(3) zerofill not null primary key auto_increment comment '教師編號',
tname varchar(50) not null comment '教師姓名',
tage tinyint unsigned not null comment '教師年齡',
tsex enum('1','0') not null default '1' comment '教師性別',
prof varchar(100) comment '教師職稱',
depart varchar(50) comment '教師部門'





mysql> select sname,ssex,class from student;
| sname     | ssex | class |
| 王麗英    | 1    |     7 |
| 王亞嬌    | 0    |     7 |
| 程康華    | 1    |     7 |
| 郭亞望    | 1    |     7 |
| 文長清    | 1    |     7 |
| 馬慧芬    | 1    |     5 |
| 王晶      | 0    |     3 |


mysql> select *from teacher;
| cno | tname        | tage | tsex | prof         | depart       |
| 001 | 增志高翔     |   23 | 1    | DBA老大      | DBA系        |
| 002 | 徐亮偉       |   24 | 1    | 講師老大     | Linux系      |
| 003 | 李泳誼       |   26 | 1    | 綜合老大     | 老男孩系     |
| 004 | 老男孩       |   24 | 1    | 公司老大     | 老男孩系     |



mysql> select *from student;
| sno | sname     | sage | ssex | sbirthday           | class |
|   1 | 王麗英    |   18 | 1    | 2018-11-28 17:45:58 |     7 |
|   2 | 王亞嬌    |   19 | 0    | 2018-11-28 17:50:07 |     7 |
|   3 | 程康華    |   22 | 1    | 2018-11-28 17:50:40 |     7 |
|   4 | 郭亞望    |   20 | 1    | 2018-11-28 17:51:19 |     7 |
|   5 | 文長清    |   21 | 1    | 2018-11-28 17:51:42 |     7 |
|   6 | 馬慧芬    |   20 | 1    | 2018-11-28 20:54:04 |     5 |
|   7 | 王晶      |   20 | 0    | 2018-11-28 20:55:00 |     3 |




select * from score where Degree in (90,95,70);




mysql> select *from student order by class desc;
| sno | sname     | sage | ssex | sbirthday           | class |
|   1 | 王麗英    |   18 | 1    | 2018-11-28 17:45:58 |     7 |
|   2 | 王亞嬌    |   19 | 0    | 2018-11-28 17:50:07 |     7 |
|   3 | 程康華    |   22 | 1    | 2018-11-28 17:50:40 |     7 |
|   4 | 郭亞望    |   20 | 1    | 2018-11-28 17:51:19 |     7 |
|   5 | 文長清    |   21 | 1    | 2018-11-28 17:51:42 |     7 |
|   6 | 馬慧芬    |   20 | 1    | 2018-11-28 20:54:04 |     5 |
|   7 | 王晶      |   20 | 0    | 2018-11-28 20:55:00 |     3 |


mysql> select *from score order by cno;
| sno | cno | mark  |
|   1 |   1 |  90.0 |
|   2 |   1 |  90.0 |
|   3 |   1 |  95.0 |
|   2 |   2 |  70.0 |
|   3 |   2 | 100.0 |
|   2 |   3 |  70.0 |
mysql> select *from score order by  mark desc;
| sno | cno | mark  |
|   3 |   2 | 100.0 |
|   3 |   1 |  95.0 |
|   1 |   1 |  90.0 |
|   2 |   1 |  90.0 |
|   2 |   2 |  70.0 |
|   2 |   3 |  70.0 |


mysql> select count(*)  from student where class='7';
| count(*) |
|        5 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select teacher.tname, student.sno,student.sname,score.mark 
    -> from teacher,student,score,course
    -> where student.sno=score.sno and
    -> score.cno=course.cno
    -> and course.tno=teacher.tno 
    -> and teacher.tno='001';


mysql> select student.sname,score.mark,teacher.tname,teacher.prof,teacher.depart 
    -> from teacher,student,score,course
    -> where student.sno=score.sno and
    -> score.cno=course.cno and
    -> course.tno=teacher.tno and
    -> student.ssex='1'
-> and course.cname='語文';


mysql> select student.sname,score.mark,teacher.tname,teacher.prof,teacher.depart 
    -> from teacher,student,score,course
    -> where student.sno=score.sno and
    -> score.cno=course.cno and
    -> course.tno=teacher.tno and
    -> student.ssex='1'
-> and course.cname='語文'
-> order by score.mark desc;