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Generative Adversarial Networks: An Overview文獻閱讀筆記

Generative Adversarial Networks: An Overview筆記


Generative adversarial networks (GANs) provide a way to learn deep representations without extensively annotated training data. They achieve this by deriving backpropagation signals through a competitive process involving a pair of networks. The representations that can be learned by GANs may be used in a variety of applications, including image synthesis, semantic image editing, style transfer, image superresolution, and classification. The aim of this review article is to provide an overview of GANs for the signal processing community, drawing on familiar analogies and concepts where possible. In addition to identifying different methods for training and constructing GANs, we also point to remaining challenges in their theory and application.



Generative models learn to capture the statistical distribution of training data, allowing us to synthesize samples from the learned distribution.
We occasionally refer to fully connected and convolutional layers of deep networks; these are generalizations of perceptrons or spatial filter banks with nonlinear postprocessing. In all cases, the network weights are learned through backpropagation


  • P data (x) : probability density function over a random vector x that lies in R|x|
  • P g (x) : the distribution of the vectors produced by the generator network of the GAN
  • G : the generator networks
  • D : the discriminator networks
  • ΘD and ΘG :sets of parameters (weights), learned through optimization, during training
  • JG(ΘG; ΘD) and JD(ΘD; ΘG) : the objective functions of the generator and discriminator
  • ▽ΘG : the gradient operator with respect to the weights of the generator parameters
  • ▽ΘD : the gradient operator with respect to the weights of the discriminator
  • E▽ : the expected gradients

Capturing data distributions

The difficulty we face is that likelihood functions for high-dimensional, real-world image data are difficult to construct. While GANs don’t explicitly provide a way of evaluating density functions, for a generator-discriminator pair of suitable capacity, the generator implicitly captures the distribution of the data.

  • Fixed basis functions underlie standard techniques such as Fourier-based and wavelet representations.
  • Data-driven approaches to constructing basis functions can be traced back to the Hotelling transform, rooted in Pearson’s observation that principal components minimize a reconstruction error according to a minimum squared error criterion.
  • the bases of PCA may be derived as a maximum likelihood parameter estimation problem.(PCA have both a shallow and a linear mapping, limiting the complexity of the model and, hence, of the data, that can be represented.PCA模型複雜度有限)
  • Independent component analysis (ICA)(比PCA稍微複雜一些)
    ICA has various formulations that differ in their objective functions used during estimating signal components or in the generative model that expresses how signals or images are generated from those components. A recent innovation explored through ICA is noise contrastive estimation (NCE); this may be seen as approaching the spirit of GANs : the objective function for learning independent components compares a statistic applied to noise with that produced by a candidate generative model

GAN與這些標準訊號處理工具的區別在於:將向量從潛在空間對映到影象空間的模型的複雜程度。由於生成網路包含非線性,並且幾乎可以任意深度,因此這種對映 - 與許多其他深度學習方法一樣 - 可以非常複雜。
對於基於深度影象的模型,可以將現有的生成影象建模方法分組為顯式和隱式密度模型。顯式密度模型要麼tractable(變數模型的變化,自迴歸模型),要麼intractable(用變分推理訓練的定向模型,使用馬爾可夫鏈訓練的無向模型)。隱式密度模型通過生成過程捕獲資料的統計分佈,該過程利用原始取樣法或基於馬爾可夫鏈的取樣。 GAN屬於定向隱式模型類別。

GAN architectures

Fully connected GANs

The first GAN architectures used fully connected neural networks for both the generator and discriminator.

Convolutional GANs

Laplacian pyramid of adversarial networks (LAPGAN)
decompose the generation process using multiple scales: a ground-truth image is itself decomposed into a Laplacian pyramid and a conditional, convolutional GAN is trained to produce each layer given the one above.
deep convolutional GAN (DCGAN)
allows training a pair of deep convolutional generator and discriminator networks.
volumetric convolutions
synthesize three-dimensional (3-D) data samples
present a method map from two-dimensional (2-D) images to 3-D versions of objects portrayed in those images.

Conditional GANs

Conditional GANs have the advantage of being able to provide better representations for multimodal data generation.
Conditional GANs

GANs with inference models

In GANs original formulation, they lacked a way to map a given observation, x, to a vector in latent space—in the GAN literature, this is often referred to as an inference mechanism.
Inference models introducing an inference network in which the discriminators examine joint (data, latent) pairs.
GANs with inference models

Adversarial autoencoders

Autoencoders are networks, composed of an encoder and decoder, which learn to map data to an internal latent representation and out again.
Learn a deterministic mapping (via the encoder) from a data space, e.g., images, into a latent or representation space, and a mapping (via the decoder) from the latent space back to data space.

Training GANs


The training of GANs involves both finding the parameters of a discriminator that maximize its classification accuracy and finding the parameters of a generator that maximally confuse the discriminator.
One approach to improving GAN training is to asses the empirical “symptoms” that might be experienced during training. These symptoms include:
- difficulties in getting the pair of models to converge
- the generative model “collapsing” to generate very similar samples for different inputs
- the discriminator loss converging quickly to zero, providing no reliable path for gradient updates to the generator.

Arjovsky et al. showed that the support Pg (x) and Pdata (x) lie in a lower-dimensional space than that corresponding to X. The consequence of this is that Pg (x) and Pdata (x) may have no overlap, and so there exists a nearly trivial discriminator that is capable of distinguishing real samples, x~Pdata (x) from fake samples, x~Pg (x) with 100% accuracy.
If D is not optimal, the update may be less meaningful or inaccurate.

Training tricks

One of the first major improvements in the training of GANs for generating images were the DCGAN architectures proposed by Radford et al.
- strided and fractionally strided convolutions
- batch normalization was recommended for use in both networks to stabilize training in deeper models
- Another suggestion was to minimize the number of fully connected layers used to increase the feasibility of training deeper models.
- using leaky rectifying linear units (ReLUs) activation functions between the intermediate layers of the discriminator gave superior performance over using regular ReLUs.

Later, Salimans et al. proposed further heuristic approaches for stabilizing the training of GANs.
- The first, feature matching, changes the objective of the generator slightly to increase the amount of information available.(the discriminator is still trained to distinguish between real and fake samples, but the generator is now trained to match the discriminator’s expected intermediate activations (features) of its fake samples with the expected intermediate activations of the real samples)
- The second, minibatch discrimination, adds an extra input to the discriminator, which is a feature that encodes the distance between a given sample in a minibatch and the other samples. This is intended to prevent mode collapse, as the discriminator can easily tell if the generator is producing the same outputs.
- A third trick, heuristic averaging, penalizes the network parameters if they deviate from a running average of previous values, which can help convergence to an equilibrium.
- The fourth, virtual batch normalization, reduces the dependency of one sample on the other samples in the minibatch by calculating the batch statistics for normalization with the sample placed within a reference minibatch that is fixed at the beginning of training.
- Finally, one-sided label smoothing makes the target for the discriminator 0.9 instead of one, smoothing the discriminator’s classification boundary, hence preventing an overly confident discriminator that would provide weak gradients for the generator.adding noise to the samples before feeding them into the discriminator
In practice, this can be implemented by adding Gaussian noise to both the synthesized and real images, annealing(退火) the standard deviation over time.

Alternative formulations

Generalizations of the GAN cost function
- Nowozin et al. showed that GAN training may be generalized to minimize not only the JS divergence, but an estimate of f-divergences; these are referred to as f-GANs.
- Uehara et al. extend the f-GAN further, where in the discriminator step the ratio of the distributions of real and fake data are predicted, and in the generator step the f-divergence is directly minimized.

* Alternative cost functions to prevent vanishing gradients *
- Wasserstein GAN (WGAN), a GAN with an alternative cost function that is derived from an approximation of the Wasserstein distance.
- WGAN is more likely to provide gradients that are useful for updating the generator
- Gulrajani et al. proposed an improved method for training the discriminator for a WGAN, by penalizing the norm of discriminator gradients with respect to data samples during training, rather than performing parameter clipping.(weight clipping adversely reduces the capacity of the discriminator model, forcing it to learn simpler

A brief comparison of GAN variants

  1. 由於“梯度消失”,GAN模型很難訓練,本文中adversarial autoencoder (AAE) 和 WGAN 相對容易訓練。
  2. GAN 和 WGAN 訓練出來的樣本可能屬於“訓練集”中的任何一種Conditional GANs可以訓練使用者指定類別的樣本。
  3. 隱藏層的向量包含著含義,可以用於視覺化。BiGANs和ALI提供了將圖片對應到隱藏層的機制(inference)

The structure of latent space

GAN的“隱藏層”構建了資料的representation,“生成器”末尾的隱藏層“highly structured”,支援high-level semantic operations。
Examples include the rotation of faces from trajectories through latent space, as well as image analogies that have the effect of adding visual attributes such as eyeglasses onto a “bare” face.
Many GAN models have an encoder that additionally supports the inverse mapping.
With an encoder, collections of labeled images can be mapped into latent spaces and analyzed to discover
“concept vectors” that represent high-level attributes such as “smiling” or “wearing a hat.” These vectors can be applied at scaled offsets in latent space to influence the behavior of the generator.

Applications of GANs

  • Classification and regression
  • Image synthesis
  • Image-to-image translation
  • Superresolution


1、Mode collapse
- 平衡樣本分佈,或者用多個GAN來覆蓋的不同概率分佈
- 讓“鑑別器”先多更新幾步,然後用更新後的“鑑別器”來更新“生成器”unrolling the discriminator for several steps.letting it calculate its updates on the current generator for several steps, and then using the “unrolled” discriminators to update the generator using the normal minimax objective.

2、Training instability—saddle points
- 在GAN中,損失函式的Hessian是不確定的,因此最好是找到“鞍點”而不是“區域性最小值”。而收斂到GAN的鞍點需要良好的初始化(如果我們隨機選擇優化器的初始點,則梯度下降不會收斂到概率為1的鞍點)
- 在一定容量以下,可能不存在均衡

3、Evaluating generative models


The explosion of interest in GANs is driven not only by their potential to learn deep, highly nonlinear mappings from a latent space into a data space and back but also by their potential to make use of the vast quantities of unlabeled image data that remain closed to deep representation learning. Within the subtleties of GAN training, there are many opportunities for developments in theory and algorithms, and with the power of deep networks, there are vast opportunities for new applications.