1. 程式人生 > >The Ehcache second-level cache provider for Hibernate is deprecated

The Ehcache second-level cache provider for Hibernate is deprecated

WARN 8268 — [restartedMain] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation : HHH020100: The Ehcache second-level cache provider for Hibernate is deprecated. See https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-12441 for details.
專案集成了Ehcache ,報出了上述警告。
hibernate-ehcache包建立在Ehcache 2的基礎上,現在推薦hibernate-jcache,是與Ehcache 3整合的包。

Steve Ebersole added a comment - 11/Apr/2018 08:05 AM
Deprecated in favor of either:

  • hibernate-jcache in combination with Ehcache 3 (which is a JCache provider).
  • the RegionFactory implementation from Ehcache, if/when they provide that.

hibernate-ehcache is based on Ehcache 2, which is no longer supported - Ehcache 3 is the one supported by the Ehcache team.

hibernate-ehcache包建立在Ehcache 2的基礎上,現在推薦hibernate-jcache,是與Ehcache 3整合的包。