1. 程式人生 > >RISC-V雙週簡報0x10:走在“時尚的前沿”(2018-02-01)


RISC-V 雙週簡報 (2018-02-01)


  • glibc的RISC-V Port併入主線
  • 6月底國內將舉辦RISC-V活動


glibc 的risc-v port 合併主線

經過七個版本,glibc的risc-v port終於趕上 glibc 2.27的release了。目前的glibc包括 rv64imac/lp64, rv64G/lp64, 和 rv64imafdc/lp64d。glibc穩定後,將有助於 Debian 和 Fedora等軟體的穩定。


UltraSoC交付業內首個RISC-V Trace IP

UltraSoC最近開始提供RISC-V Trace IP用來讓處理器內部的行為更加視覺化。不僅如此,UltraSoC的IP還支援幾乎所有能夠找到的RISC-V CPU廠商。UltraSoC同時也是RISC-V相關標準的積極參與者。

Processor trace functionality allows the behavior of a program to be viewed in detail, instruction-by-instruction, and is a key requirement for system developers. The UltraSoC RISC-V trace encoder supports both 32 and 64-bit RISC-V designs and the IP block integrates smoothly with the rest of the UltraSoC portfolio, supporting open and industry standard architectures to put self-analytic capabilities at the heart of SoCs. UltraSoC’s embedded analytics supports design teams, helping to manage complexity and improving time to market, design costs, reliability, safety and security in applications from automotive to enterprise IT and the IoT.






isolation is easy, sharing is hard. 隔離比較簡單,但是共享卻很難(簡單隔離比較容易做到,但是考慮共享資料的隔離問題,就變得複雜了)。

The software problems are a lot harder, because most programming languages really like being able to share objects (whatever that means in the language), not page sized memory buffers, between components. 關於隔離的軟體問題更加複雜。這是因為程式語言(程式)希望能共享類似物件的資料結構,而不是一個以頁為單位的記憶體緩衝區。

It’s worth noting that the result from Mondrian Memory Protection was a clear statement that useful translation boundaries and useful protection boundaries rarely align. This is particularly apparent on modern systems, where superpages give a significant reduction in TLB pressure, but give you 2MB+ translations, which are far too large for any kind of fine-grained protection. 地址翻譯和記憶體保護的邊界往往不統一。這個問題在現代系統中更加突出。 比如說為了減少地址翻譯對TLB的影響,現代系統傾向於給程序分配大頁,而大頁對於記憶體保護來說簡直是太大了!


在RISC-V的硬體郵件列表中,Max Hayden Chiz詳細討論瞭如何為Rocket和BOOM新增硬體預取機制。 他給出了很多預取設計需要考慮的問題和大量的參考文獻:

As for the L1 cache, the general belief in the modern literature is that it’s less important because an OoO core can generally hide the latency of an L1 miss.


在和Andrew Waterman討論之後,Max準備先實現一個prefetch buffer,一個在一級和二級快取之間的buffer,由一級快取的miss來觸發預取並存放資料。當一級快取miss時,則可以更快地從prefetch buffer讀到資料。這樣設計的好處是預取模組暫時和其他模組沒有直接聯絡,具有更好的模組性。



另外,有人也提出,可以做基於FPGA的TLB優化。FPGA有大量的BRAM,但是CAM實現非常的消耗資源。傳統使用CAM來做associative的TLB在FPGA上效能不高。但是我們可以用BRAM來做directly mapped快取,使用其他方法(the nearly-associative memory from UPenn)提高directly mapped快取的associativity,則效能就能匹配CAM設計的TLB。


linux kernel 4.15-rc9 和 4.15 的更新

在4.15 rc 的尾聲,只有一個小變化。risc-v port 現在有個新的 mailing list 和git repo了。


  • [新的git repo](git git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/palmer/riscv-linux.git)

在mailing list中,也已經有一些新的patch在討論。像是:


RISC-V tokyo 的文件公開

RISC-V tokyo的文件公開了。許多公司像是 NSITEXE、Redhat 和 SHC 的演講都很有趣,可以參考。

“Automation and Reuse in RISC-V Verification Flow”

在最近的Verification Horizons Letter中,來自 Codasip 的 Marcela Zachariasova and Lubos Moravec 在這篇中介紹了他們公司使用的 Verification flow 和 他們的UVM架構。

關於RISC-V ISA的11個謬論

RISC-V基金會市場委員會的副主席Ted Marena最近在Electronic Design上發表了一片科普軟文,澄清了大眾的一些常見的誤區。


  1. RISC-V是另一個處理器設計
  2. RISC-V僅是為學術界設計的,而非工業界
  3. 目前還沒有任何可用的FPGA核或是整合設計環境能夠讓我用來評估RISC-V
  4. 要想使用RISC-V你必須支付License費
  5. 設計RISC-V核的公司必須要分享他們的IP給客戶
  6. 相比x86或者ARM,RISC-V並不會更快或更高效
  7. RISC-V的軟體工具並不存在
  8. 多個RISC-V核心並不能共存也不能被其他Core所操縱
  9. 信任RISC-V核是危險的
  10. Linux作業系統並不支援RISC-V
  11. 不可能從FPGA移植一個RISC-V設計到ASIC




Tiernan Ray在Barron’s上發表了一片簡短的文章,講述了他所看到的Nvidia和西部資料在RISC-V上的一些行動。


Patterson, and RISC-V, made a big splash a year ago, when he described work that had been done at Alphabet’s (GOOGL) Google to develop the so-called “tensor processing unit” for Google’s cloud computing operations. The TPU, which Patterson and his team claim can achieve vast improvements in performance and efficiency versus Intel and Nvidia chips, was itself a result of work on RISC-V, as I explained in an article last summer in Barron’s print magazine.


Galois獲DARPA RISC-V相關合同



Work includes the evaluation of security and suitability of up to 72 different RISC-V operating central processing units from eight individual SSITH teams.

The CPUs are designed to employ various system security methods and hardware design languages such as Bluespec, Chisel and System Verilog, Galois noted.

Galois’ Balancing Evaluation of System Security Properties with Industrial Needs project aims to measure hardware security protection with security metrics, methodology and framework.

BESSPIN will work to provide hardware security assurance capacities for CPU and semiconductor vendors, hardware manufacturers and DoD.

Link: [Galois to Develop Hardware Security Tools, Methods Under DARPA Program](Galois to Develop Hardware Security Tools, Methods Under DARPA Program)

原Intel VP Sunil Shenoy加入SiFive

曾經參與過多個Intel重量級專案的VP Sunil Shenoy最近加盟了SiFive。相信其在Intel多年的經驗會讓SiFive內力大增。

Shenoy brings more than 30 years of technology experience to SiFive, holding 16 patents in microprocessor design, and working on or leading notable projects including the Intel PentiumTM 4 generation of microprocessors, highly integrated multi-core Intel XeonTM microprocessors for datacenter and enterprise servers,and the family of massively parallel Intel Xeon PhiTM microprocessors. During his time at Intel, Shenoy led silicon development teams consisting of several thousand engineers across the world, helping to bring products successfully to market. He also drove collaborative programs with major EDA vendors.

Codasip釋出其最新的Studio 7設計工具

Codasip最近釋出了其最新的設計工具Studio 7,這是一個用來快速定製處理器的工具。一些有趣的特性包括支援用一種叫做CodAL的語言來描述定製化的指令及擴充套件,在生成RTL和完整的SDK的同時也能夠生成system verilog描述的UVM驗證環境。

“Studio 7 is a big step forward for Codasip’s advanced processor creation technology, and will take the guesswork out of implementing the ever-expanding number of ISA options in the RISC-V specification. Studio can help generate processors well-suited to the widest range of application areas, from machine learning inference engines to host processor DSP offload, networking, and storage,” stated Karel Masařík, CEO and co-founder of Codasip. “With Studio 7, there is no need to settle for a one-size-fits-all processor.”



  • BARC 2018 2018年1月26在波士頓的Boston Area Architecture Workshop,有兩場跟RISC-V有關的演講。


  • FOSDEM’18 2018年2月3-4日,FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Developers’ European Meeting)將在比利時的布魯塞爾舉行。

  • PULP WORKSHOP AT HPCA2018 2018年2月25日,在維也納的HPCA中,會有一場跟Pulp 有關的workshop。PULP小組會介紹PULP最新的發展,和他們未來的走向,包括 PULP-CAPI (Coherent Accelerator Processor Interface) 和 Ariane (Next generation of 64-bit RISC-V implementations)等。詳情可參考 pulpino mailing list 中的 < PULP newsletter - 4Q2017 >。

  • Embedded World 2018 2018年2月27日,在德國 Nuremberg 的 Embedded world會有一整天跟risc-v有關的演講。包括 Microsemi, Mentor Graphics等公司都會給演講。AMD的CTO Mark Papermaster 也會給一個 Conference Keynote。



  • CNRV的成員和愛好者們正在RISC-V基金會的支援下籌備一場線下活動,時間暫定為2018年6月29日或者30日,場地等各項事宜正在積極籌備中。有任何建議、意見和想法,都可以發郵件給群頭 [email protected]



整理編集: 宋威、黃柏瑋、郭雄飛

