1. 程式人生 > >leetcode473. Matchsticks to Square★

leetcode473. Matchsticks to Square★

總結 可以2sum,3sum, 4sum…頭暈 - Mark程式碼不是最簡的,待完善



例子 Example 1:

Input: [1,1,2,2,2] Output: true

Explanation: You can form a square with length 2, one side of the square came two sticks with length 1. Example 2:

Input: [3,3,3,3,4] Output: false

Explanation: You cannot find a way to form a square with all the matchsticks.

解法 很容易得到正方形的邊長side; 建立一個長度為4的輔助陣列subNums表示4條邊的邊長; (截止條件) 前三條邊長度都等於side,返回True (主體) 嘗試填充四條邊,如果填充完了都無法返回True,則返回False (剪枝):陣列nums排序-O(nlogn);從大數開始操作,節省時間

解法 DFS

class Solution(object):
    def makesquare(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: bool
        side =
sum(nums) / 4 if len(nums) < 4 or max(nums) > side or side * 4 != sum(nums): return False nums.sort(reverse = True) subNums = [side] * 4 return self.dfs(nums, subNums, side, 0) def dfs(self, nums, subNums, side, idx): if idx ==
len(nums): return True num = nums[idx] for i in range(4): if subNums[i] >= num: subNums[i] -= num if self.dfs(nums, subNums, side, idx+1): return True subNums[i] += num return False