1. 程式人生 > >Jenkins 2.156 每週更新版釋出,可擴充套件的持續整合引擎

Jenkins 2.156 每週更新版釋出,可擴充套件的持續整合引擎


Jenkins 2.156 釋出了,這個系列不是 LTS 版本,它每週都會發佈一個新版本,為使用者和外掛開發者提供錯誤修復和新功能。


  •  User account creation by administrators did not show error messages when it failed. (Regression in 2.129) (issue 52869)

  •  Fix java.lang.IllegalStateException that could occur in rare cases on Jenkins startup. (

    issue 55197issue 55070)

  •  Attempt to prevent NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/ServletException under some conditions on agents. (issue 26677)

  •  Update Remoting from 3.27 to 3.28 to fix some minor issues and enhance NO_PROXY options. (full changelogissue 47977

    issue 48778issue 49987issue 50730issue 51108issue 54005)

  •  Replace the Flash implementation of the "copy to clipboard" feature with the native JavaScript equivalent. (issue 54933)

  •  Login and signup pages redesigned in 2.129 now can receive style contributions (footer

     view for SimplePageDecorator) from multiple plugins. (issue 54325)

下載地址 https://jenkins.io/download/,其中提供了適用於 Windows 和主流 Linux 發行版的二進位制安裝包。

Jenkins 的前身 Hudson 是一個可擴充套件的持續整合引擎。


1.持續、自動地構建/測試軟體專案,如 CruiseControl 與 DamageControl。